Money no object LED

Looking to switch my old 600wHPS/MH light for something top notch.

It’ll ideally need to cover a 5x5 tent footprint.

I was looking at a gravita 1700 this morning which seems decent but says it might struggle to fully cover a 5x5 area.

What would u guys recommend I look at?

I went with a HLG scorpion Diablo 600+ watt really like it runs pretty cool....good luck a lot to choose from...peace
Don't piss away your cash. I have used California Lights that are very pricey and compared with two 150w hyperlite groplanner O and have never noticed a difference. I like that hyperlite has some deep red led in the board.

I will no longer spend more than $1/watt for an LED.
Don't piss away your cash. I have used California Lights that are very pricey and compared with two 150w hyperlite groplanner O and have never noticed a difference. I like that hyperlite has some deep red led in the board.

I will no longer spend more than $1/watt for an LED.
Especially since the new 150w O series (without wifi but with dimmer) are 69.99 on amazon. Deep red AND UV
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I'm enjoying my raging kush 2.0. I run a double decker and my top plants are leggier than my bottom plants. It was nice to be able to write up 2 different recipes so the tall plants get more cool light to slow stretch and the bottom plants get warmer light to promote stretch.