Molly prices??

Someone is propagating about half of all the current drug myths in .

Check dance safe for a dose of reality.
All molly is, is pure MDMA. Ecstasy has mdma and is usually cut with an upper like coke or meth. Most of the time it's meth because it's more potent than cocaine and gets you more tweaked out so you can feel a more desirable effect along with the MDMA. A lot of people think ecstasy is just pure MDMA. No it's not. Not by far. There's a reason why X-pills are pressed. You can't take Crystal MDMA and press it without there being another substance in it that the crystals can bind with to form a more stable solid. Also, they are pressed as usually have random designs on then to make them more eye catching to the buyer. Such as blue Dolphins, Starbucks, air Jordan's, playboy bunnies, airplanes, ferraris even pistols. All different kinds. But no, ecstasy does not contain just molly. Always cut with another substance rather it's really cut up coke, meth, Ritalin, adderall, etc. But mostly meth. And no not Crystal meth. Shake and bake. Two different drugs as well.

Please don't believe all this.
And to the person who mentioned cutting acid with strychnine, thats a bad idea even though many people do it. It's playing with death. One slight miscalculation would kill your buyers which would kill your money. If you want to cut your acid ( which I highly recommend not doing ) you should cut it with 2cb. It's a classic RC that'll always get the job done without you having to completely soak your blotter tabs. I wouldn't recommend cutting your acid with more than 25% of 2cb because your risk of havig seizures sky rockets and you don't want your customers freaking out. No more than 500 microdots. But Albert Hoffman took years and years to develop lysergic acid diethylamide ( lsd) and worked really hard to produce a drug with that much awesomeness LOL. It'd be an insult to him and the chemists around the globe who produce this spectacular drug to cut it with anything.

This is near pure crap. What the he'll is "near 500 micro dots"?

When dealing with blotter, strychnine is not active in small enough quantities to reside on it. Nor 2cb for that matter.

Nor is it an rc.

Please don't believe fabrications about drugs.

10 bucks a point is the standard back home (at least it was a couple years back) I see people here saying 20 a g and it blows my mind, course quality comes into play as well it was always nice because we have a big university near by and those college kids goin after their bachelor's in chemistry need some kind of funding
This is near pure crap. What the he'll is "near 500 micro dots"?

When dealing with blotter, strychnine is not active in small enough quantities to reside on it. Nor 2cb for that matter.

Nor is it an rc.

Please don't believe fabrications about drugs.


man, i really miss the old regulars of this section canndo..
I made my name regarding my lack of experience to growing marijuana, not lack of knowledge regarding to drugs lol. And to whomever said that people are cutting ecstasy with heroin is probably thinking of soemthing else. Ecstasy was specifically designed as a party drug that keeps you up and going for hours upon hours. Heroin is an opiate and opiates are depressants. It wouldn't make any sense to cut your X pills with heroin because MDMA acts as a stimulant and the heroin would counteract with the MDMA and would balance out eachother. You would still get high but it wouldn't be very desirable as it could be. That's likes drinking a bunch of caffeine and then taking some Benadryl. So anyone that knows what they're doing wouldn't cut their X-pills with heroin. Plus it'd cost more to cut it with heroin than something else. As to the person who asked if uppers make your dick limp and to the person who said yes...Uppers ( aka stimulants ) increase your heart rate, blood pressure and even your internal temperature. It actually would help you keep a hard on and last longer do to the increased blood flow to your penis, and the added euphoria your body would experience. They also decrease your body's sensitivity and your bodies alert to pain which plays a major role in controlling when you climax during a sexual intercourse. Opiates, benzodiazepines, alcohol, heroin ( which technically is an opiate) and a couple other substances are the ones that make it difficult to contract an erection. They slow your heart rate which decreases the amount of blood flow to your penis.

Iol ask your girl about that dope d
man, i really miss the old regulars of this section canndo..

As do I. There has always been the service of harm reduction, knowledge, caution and debunking of myth.

Drug users, for some reason just love myth.

"mdma puts holes in your brain"
" the reason stuff gets you high is because it is a poisin"
"LSD stays in your spinal fluid"
Ok, so everyone knows what the prices are. What I want to know is where to get it. For the past few months I had a steady connect for it. Then it went to shit and I can't get it anymore. I spent countless amount on going to edm festivals to try and find it again. All I can ever find is acid. I want Molly. Can someone please tell me, go here, look for that..I'm desperate here. Thanks for any replies
Like that is ever, ever going to happen. We are here to recall a lost Era, compare notes and perhaps teach or learn. We are not exchanging dangerous and illegal substances with each other.

Nor are we here to endanger our freedom or the freedom of others.

Find your drugs from your friends, test them and perhaps use them in a responsible and knowledgeable fashion.

Better yet, stick to what you grow yourself.
Like that is ever, ever going to happen. We are here to recall a lost Era, compare notes and perhaps teach or learn. We are not exchanging dangerous and illegal substances with each other.

Nor are we here to endanger our freedom or the freedom of others.

Find your drugs from your friends, test them and perhaps use them in a responsible and knowledgeable fashion.

Better yet, stick to what you grow yourself.
Boom!!! Amen brother! We do Not give Any probable cause to warrant search and seizure, and I Will Die defending that God Blessed Inalienable Right for Everyone. Even you @jayfromphillyarea , you fed. Go get a real job and produce something, instead of trying to destroy Citizen's lives and rights.
I'm not asking you for anything like that! Asking for a suggestion. Go here, look for this. That type of thing. It's not a lost era either. I had a really good connect I met at an edm event. I don't even like the music but I heard that it's where I might find it so I went. It was pure amazing rocks 100 per g. I dealt with them for a few months and then something happened and they got paranoid and stopped. Any information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. I do not aquint myself with friends that do drugs. That's the lost era. I do like M though and would love to be able to do it every few months or so after a proper recovery
Ohh and btw, m will be legal very soon. It's insane to outlaw something so amazing. No one in their right mind would do anything dangerous on it. And you can die from overdoing just about anything especially alcohol. They are using m now in Boston to help vets with ptsd. With the high success rate. It helps you heal. I would never sit there and grow anything as you suggested. I'm not like that. M every few months on special occasion is a different story. And do you honestly think that Feds have nothing better to do but to come on this thread looking to build a case? Common!
even a tweaker like me

knows not to tinker trades with a guy from mystery

and I will frown upon thee

Tina made me meaner
and molly made me sloppy
but dope never got me cuz I had fam to stop me
Lucy made me think I found love once I met her
but baby drove me Crrazzy, Mary Jane she treat me better
but if thats the case then I guess dabs would be the mistress
even a tweaker like me

knows not to tinker trades with a guy from mystery

and I will frown upon thee

Tina made me meaner
and molly made me sloppy
but dope never got me cuz I had fam to stop me
Lucy made me think I found love once I met her
but baby drove me Crrazzy, Mary Jane she treat me better
but if thats the case then I guess dabs would be the mistress
Haha I like this.!
Ohh and btw, m will be legal very soon. It's insane to outlaw something so amazing. No one in their right mind would do anything dangerous on it. And you can die from overdoing just about anything especially alcohol. They are using m now in Boston to help vets with ptsd. With the high success rate. It helps you heal. I would never sit there and grow anything as you suggested. I'm not like that. M every few months on special occasion is a different story. And do you honestly think that Feds have nothing better to do but to come on this thread looking to build a case? Common!
The last word on there says it all... "Common". It Is common that they'd do that. And if you had success before then do it again. I'd say they got sketched because they smelled a Rat.!