moist soil


Active Member
I want a soil that kinda stays wet in grow bags on it own any suggestions on how to make this happen. So I want have to water as much in the summer . I still want to us grow bags to help my root system an not buckets but from what I here grow bags dry out really quick is there any way I can make my soil hold more water then usual. Thanks for any advice in advance


cover the surface with straw hay so no soil is exposed this will help the soil stay cool and moist

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
use a higher amount of pete moss , there is a product out there it looks like rock salt but turns into a jello consistency once watered that is mixed with the soil keeps plants going between watering


Well-Known Member
Other folks have here but not me. I don't need them. Ask around though you'll get some feed back.


Well-Known Member
I ran into problems useing it ,

I was not expecting it to hold as much water as it did and for the lenth of time it did , That in combo. with a wet year and I had casses of root rot

Miracle grow moisture control is basicaly the same stuff mixed with soil

I think this year im going to experment with useing a inch or so as a top dressing (Of the moisture control since I already own it)


Well-Known Member
For me Id rather not have a soil that's consistently moist, I believe it'd be more problematic, I like to have the soil dry up after a period of time, then water again


Well-Known Member
I've found most cannabis, like tobacco, prefers to dry out between waterings. I don't believe thàts much of a secret though, ha ha.