Modern Warfare 2 vs. Battlefield Bad Company 2


Well-Known Member
The COD series was one of the only games that consistently one-up'd itself every time by becoming more and more epic. Even when they continued to make WWII only games.

This of course speaking purely from a Campaign/ Single Player point of view. Still to this day the story mode of MW2 has been one of the best action movies I've ever seen. CoD series always has had fucking EPIC story lines that just shit everything right into your face and put you right into the field of battle. Love it.

As for multilayer and replay value awesomeness... Battlefield has always been up there but it wasn't until BC2 that it took the cake from CoD. Nothing beats how well the matches unfold when you have a squad that's constantly trading orders and shouting out info.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
360 exclusive???? the fuck. i say that purely as i'm just watching a 720p gameplay review of BC2 on the 360 and no wonder people are complaining about graphics, that is absolutely HIDEOUS! although saying that most all serious graphics games i've seen on 360 look pants


Well-Known Member
what you mean by 360 exclusive. I play BC2 on PS3 and the graphics, Audio, Gameplay are unrivaled. people dont seem to understand that the bigger the maps/mor players the more polygons that need to be processed. If BC2 or MAG had graphics as detailed as MW2 it would be like playing these games on a Sega Genisis. The consoles are just not as powerful as a PC. Im a console gamer and wish I could plug my NVIDIA 8800 GTX card into my ps3 but I cant. Another reason that the graphics arnt as detailed is that DICE's Frostbite engine buts more detail into enviroment ie..water splash when you shoot someone swimming, building destruction, weather emitters etc..


Well-Known Member
OH if anybody here feels like playing BC2 with me my PSN is THE_KRAIG

i always have a mic and am in the pacific timezone. I play any gametype but usually 90% of time am playing hardcore. Im not a bushwookie untill someone need to be slapped out of a tree. add me and put RIU in the body of the invite.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, as in allan wake being exclusive. i could have sworn that all the hype surrounding it on it's anouncment was dx10 :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah, the xbox360 is an ass platform.
PCs for the win.
though if i was gonna buy a console, i would get a PS3.
a LOT of power in that console.


Well-Known Member
The Graphics aren't that bad for BFBC2, the only thing would be the tree's n shit like that, but thats only because you can knock them out, and basically blow holes thru anything. Its more realistic, COD is full of rank whore just trying to level up, using double shot guns like a bunch of pussies. BFBC2 actually requires skill, there is a shit load of huge maps, i mean how you gonna say COD is better when you cant even drive any kind of vehicles? lol

In BFBC2 you have tanks, about 5 different kinds, 4 different helicopters, you got quads, seadoo's, boats, hummer's and other shit. Just depends what made you play, way more maps then COD, i like the guns better on BFBC2, when you get the rocket launcher you have 4 rockets, there is a bunch of lil perc's n shit, i mean i could sit here all day with this shit lol\

Now is COD copied BC2 and did what they did, then COD might be better, but ima huge BC2 fan now, i havnt play COD in a while, it just got old

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm just off to buy myself a legit copy of BC2. i'm sure they're both great games dependant on how you like your game play.

i can't bear rush, fast paced, free for all they are everywhere! type games, i much prefere games with big open maps, diverse means of carrying out objectives, and slowdown in gameplay you can often get, i can't play more than 30 minutes of all guns blazing before it get's a little tiring for me

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bf2 felt cheap as fook but i loved it none the less :) and BC2 doesn't feel much like cheap to me, certainly the single player is a joke of a storyline :D but everything felt sturrrdy imo