Modern Warfare 2 vs. Battlefield Bad Company 2


Active Member
Battle field takes no skill. Like someone said, all you have to do is hop in an apche and start fucking shit up. In MW2 you gotta work for you shit
if by work you mean sit in a corner and camp


where is the TEAM effort in mw

there is none

and have you ever actually flows in the apache before? its not easy

mw2 has no vehicles

mw2 has no bullet physics

mw2 has no teamwork

mw2 has no dedicated servers

need i go on?


Well-Known Member
Battle field takes no skill. Like someone said, all you have to do is hop in an apche and start fucking shit up. In MW2 you gotta work for you shit
The helicopter itself has a somewhat steep learning curve. Second there is ALWAYS a way to counter your enemy. The heli gets shot down all the time when someone on the enemy team knows their shit. AA guns, rpgs, guided missles, mounted 50cals. Good luck learning to fly while that's in your face.

Apache is only on a few maps too, another few have the Blackhawk where your passengers can only rack up kills with the miniguns. Also awesome with the right people. Most of the maps are chopper'less. Tanks, jeeps, UAV's (which you actually remote pilot and call out enemy locations by pinging them on everyone's map) fill the maps without choppers.


Well-Known Member
what about the tank?I fucked shit up when I got in it.
When you play and get all your "perks" you can rape tanks with the upgraded rockets. Not the mention the last unlockable launcher (AT-4) wrecks tanks. Any good squad has a good engineer... and that good engineer > Tanks.

Not to mention I play on Hardcore mode for everything so... it's fairly realistic how you can fire a 40mm grenade and knock armor panels off the tank and damage it slightly.

While we're on tanks... the physics and sound of the M1 Abrams tank are AMAZING. You can hear the jet engine throttle up and it rides like it's on a cloud. Hauls ASS!


Well-Known Member
Damn Im starting to be pissed about not buying it (I only rented it).All that made it seem pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
I won't lie the damage on regular mode is "WTF IS THIS SHIT?!" at most times. People take clips full of bullets and tanks take like 4 rockets. That's the reason I love MW2 as well... the damage is great... but the fact that it's SO arcadey that if you fire a .50cal bullet but you get shot first... your bullet just vanishes... lose so many kills when they should of had their ass blown out their face.

If you want BC2 at the fullest, play Hardcore mode. 1 shots all day.


Well-Known Member
If you like fast-paced shooter games then MW2 takes the cake. Which is why I don't think they can realy be compared. The game play is totally diffrent. I do agree that BC is more realistic with the gravitational pull of bullets and all. MW2 is just more detailed because the maps are 1/10th the size of BC maps. I do like the fact that you don't have to hear the other team whine when they get a lil sand in their vag. MW2 would have been alot better if they just left the killstreaks 3, 5, and 7. Now thats all anyone does is sit in the corner trying to get the gay ass nuke. MW2 could have gotten rid of all that hacking shit if they put out a BETA. MW2 is team oriented if you play S&D. Also to say theres no camping on BC is BS. But as someone already said, a few C-4's will change that. If they put MW2 game play in BC's environment, that game would be the shit. For now I gotta go with MW2 because I like fast-paced shooters better. But I heard the next BF is gonna be the most realistic war game to date.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i will also agree that in BC2 if you're against an opponent who knows ANYTHING about the game he's playing, you will not be alive in your vehicle for very long. and from video's on youtube and playing MW1, i'd also say it's totally and completely lacking in teamplay, which sucks, same reason i never enjoyed unreal tournament, get' boring after a handful of kills because it is nothing but action and firing and racking up your scores. bf2 might see you creeping around with a friend for 5 minutes to sneak up on a village etc


Well-Known Member
If you like fast-paced shooter games then MW2 takes the cake. Which is why I don't think they can realy be compared. The game play is totally diffrent. I do agree that BC is more realistic with the gravitational pull of bullets and all. MW2 is just more detailed because the maps are 1/10th the size of BC maps. I do like the fact that you don't have to hear the other team whine when they get a lil sand in their vag. MW2 would have been alot better if they just left the killstreaks 3, 5, and 7. Now thats all anyone does is sit in the corner trying to get the gay ass nuke. MW2 could have gotten rid of all that hacking shit if they put out a BETA. MW2 is team oriented if you play S&D. Also to say theres no camping on BC is BS. But as someone already said, a few C-4's will change that. If they put MW2 game play in BC's environment, that game would be the shit. For now I gotta go with MW2 because I like fast-paced shooters better. But I heard the next BF is gonna be the most realistic war game to date.
This pretty much sums it all up.
Did anyone see the new Metal of Honor game?It looks real good.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
unless they make it anyting like airbourne which was an utter pile of wank. you've just got to love games with so little storyline and tactical gameplay that they rely on chekpoint based spawning. until you cross X line you will never stop shooting!

does look a bit good though from the video


Well-Known Member
new MOH looks good. I stopped playing it during the ps1 yrs I could never get excited about the linear path style of the story. I always felt like i was walking down a canal being channeled through the game. At Pax East 2010 a game called Six Days in Fallejuah was shown looks pretty bad ass. There is also a game called Breach that looks pretty good as well. I dont know how to embed youtube vids or else i would but check em out.


Well-Known Member
Every Medal Of Honor game has always been miles behind in physics, action, graphics, storyline... That series of game was HORRID.


Well-Known Member
Every Medal Of Honor game has always been miles behind in physics, action, graphics, storyline... That series of game was HORRID.
Yea it was but it looks like they really rebuilt it by looking at this one.I hope theres a demo to try it out first.
My main games on the list are crysis 2 and Brink they look very good.I hope they come out soon.


Well-Known Member
^^^^agreed! But that trailor looks good. But they take clips from the story and make the trailor. The multiplayer could be trashhhh:(. Spliter Cell Conviction is 'supposed' to be completely diff, from the last ones. Perfect Dark Recon!!


Well-Known Member
Yea it was but it looks like they really rebuilt it by looking at this one.I hope theres a demo to try it out first.
My main games on the list are crysis 2 and Brink they look very good.I hope they come out soon.
Oh yeah don't get me wrong that trailer looks amazing but... theatrical trailers and intros for games always have AMAZING graphics when the game itself is shat.