Modern Warfare 2 vs. Battlefield Bad Company 2


Well-Known Member
I just didn't like Bc2 it didn't look as detailed as mw2 with the guns and shit.Mw2 was more addicting to I just started playing again.


Active Member
Title says it all. Imma MW2 fan, have'nt played Bad company 2. Whats better?why?
i would say mw2 all the way. i played bad c 2 on demo and i thought the graphics were well bad and i couldnt get into the game. maybe it could be that it was a demo, im not sure. but on that experience MW2! :-o


Well-Known Member
Forgot about the demo. Of the 65 people on my friends list, 98% still play MW2. That should be a sign..


Well-Known Member
i would say mw2 all the way. i played bad c 2 on demo and i thought the graphics were well bad and i couldnt get into the game. maybe it could be that it was a demo, im not sure. but on that experience MW2! :-o
nah the demo was pretty much the same as the final game.


Well-Known Member
nah I didn't even know there were new ones out.Im gonna check and if there like 5 dollars I'll probably buy them.


Active Member
nah I didn't even know there were new ones out.Im gonna check and if there like 5 dollars I'll probably buy them.
gdgd about time they bring them out lol. i was thinking... wouldnt it be sick if they made a night level map. what you reckon?


Well-Known Member
There called the Stimulus package. Under Spotlight on the dashboard. 1200points,$15. Gonna have to go to the store...


Well-Known Member
Damn 15 dollars is allot for some maps.I got ps3 so im thinking they might not be out on it yet.


Well-Known Member
upgrade to a computer and switch to bfbc2. Iv got it on PC and havent played MW2 since. MW2 is not team oriented, where bfbc2 is. BFBC2 all the way. Get rid of your crappy consoles and and upgrade to an actual gaming computer. If you absolutely HAVE to use a joystick... give me a call i can arrange something, haha, jk.


Active Member
I have played both single player and online.
They both have their good points and bad points.
I enjoy both, nothing like hitting a bowl and going for glory.
The BC2 is a bit less realisitic if you can call these games realistic. But the online play is where it gets better.


Well-Known Member
MW2 is great if you like arcade style deathmatches. Bad Company 2 is great if you like a straight up war where teamwork wins the match, not camping the same glitch spot all match like in MW2. BC2 has no fucking boosters cheating every match, and best but not least, they have a squad system so there's no constant shit talking from enemies.

All in all BC2 is a great game as is MW2.

If you're a Battlefield series fan, BC2 is epicly gooder than the rest.


Well-Known Member
In a nutshell, everyone who is a die hard MW2 fan isn't even a fuking gamer. Usually just douchey haters who bad mouth any game that isn't their "super badd ass awesome MW2".
bad company is so much better way more options for BC even better for on line same old shit for CoD. BC i can drop mortar strikes on positions or get in a chopper and use the mini gun or jummp in a tank its more of a war setting then CoD the game dosnt do BC justice but the on line play kills CoD. trust me i was a huge CoD fan but like i said its the same game play all the time every one is out for them selfs in CoD.BC is more of a team game,and if theres a camper in BC in a bilding hit it with your granade launcher and take out the wall then shoot the shit out of him it more of a realistic war game.
CoD is old, new maps but same shit run around by your self and kill ppl no team work thats not war, if i shoot a building with a tank in BC the building is coming down theres drones you can controle you wana make the argument about realisum you dont get more realistic then that. BC kills CoD in online game play