mmma down???

Now don't say 2 or 3 people have a problem with you, you lying snake tongued fuck. :finger:
If the 3MA keeps Timmahh don't expect me to believe shit they have to say.

This multi-ignorant fuck put "Jesus was a child molestor" as his signature.
Who from the 3MA wants Timmahh as a mod or even higer? I wouldn't let this asshole even remain as a member.
Now don't say 2 or 3 people have a problem with you, you lying snake tongued fuck. :finger:
If the 3MA keeps Timmahh don't expect me to believe shit they have to say.

This multi-ignorant fuck put "Jesus was a child molestor" as his signature.
Who from the 3MA wants Timmahh as a mod or even higer? I wouldn't let this asshole even remain as a member.

Second/sign/agree what have you.
I have been looking for those. Can you provide the Name or E.I.N. that it is registered as? Thnx
He's full of shit. A 501c's books need not be made public. That's complete crap and a total lie to make people think that nothing shady went on. Google "business entity search michigan" and you will find the state site for business entity lookup. You can see their filings there by searching for michigan medical marijuana. You will also see that that haven't recently filed for non profit status and that their old status has expired. Timmah is completely lying by saying a 501c's books must legally be made public. That is a falsehood. Complete lie. He thinks he can lie to people and they won't question him because when he did that on the 3ma he would just ban you and delete your post. He can't do that here so Timmah back up what you say. Post the 3ma's books here if they are so supposedly public. Or show me the law that says they are public. You can't because you are wrong. You're still lying to try and save face and gain trust. You are a worthless puny bully of a man. Fuk you!
Hello Folks,
I don't post much on any forums including the ones I've helped on. Been a member here since 09, but without the user back end I couldn't tell you one post I've written in.

I'm the so called "terrorist" Admin. I was the person that originally did the Drupal/IPB change over from Greg to Joe.

As soon as the site went live with the new administration, I was instructed by Joe to remove all instances site wide of the 3MA being a 501c organization. As for anything else filled with the courts, I can not attest to it. But I know the money that flowed via the back end for google adsense, and the all ads placed. This is would not include donations sent in via snail mail, and given personally.

I think most people problem, at least on the site we had to create when Joe went on nut because we were all amazed they put a kid at the helm that shouldnt of ever been there (He made a very basic first day mistake any developer knows better then to make: He attempted changes with no back up), was that Joe consistently and repeatedly told us that Michael was having to draw money from his own pocket to keep the site afloat. OK, well either the sites making it or it isnt. Well now there's supposedly 60k gone. One has to be a lie. At this time no one can believe anything the administration says.

Many of us tried. For a long time we'd ignore those belly aches when things didn't jive.....In the end I hope this doesn't hurt us all too bad. I know us MI people that are on Bubblegrowers new site are so tired of politics and people raping us wile giving us a smile. Joe or Michael, at this point it really doesn't make a difference..It's all tainted.
Hey Glad. How ya been? I never thought I would be on any otyer site but the 3MA. But here I am. You know me and you know I stand for patients. There is alot going on behind the scenes that cant be brought to light right now. Im not here to bash Joe Cain or any other Admin or Mod that was part of the 3MA. This last week has been very hard on me. I feel like I lost an entire family. And yes, even Joe. I dont know whats going to happen with the 3MA yet. Please know, I am still here for patients. Lately i've been called some pretty ugly things by some folks at the 3MA. I just let it roll off my back as I know people are just angry and confused. Yet I still would like to be a part of that group. They were my family. They accepted me for who I am. I learned alot from those guys. Just because you have a disagreement with your brothers, it dorsnt mean they arent still your brothers. Changes are coming and with those changes, hopefully there will be a better 3MA. Is Joe a crook? I dont know. Is Michael a crook? Again, I dont know. For now, i've decided to stay neutral. Im sure I said things to Joe that were uncalled for and vice versa. It happens. I hope both sides can come to a resolution that benefits the entire patient and caregiver population of Michigan. I hope this happens soon. I miss my family and want to get back to normal as soon as possible. I may have been quick to judge. I just dont know. Until more evidence comes to light, I will remain undecided on which side I will take. Each day that this feud goes unresolved, is a day that I have to sit and think of what happened. And honestly Glad, i dont think anyone at the 3MA knows for sure. One thing I do know is that I will be at the protest on the 17th supporting every organization, patient and caregiver in their fight for what is rightly ours. Our law as it was written. Thank You, Medcnman.

Bullshit. There is no one who had their head further up joe's ass than you, although you had plenty of company. I think your contributions to the community at large, that is any and all advocy groups, have been divisive and pathetic. You cannot unfuck this with protestations that you are neutral or uncertain. We have the text. You had best go back to school and learn to write, and get some professional help to help you walk away from your assholeness. If not, just keep quiet.
Bullshit. There is no one who had their head further up joe's ass than you, although you had plenty of company. I think your contributions to the community at large, that is any and all advocy groups, have been divisive and pathetic. You cannot unfuck this with protestations that you are neutral or uncertain. We have the text. You had best go back to school and learn to write, and get some professional help to help you walk away from your assholeness. If not, just keep quiet.
Hi Greg. How ya been?
The MMMA crashed and burned.

The only option they have is to start a new cult, with a different name, change all their screen names, ect.
What a sad turn of events. The timing couldn't have been any worse, either, given the upcoming legislative action and the need to organize a protest.

GregS, STFU. The mods were just mods on the site, and had nothing to do with the books. Medcnman strikes me as a very decent person as well as a number of other mods from the MMMA and they do not deserve such nasty language. He was in Lansing recently, lobbying, defending us... and AFAIK on most forum software mods can't place bans, that's usually reserved for administrators... so back off.

Timmahh, you aren't looking very trustworthy. I would stop trying to explain your actions as it's just making it worse.
What a sad turn of events. The timing couldn't have been any worse, either, given the upcoming legislative action and the need to organize a protest.

GregS, STFU. The mods were just mods on the site, and had nothing to do with the books. Medcnman strikes me as a very decent person as well as a number of other mods from the MMMA and they do not deserve such nasty language. He was in Lansing recently, lobbying, defending us... and AFAIK on most forum software mods can't place bans, that's usually reserved for administrators... so back off.

Timmahh, you aren't looking very trustworthy. I would stop trying to explain your actions as it's just making it worse.

Imagine. Mods that take part in trashing members of the community not having to fess up because they only had their heads up their cult leader's ass. We are all responsible for our choices. Or are we not?
So you can cry fould FatMarty, but it is only suitable if their was Private information of Mine or (yes this would be bad) if i were to post any of Glads private information. His PM to me was really no different than any thread we both type in, execpt I may of outted Glad for actaully being a decent human and treating me with some respect.
Even f it was in a private message. we needed proof of what a decent person I am. What a crock of shit.