mmma down???

  • i have had my concerns for a while, but one must use discretion to gain information that is factual.​

to stay in the loop and to get the info, one has to play the full part. Cant let the gaurd down. Yes i was harsh on people. To gain the trust of a psycho as manipulative as joe cain is, you have to be the "dee dee deee" so he will trust your the perfect fool for his games. Joe got played. He is gone. That is a benefit to everyone in the movement.

Jesus fuck Timmahh - you can't post a PM.
Please ban yourself for a week.

You Nor I posted anything relevant but the information you Brang up here Glad. Had there been anything out of context, i would of deleted it. YOU simply DONT SHARE private information in ANY forum. WTF do you think I told EVERYONE on the 3MA, and made it part of posting rules. THE PM SYSTEM can ONLY be used for contact information sharing, when any details of a Private Patient, Caregiver conversation or when wanting to discuss transfers, they MUST GO off the 3MA website. It is the ONLY way to ensure their details stay private.

and if any of you think just because your utilizing a PM system on a site, your pms are private (remember most all forums are PRIVATELY Held entities. Like wise, nearly ALL TOS rules, are almost always going to retain a clause stating ANY thing you post on that website, is THEIR Content once you hit send. not yours...

So you can cry fould FatMarty, but it is only suitable if their was Private information of Mine or (yes this would be bad) if i were to post any of Glads private information. His PM to me was really no different than any thread we both type in, execpt I may of outted Glad for actaully being a decent human and treating me with some respect.

Even f it was in a private message.
I am decent person. and I did try treating you with respect. And what did you do? EVERYONE TAKE NOTE OF THIS.

This is why Timmahh may be book smart, but he is no leader.
You posted my PM, I don't give a fuck if you thought it was eligible for posting. Many people are sick of this fighting and I tried to have a grown up discussion of the facts. You should not be a mod on any website, and if I gave a fuck about 3MA I would tell all the other members that Joe's name may be gone, but the practices of the 3MA are alive and well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Glad. How ya been? I never thought I would be on any otyer site but the 3MA. But here I am. You know me and you know I stand for patients. There is alot going on behind the scenes that cant be brought to light right now. Im not here to bash Joe Cain or any other Admin or Mod that was part of the 3MA. This last week has been very hard on me. I feel like I lost an entire family. And yes, even Joe. I dont know whats going to happen with the 3MA yet. Please know, I am still here for patients. Lately i've been called some pretty ugly things by some folks at the 3MA. I just let it roll off my back as I know people are just angry and confused. Yet I still would like to be a part of that group. They were my family. They accepted me for who I am. I learned alot from those guys. Just because you have a disagreement with your brothers, it dorsnt mean they arent still your brothers. Changes are coming and with those changes, hopefully there will be a better 3MA. Is Joe a crook? I dont know. Is Michael a crook? Again, I dont know. For now, i've decided to stay neutral. Im sure I said things to Joe that were uncalled for and vice versa. It happens. I hope both sides can come to a resolution that benefits the entire patient and caregiver population of Michigan. I hope this happens soon. I miss my family and want to get back to normal as soon as possible. I may have been quick to judge. I just dont know. Until more evidence comes to light, I will remain undecided on which side I will take. Each day that this feud goes unresolved, is a day that I have to sit and think of what happened. And honestly Glad, i dont think anyone at the 3MA knows for sure. One thing I do know is that I will be at the protest on the 17th supporting every organization, patient and caregiver in their fight for what is rightly ours. Our law as it was written. Thank You, Medcnman.
I believe everything you say. Brenda has said through all of this that when everything settles it will be known that you haven't abused or used anyone. She said that you stood out as the nicest most honest person at the market. I don't know if it is the Native American, but her judge of character can be banked on. I will be moving and getting involved with many aspects of Michigan. I had some serious questions on what I have witnessed Timmahh type and I tried discussing these with him. I hope many at the 3MA have followed this moderators posts on here.
You will land on your feet for sure medcnman and the lessons you have learned over the last month will make you much stronger and wiser and your true friends and true family will surface. If there is ever anything at all that I can do to help you out do not hesitate a second to call me.
Hey tim and med man,, how do guys like restricting free speech?? you guys are the lowest of lows, we do not forget nor should we, you guys at the MMMA are a disgrace to the patients of michigan your time is up, its over , there will never be trust in the MMMA with people like you running it,, now why doing you both go back and suk joe off like you always do ,,
I have know of medcnman helping patients and I know of Timmahh ATTACKING patients and caregivers. It makes me cringe to see you lump them together.
the mmma will still be the same bullshit it has been.a good ole boys club .hell you have to be in the so called in crowd to find meds or clones on that site .only a handfull are allowed to push there products.that site is fucked .there so into peoples rights yeah what a joke .what about the freadom of speach???????and now that joe is gone timmah wants to do a 180 i call bullshit on that if joe was still there timmahh would still have a mouth full of joes mushroom .fake ass people arnt who i want defending our take the spine outa a man youll really see how plyable they really are.way to go timmahh
Can you prove any instances of me restricting anyones speech? I was a mod for no more than 2 weeks before this poo hit the fan. Those that know me know what I stand for. I wish you knew what we were up against. Im not taking sides. Im just waiting for this all to blow over. I never asked to be a mod. I woke up one morning and had a new title. I made it very clear that I was going to do nothing more than what I was already doing. Helping patients. So please, enlighten me as to where I personally have restricted anyones speech. Thank You, Medcnman.
I hope you stay here on RIU. Do some grow reports and meet some great people that take good info from all reputable sites and make decisions. This is a good place. Aside from this bullshit here.
We need a united front. Our competition is united and poised to crush us. Time to throw out the pettieness. We need quality people whom can absorb and deflect personal attacks and stay on point. This is the only reason we are in this situation. We cannot have even one shady person in our ranks. We have to all be model citizens. Wake up this is what is crushing our movement.
Which is exactly why I pointed out Timmahh's bullshit today. these are his actions from today 4/3/12, not a month ago when he can blame Joe Cain. This guy is a straight up asshole, he posted my PM for public fight cause he wants spotlight. WATCH THIS GUY PEOPLE!!!!!
sorry med, to lump you into the groug of turds, like q tip and krusty, and tim,, joe and mike,, but you all know birds of a feather flock together, people judge you with the company you keep.
Which is exactly why I pointed out Timmahh's bullshit today. these are his actions from today 4/3/12, not a month ago when he can blame Joe Cain. This guy is a straight up asshole, he posted my PM for public fight cause he wants spotlight. WATCH THIS GUY PEOPLE!!!!!

Yea I saw through his smoke&mirrors I defended bob aginst his personal attacks. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and take the fight to them.
Pretty funny stuff watching the MMMA explode, I figured it was just a matter of time.

It was like watching a Cult following its insane leader. If you even questioned the Farmers Market it was an instant Ban.

I went there to find answers, and ask for help on the Law. All I got was banned 7 times, too funny.

I just cant see how the MMMA can be trusted to help people.
Jesus Timmah. Quit while you're ahead. You're looking like a bigger pos with each post. And, I don't care what glad sent you via PM .... you don't post that shit up for all to see. That speaks to your character (which isn't saying much).

You honestly look like a slimy politician who will do/say anything just to get elected. You have lost every shred of credibility on this site. Why don't you focus your energy on your real goal, which is becoming the new Joe Cain at the 3MA and lining your own pockets.

We know where to find you if we have any questions on the law.
You're nothing more than joe cain's lackey boy timahh. Go screw yourself. You're still lying. I happen to work for a nonprofit and their books are not made public you loser. Nothing in the law requires that. That is your continued attempt to cover for joe cain and the 3ma.

There are posts all over the internet calling joe cain out and it cant be escaped now. You sit there like a stupid fuk and act like joe cain was compassionate still. You lying fuk. You knew they had money if you have access to their books yet you saw it as okay for joe cain to beg for money and say they had none? That's compassion? To beg for money from the people who can least afford it when you know you have plenty of money coming in?

You're a lying fuk timahh and you disgust me. Your holier than thou attitude on the 3ma was disgusting and then you come here with a different face and act compassionate? You're a short, ugly, diminutive troll of a man with no soul. Go suck joe cain's cock some more you piece or worthless shit.

You private message me and say you want to cross reference donations in the books. You're lying scum. If you have access to the books then you know what a sham the 3ma was. And you also know that joe cain took tons of cash donations at the ralleys and markets and never recorded them so don't come at me with your mr. accountant hat on you shitbag. The 3ma was never more than a scam to steal money and it's out now. And I am as mad at myself for being taken in as I am at the 3ma. You throw $3000 to the wind and see how it makes you feel when you make about $21,000 a year. You have some nerve as an ex 3ma moderator to still show your ugly face. You're as guilty as the rest the way you circled around joe cain constantly protecting him. Now we all know why, he was your meal ticket.