MJ may be legal starting next week, wow.


Well-Known Member
In my state and many others its quite the opposite, for every minor drug arrest they aren't loosing money but making it. Labor from correctional facilities accounts for nearly 30% of our gdp and keeps our state out of the red. Almost all our products used in public areas are from prison labour. Without it my state would surely go bankrupt, not saying i give a shit. I think it would be awesome if people got off their asses and figured shit out for themselves.
Damn, what shithole state has 30% of GDP just from prison labor?


Well-Known Member
Burgertime, you mentioned another dark cloud on the horizon - big tobacco companies. They are already in bed with the govt and people can bet their ass that R.J. Reynolds, and all the other tobacco companies are going to be positioned to take full advantage of it when it happens. There will be so much shit, so much red tape and BS that most people will just say "fuck it" and either grow without the states permission, or not grow at all. It's all about the fucking money.
The tobacco companies already copyrighted many common strain names back in the 70's. Probably expired by now. Tobacco companies buy their tobacco from small small scale growers, weed may end up the same way. It does make it more convenient for the small scale farmer.


Well-Known Member
Very good news IMO.
If you look at Minority rights, blacks, gays, etc. Once public opinion on laws that violate rights start changing, it tends to continue until it's legal.
The key to this is to keep up the pressure by marijuana legalization groups in the same way that civil rights groups did.
If the pressure isn't kept up a gun ho chest pounder, most likely a republican, will get elected in a tuff on crime campaign and reverse all of it.

It would be nice to see some good reporters asking the white house about freeing Marc Emery.
The next step by the government should be to change it to a scheduled 2 drug which shouldn't take long at all.

@ the police comments. One of the documentary's I saw recently said something like this which I thought was appropriate.
"Asking a cop about his thoughts on legalizing a drug is like asking a logger about saving the trees." It's their job, without it, a lot of police would probably be laid off.


Sector 5 Moderator
@ the police comments. One of the documentary's I saw recently said something like this which I thought was appropriate.
"Asking a cop about his thoughts on legalizing a drug is like asking a logger about saving the trees." It's their job, without it, a lot of police would probably be laid off.
There are some that are all for it but as a general rule "Marijuana" is the best friend LEO has ever had. When they need more cops, more cars, guns, gear, or whatever, all they gotta say is that they have a severe infestation of reefer heads that are pushing dope on their preschoolers and they need more ___________ to fight the killer weed. ...and the sheeple believe it because it's a cop saying it.


Well-Known Member
Anybody remember this..."no stems, no seeds that you don't need.....Acapulco gold is BAD ASS WEED!!!!"

So if it was branded and sold the same as cigarettes i'd have no problem with it; small scale farmers would benefit, there would be no more guerrilla growing (sorry bros but it does fuck up the environment in many cases), no more people in jail for pot offenses, the list goes on. So, yeah, big tobacco/alcohol would reap big bucks but that's just capitalism at work...one could buy a couple acres and contract with one of the "big guys" and probably make a good living at it and that would be pretty cool! but for me basically if i can grow what I need for personal use that would be fine for me. I just think it's about time they classified it like cigs or booze and then we wouldn't have to keep looking over our shoulders all the time.


Sector 5 Moderator
Anybody remember this..."no stems, no seeds that you don't need.....Acapulco gold is BAD ASS WEED!!!!"
Cheech and Chong's first "album"!!! Trippin' in Court, Dave's not Here, Emergency Room, ...man that was one funny disc.


Well-Known Member
someone said something about big tabbacco companies. i have already seen drawn versions of the box from phillip morris.your right big tabbacco cos are going to go at it. but while their in the research and development phase,build your coustomer base. ever had moonshine? many say its better than any liquor they drink. but illegal here. walmart or farmers market? its all going to be in the quality of your wares.


Well-Known Member
schedule 2 drug? why would you reduce it instead of abolishing it? what class is tobbacco or liquer under?
Well it looks like most of you got it covered already but, like said, it still has to get legalized individually in every state, the federal laws are going to work in accordance with the state laws. The federal laws are changing for the states it's legalized in, but state laws in other states are different. But you are right, it's coming in the years to come. Just not as soon as you're thinking.


Active Member
weed related crimes account for a large percentage of the reason people are in prison.... making it legal on a federal level would cripple the prison system.... its not gonna happen


Active Member
Hmmm, once you're able to legally grow why would you want to shape into a middle finger? At that point you should no longer be saying F-you to the feds but Thank you!
really guy??? because everyone who was apposed to legalization for the last 70 whatever years will be happy about it and we will all hug and sing songs and compose poems about each other


Active Member

everyone seems to be losing the actual message being given by the feds in this memo NOTHING has been said about legalization at a federal level this will be a LONG LONG time coming. What IS being said is that for the first time in a LONG time the feds will actually up hold the constitution as written allowing the states to govern themselves on this issue. For the slow or high this means once a state has passed laws for legalization or medicinal use and they are actually one the books (google how a bills are passed and made into law if you dont understand this process) that they will not interfere. simply put if you follow the laws regarding marijuana in your state you have no fear of persecution.


Well-Known Member
really guy??? because everyone who was apposed to legalization for the last 70 whatever years will be happy about it and we will all hug and sing songs and compose poems about each other
Exactly...better than pissing everybody else off around you with the middle finger...you would want your neighbors to support you wouldn't you? flipping the finger at anybody pisses them off plus it's really childish, vulgar, and just plain stupid. But, ultimately we're all entitled to our opinions. In any case I would be ecstatic about the legalization of pot and would certainly THANK the "powers that be" for making it happen....remember, those who have the power to give you something also have the power to take it away from you!