Mixing with sunlight!


Well-Known Member
is it ok if when its sunny i take my plants outside and give them some sun and at the end of the day bring them back in and put them under some lights?
i am on 24/0 light
will it mess my plants up??


Well-Known Member
If the sun is going to be much stronger than the lights it could stress the plants. You can help this by conditioning them. Put them out for one hour the first day, 2 hours the next, ect. But I would only worry about that if the light, temps ect is going to be radically different than the indoor environment, or if the plant appear stressed once placed outside.


Well-Known Member
You will be fine doing this but there is one thing to be careful of. I grow my plants in a combination of lights and sun, there is no rocket science involved only a bit of caution about burning your plants with the sun. Provided you build your plants up to the strength of the sun you will suffer no ill effects, if you just one day put them in direct sunlight for the entire day you could have problems. I would suggest that you start by putting your plants where they will receive a few hours of direct sunlight and then move them to a bright shady spot. If you build them up a little at a time you will have fine luck. The reasoning of this is simple no matter what lights you have your plants in it will not be the same strength of the sun. Your plants are naturally a little darker shade of green under lights trying to absorb as much light as possible, when you move them outside they must adjust their shading so that they do not get too much light. You will notice the shading of your plants change throughout the day so do not be alarmed they will adjust just fine. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
well i will be putting them on the windowsill untill sundown them placing them back under the lights so i doubt the temps will change but the lights will, they are only young plants just finished building up there second node working on third
what do you guys suggest??

oh and one other thing - can you smoke hermies and if you do will they be potent at all?


Well-Known Member
A hermie produces seeds. When a female plant (or part) gets pollinated it starts focusing most of it's energy into seed production, instead of THC. So a bud with seed will be less potent than without. It can be smoked.

The real thing that makes a hermie undesirable is that it will almost certainly pollinate other females in the area, making them less potent and full of seeds. Seedy bud defeats the purpose of controlled growing.

I suggest at the first sign of male parts you spray with Dutch Mater Reverse, which will force the plant to revert back to female, provided any sources of stress are corrected first. If the plant is too far gone, or you can not find the Reverse spray, you best bet is to kill it.


Well-Known Member
You will be fine doing this but there is one thing to be careful of. I grow my plants in a combination of lights and sun, there is no rocket science involved only a bit of caution about burning your plants with the sun.
Never done that - makes you the expert if you have.


Well-Known Member
i did a grow last year , 18/6

during the day if it was nice and sunny i took them outside for a few hours and let them soak it up

then id bring them back in later when it was evening ,

they did just fine , they loved the sunlight and extra fresh air !!!

you got to be careful not to bring pest in from outside into your grow area !!