Misheard lyrics

I went out to y/t and watched the whole video, with the lyrics...had to see if he was a Christian musician...because the notion of "Do you want to taste you're freedom?" (i.e., peace, serenity) followed by "I'll take you to the wasteland" (i.e., music that tells spiritual truths that the bubble gum CCM "feel good" industry would NEVER give air time to)...gave me time for a little introspection...thanks for that, making my brain work some is always good for it!
For years I listened to my fav atheist/skeptic podcast where at the end of each episode they announced that they were going to a restaurant after the show, and we were welcome to come join them. The name of the restaurant was Starve India. I thought it was such an awful name for a Indian restaurant, was it someone's sick joke? How could they stay in business? Then I sat down to watch the podcast video one day, and the restaurant name was spelled out along the bottom of the screen - Star of India. Oh, that made much more sense.
I went out to y/t and watched the whole video, with the lyrics...had to see if he was a Christian musician...because the notion of "Do you want to taste you're freedom?" (i.e., peace, serenity) followed by "I'll take you to the wasteland" (i.e., music that tells spiritual truths that the bubble gum CCM "feel good" industry would NEVER give air time to)...gave me time for a little introspection...thanks for that, making my brain work some is always good for it!

Talk is a Canadian from Ottawa. Makes sense you're not hearing him much south of the border.

He won Breakout Artist of the Year at the 2024 Junos

Run away to mars is probably his most famous song. A little EMO, but I love it.

Does good covers too... Killer voice!

Talk is a Canadian from Ottawa. Makes sense you're not hearing him much south of the border.

He won Breakout Artist of the Year at the 2024 Junos

Run away to mars is probably his most famous song. A little EMO, but I love it.

Does good covers too... Killer voice!

A couple of my favorite CCM artists came from BC...but you're right about the border, they never really made it in the states...

Carolyn Arends...nice lady, we're still friends on f/b after almost 30 years...

Yes, it's "bubble-gum"...but she is a true "sing me a story" balladeer...and that's my go-to...

The other one never went past a couple of CD's...Riley Armstrong. He did a great cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water", but "Greater Than" is still my favorite...it reminds me that my source of spiritual power is far, far greater than my weak-ass feelings about such...

Okay, it also speaks to my adrenalin junkie days...when it came out, I was into skydiving...if your parachute opens, you know God can't be too pissed at ya :) lol
In NL we call 'm Mama Appelsap (apple juice) cause that's what Michael Jackson sings over and over. There's this radio show and a yearly competition too. Some of the 'better' ones in English.

Listen at own risk, sometimes hard to switch back to the original.

"You're gonna miss me by my taco" - Anna Kendrick

"I believe that the hotdogs go on"

"Never gonna find you bacon, no no no."

"I got my first real sex dream"

"Baby can you breed, a cactus from Jamaica?"
Tell me any of you knew it goes like this

“I'm a rocket man
Rocket man
Burning out his fuse up here alone”

i always thought it was “runnin down the streets up here alone”