Miracle soap gets sticky fingers clean.....any suggestions cause this sux?


Well-Known Member
Ive tried all sorts of stuff around my house to get my fingers unsticky after fondling my buds.....or my friends buds, with no success at all. The best thing ive found is diesel but im not doing that again cause, well no need to explain that one probably. Last night i was up late with a bunch of ladies feeling them up and came home and was hesitant to warm up my real gf because i was all sticky, i used dish soap, hand soap, and then squeezed a quarter tube of toothpaste on and squshed that around for a while and still didnt dare touch the cooch with my dirty digits. I was thinking about gojo but that stuffs expensive and i was wondering if yooooouzz guyz got any suggestions on ways to remedy these sticky fingers cheaply. Thanks RIU :):):)
A spray can of Pam works great, no strong smell, and extremely easy to use. I always have a can around when trimming, cleans scissors very well.
FABULOSO or LA's Totally Awesome Orange cleaner. You can buy these degreasers at the dollar store. Safe for your hands and cheap.
I also put some in an empty coffee can to put scissors to soak between trimmings. Rinses off so easily.
i posted up before dont know why it not showing < dude hand sanitizer its 99cents and kills germs its a bargin i tell ya A BARGIN! lol
I can't believe no one said this.......Good old fashion butter works wonders, and then wash with dish soap. Veg oil works well like chuck said, or even crisco or coconut oil. Iso works ok, but still can leave your hands with a residue imho.
I can't believe no one said this.......Good old fashion butter works wonders, and then wash with dish soap. Veg oil works well like chuck said, or even crisco or coconut oil. Iso works ok, but still can leave your hands with a residue imho.

Basically anything that you use to make concentrates etc, that is to say anything that THC is soluble in. I normally just used cooking oil or iso, and then soap and rinse.