I like Olive Oil cause it's right next to the sink.
Depending on the strain you can get a nice buzz from using iso but it turbocharges my blood pressure to the point
of my ears turning Beet red. so I just stick with oil.
The oil from your plant sticks to your fingers..It is a oil base..so any oil base will break it up.Crisco or some other veg oils work well..it is because it is a oil just like the resin on your hands and fingers.
This is why it will cut through the resin on your hands so effectively.
After covering your hands in cooking oil rubbing them together the resin will dissolve and ball up..then some dawn to break the grease up on your hands and wash..
I tried the oil (canola) and salt (kosher) method after doing some leaf removal, screen moving, and plant moving the other day and it worked great. Its not like the stickiness just fell off, i had to wash my hands with the mixture for almost five minutes but when i was done it was all gone. No stickiness at all. Worked like a charm.
I wear Nitrile gloves, then have a bowl of 91% ISO poured, then rinse the gloves in it, let it evap, then scrape the bowl.
You can even rinse your scissors in it while you're trimming as they get sticky.
I figured out something by pure curiosity that worked well the last time I was trimming. Was scrubbing my hands and reaked of dankness all over. Captain Morgan and I wet trimmed 6 plants in one night down to nugs. A couple THC Bombs and Skunk #1s. Hands were so sticky I could have probably climbed walls like Ninja Gaiden 2. Sitting up by the dish soap and stuff by the kitchen sink was a bottle of windex. It took a majority of the junk right off with the first try. You just have to scrub at it like you were washing you rhands after changing brakes or something.
sweaty nasty hands after you trim for 8 hours strait or more... I'm in the oil camp, canola, vegetable, butter, olive oil, whatever is cheapest and most accessible. 30 secs of rubbing the oil then apply soap and wash (soap again if residual remains). Way better then gloves that make your hands sweat, rip, stick to themselves etc.