F**k miracle grow and the horse she rode in on.... lol, for growing flowers, tomatoes, or whatever else, that's fine, use all that chemically formulated ammonium nitrate, but if you really want to treat MJ properly, your best bet is to go with a 2 or 3 part "hydro" type fertilizer system such as fox farms, floranova, GH, advanced nutrients, etc. i know it's a little pricey, but if you sit there and grow for 3 or 4 months and end up with a crap plant cause you didn't feed it right ur gonna be sad you wasted your time. Miracle grow will grow buds, but it's not formulated for these plants. All "hydro" type feritlizer are designed for soil/hydro and give you instructions on how to use for both. The FBI isn't gonna flag you for ordering it, so if you can afford it, go that route. If not, you need to get the miracle grow that's designed for tomatoe plants (i used this for vegetative growth when i was a newb)... then when you switch to flower you can switch to some stuff called "superbloom" miracle grow does make some like this, but i'd steer away from them if you can. superbloom is usually like 12-52-12 so you get some heavy P for the flowering. goodluck with the grow, and get away from miracle grow, you'll be glad when you do, yes it does work, but so does pissing in the sink, doesn't mean you should do it! =)