Miracle Grow Works Fine

Brick Top

New Member
Your a pretty funny old guy Brick
Do you mean funny strange or funny ha, ha?

I would also put Peter's on your list of acceptable water soluble nutes.
It's not my list. As I mentioned, it's from an old thread, from back in 2009. I'm sure there are other products that could be added to the list. The point was mainly that there are better options than Miracle-Gro and they are not high priced, so people who use Miracle-Gro should consider using one or more of the other products.

5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot



Well-Known Member
Brick.. I think you are strangley funny and when I said old I meant like a fossil. Its a closed case. MG works but we know there are better options.
My initial angst in this thread was simply due to people raining so hard on MG. It almost sounded elitist and that some of us were possibly the weed equivilent of a wine sommelier.
We also learned that anything you fert with can effect the taste of your weed and that urine and feces were not good ideas.... I wonder if you can flavor a bud in some way. What would happen if you dosed a plant with pepermint oil or sumpin. I wonder........:confused:

Finshaggy.. That looks pretty cool. Is it as good as it looks? A mo is a moment a month or possibly a reference to a Homosexual.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
MG is fine based on the salts and the NPK ratios the manufacturer uses in the product. "Mo betta" is a matter of an opinion, one that is not based on plant nutrition or soil science as it is on feelings.

The Weedster

Active Member
The new dro,....wtf is that?? lol You're saying someone compared your herb to someone who grows hydro,....whats the point. If it's not the same strain and you don't know what nutes where used to compare them to, then the medium is irrelevant, you're comparing apples to oranges

The MG soil has time release nutes and those are the ones that cook MJ. First month is great, then.....you realize u just wasted a months time and a months energy. No thanks, I'll stick to nutes made for Cannabis.
Sorry dude... I didnt say MG Soil anywhere in my forum response... I said MG Granuals.. There is a big difference in the two, But hey , if someone cant get it to work for them then they just dont know how to work the shit right... You got yours and I got mine.. Stick to that..

The Weedster

Active Member
You guys are correct. MG does work. The problem is, the fertilizer sources were meant for things like ornamental flowers, not for consumables. The time release nutrients are of low quality and leave harsh residues within your final product. I'm not going to come out and say that it doesn't work, but it is far inferior to other products on the market, and also to compost you could be making in your backyard with products that you normally throw to waste. When it comes to clean smoke, MG doesn't cut it. If you want to swear up and down about how great it comes out, thats fine. It just goes to show the quality of cannabis you have come into contact with.
I did a few plants from start to finish in this miracle grow Blue Granual 20/20/20... It does work good and I know that there is better stuff out there but I havent had any unusual taste in my plants that I could tell, But maybe its because of the way I add it or the way I do regular waterings, I dont know really, but I do know that the last bud I smoked I let it dry for about 6 days without curing out and It was some of the best tasting weed and was not harsh at all...
I do understand though that there is always a better way of doing certain things and using certain materials to get better weed but I have had some very clean smoke come from regular potting mix combined with water soluble miracle grow.... All inside Grow... But that is what this forum is for , is to compare notes and just have fun with it as well... I am going to try more things in the near future though just to see all the info out there and how it works... Different mixes of soil and nutes and zero mg to really see the end result and how much the cost differences are... Cause I would really like to try diff things for shits and giggles... lol :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I did a few plants from start to finish in this miracle grow Blue Granual 20/20/20... It does work good and I know that there is better stuff out there but I havent had any unusual taste in my plants that I could tell, But maybe its because of the way I add it or the way I do regular waterings, I dont know really, but I do know that the last bud I smoked I let it dry for about 6 days without curing out and It was some of the best tasting weed and was not harsh at all...
No, it's because folks want to believe what they want to believe. Placebos and snake oils are big biz around here in case you didn't notice.

Salts are salts. Potassium nitrate is potassium nitrate whether its found in Food A or Food B. Quality plant foods, "nutes", do not contain fillers. I use a custom made, 12 month slow release encapsulated food, a 18-5-9 with micros on everything I grow. It works great on cannabis from start to finish. Why? Because it supports good root and foliage production and that's all that counts. Smoke is fine and smooth....no complaints from those I share it with. It's probably the same firm, "Plant Products", that makes the encapsulated food you're using, often found in commercial potting mixes by Schultz or MG. Blue and grey pellets. I think the blue are the macros, the grey the micros.


Well-Known Member
I'll be happy to remind you, am curious.
Harvested the lot. Had a Hermie in there and they went to seed. Poor high, but none are harsh to smoke. I did flush two weeks. Couldn't see any noticeable difference between that grown in FF or MG. Won't be using dirt next grow, going hydro. First grow, learned a little. This is a fun hobby!