Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

Especially when most of the corporations against 15 an hour are making HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE profits. If they gave up a little they might not be able to afford to buy a small country anymore though.
While you may want to believe that, you have no basis to assume it.
If you are a realist then lets be real. No one needs the amount of money big CEO's and alike make. It's pretty easy if McDonalds(and other) big corps don't want to make their multi-million(or more) dollar salary... No one needs that much cash... They can afford the 15 dollars an hour pay increase 100 times over and still be making profit...
That's just asinine.
Miss the part where it was paying employees and owner alike? How is that failing? You don't have to be Walmart or GM to be not failing.
$1500/hr is asinine.

Yes 1,500 an hour is a lot. 15.00 on the other hand isn't.... I don't get your point?
If the owner can not afford a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, then he/she must have been doing bad for a while and/or isn't good at business if that is what it takes to shut them down.
Whoa whoa whoa, minimum wage is NOT the reason for these self-service kiosks @ fast food places...

They have had them in EU for friggin YEARS.... Its because its better...

The customer is faster at ordering the items THEY want, the way they want them. They can take whatever time they need, see everything, find out about ingredients, place the order and pay....

All while the human employees are making and preparing food.... It increases efficiency, and reduces error...

We have self-scan checkouts in the grocery stores as well... many of us would prefer to simply not deal with people....

To anyone who thinks self-service fast food is not an amazing idea... I challenge you to download the taco bell app... you can spend 20mins custome building an order, and then 2mins in the drive thru... ppl behind ya see u pull up to the speaker, give your name, pull to window, get food, and are thinking "bastards got free burritos!"

I am a fan of letting technology improve life...
Let's look at a different scenario.Suppose you worked there a few months, took night classes to learn your trade even better, and were able to show your boss a few new tricks. Your boss decides you're worth $20/hr and decides to give you a raise on your 1 year anniversary. 2 weeks later, minimum wage goes up, Now your boss has to come up with an extra $7/hr for each of the 4 idiots on your crew. Well, you can kiss your raise goodby. Matter of fact, he is still going to have to let somebody go, maybe 2 or more of you just to stay even.

Sweatshops are OK, cuz they reduce unemployment?

Thats the logic you just used... Justified not paying a livable wage, by saying that a poverty wage can be given to more people that way?

Thats not a company thats broke, thats a SYSTEM thats broke.
Sweatshops are OK, cuz they reduce . The emunemployment?

Thats the logic you just used... Justified not paying a livable wage, by saying that a poverty wage can be given to more people that way?

Thats not a company thats broke, thats a SYSTEM thats broke.
Bush's Idea was to have a guest worker program
The guest workers would be paid minimum wage and sent back home at the end of their term
I went to burger king tonight.
The bill was $5.59
I only had a 10. some ones and change.
Gave the girl 11.60 expecting to get $5.01 back.
She had to call some guy over to help.
He told me I gave them too much and returned my dollar and .60 cents
and made change for the ten.
I just agreed.

That is why these people work minimum wage jobs.
I went to burger king tonight.
The bill was $5.59
I only had a 10. some ones and change.
Gave the girl 11.60 expecting to get $5.01 back.
She had to call some guy over to help.
He told me I gave them too much and returned my dollar and .60 cents
and made change for the ten.
I just agreed.

That is why these people work minimum wage jobs.
You mean the cash register's arithmetic didn't work?
cool story bro
everything you just said is false, but then again, you are a very stupid person who joined a white supremacy group during one of his 7 sock puppet accounts here.

why does australia have a $17 minimum wage and cheaper big macs than we do, skinhead klanman?

kangaroo is cheaper than beef?
I've come to the conclusion there are two types here. Those who have made their way/making their way though life, and those who want to bitch about why they suck so bad at life in the form of blaming everyone else for their own shortcomings.

You also forgot about those who only want to divide, adding to their loser, woe-is-me character. (Always a fuckin' victim, blaming others for their choices witness Hillary blaming Republicans for the email mess she's in).

This is a good time to quote Dr. Carson who brings up the unsatiable need for liberals to divide with the typical illogical, unfounded, dagger buzzwords - racist, "war on women", 1% percenters.....

His recent email soliciting donations is spot on and needless to say, he's got my vote and financial support.

Dear Reader,

The "war on women."

"Black lives matter."

"The 99 percent” versus “the 1 percent.”

These are the phrases of the purveyors of division, who seek every day to pit one group of Americans against the other. In the meantime, no real problems are being solved.

During all my years as a brain surgeon, I would operate on what makes people who they are. It’s not their gender, their skin color, or their income bracket.

I’m running for President because I believe our strength is in our unity, and we need to take a sharp turn away from this nonsense.

My campaign is a movement to heal, inspire and revive the America that allowed me to climb from dire poverty in Detroit to become a world-renowned physician.

At this point, we’ve now accepted over 450,000 grassroots donations. Over 2.7 million people have joined me on Facebook. We are surging both nationally and in every state, and a new poll shows me as the strongest general election candidate against Hillary Clinton.
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You also forgot about those who only want to divide, adding to their loser, woe-is-me character. (Always a fuckin' victim, blaming others for their choices witness Hillary blaming Republicans for the email mess she's in).

This is a good time to quote Dr. Carson who brings up the unsatiable need for liberals to divide with the typical illogical, unfounded, dagger buzzwords - racist, "war on women", 1% percenters.....

His recent email soliciting donations is spot on and needless to say, he's got my vote and financial support.

Dear Reader,

The "war on women."

"Black lives matter."

"The 99 percent” versus “the 1 percent.”

These are the phrases of the purveyors of division, who seek every day to pit one group of Americans against the other. In the meantime, no real problems are being solved.

During all my years as a brain surgeon, I would operate on what makes people who they are. It’s not their gender, their skin color, or their income bracket.

I’m running for President because I believe our strength is in our unity, and we need to take a sharp turn away from this nonsense.

My campaign is a movement to heal, inspire and revive the America that allowed me to climb from dire poverty in Detroit to become a world-renowned physician.

At this point, we’ve now accepted over 450,000 grassroots donations. Over 2.7 million people have joined me on Facebook. We are surging both nationally and in every state, and a new poll shows me as the strongest general election candidate against Hillary Clinton.
That same brilliant neurosurgeon said this about Obamacare:
“You know, Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is, in a way””it is slavery in a way because it is making all of us subservient to the government.”

Black or white, that dickhead needs to just keep working his day job, not running for the most powerful man in the world job.

Does it surprise anyone here that he would have your vote? Probably not! :-)
That same brilliant neurosurgeon said this about Obamacare:
“You know, Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is, in a way””it is slavery in a way because it is making all of us subservient to the government.”

He was right. Every time you buy into a government sponsored program, take a hand out, there are strings attached...."unintentional consequences".
What is it about the simple revelation "it is making all of us subservient to the government" that you don't understand?
Let's look at a different scenario.Suppose you worked there a few months, took night classes to learn your trade even better, and were able to show your boss a few new tricks. Your boss decides you're worth $20/hr and decides to give you a raise on your 1 year anniversary. 2 weeks later, minimum wage goes up, Now your boss has to come up with an extra $7/hr for each of the 4 idiots on your crew. Well, you can kiss your raise goodby.

no, you actually still have the raise. derp.
$1500/hr is asinine.

now all you need to do is show any of us where anyone suggested that wage.
