Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

seriously though, it does appear that tinybonerjack lives in a single wide. with curtains he stole from a motel 6. and clothes donated to him by goodwill. and office furniture he picked up off the curb.
Hey baby, my trailer park has won awards for community improvement.

can only wonder what else you have been lying about the whole time.

people like you that lie on the internet for attention and self esteem are the worst kind of pathetic. seriously.
I would LOVE for it to be possible for everyone to make a living wage. But I'm a realist, and I don't think it's possible for our economy to support that.

I'm not rooting against it. I just don't think it's feasible.

If you are a realist then lets be real. No one needs the amount of money big CEO's and alike make. It's pretty easy if McDonalds(and other) big corps don't want to make their multi-million(or more) dollar salary... No one needs that much cash... They can afford the 15 dollars an hour pay increase 100 times over and still be making profit...
Everyone should be able to make a living wage that they can live on... Even McDonald's employees... It's pretty sad to see a lot of people get angry about losing a small margin of profit....Hell you are paying someone a living wage... Why would you rather see them do horribly only to gain an extra few bucks? And if you say that raising their wage will put you out of business, you weren't doing good business anyway... I mean seriously 8 dollars an hour or whatever minimum wage is in your area that is BS and we all know it... You can't live on that... Rent,food,car payment, electricity, gas, water, trash, medical, etc... Then if you want them to get skilled, how do you expect them to pay for college on a minimum wage of 8 dollars and pay for everything else...? 15 dollars an hour is great as long as inflation doesn't rise too much along with it(but only time will tell) Seattle, Washington already raised the minimum wage and business is growing as people have more spending power...

It takes away spending power from those who busted their asses to get to 15 an hour. Really, it reduced EVERYONES spending power.
It takes away spending power from those who busted their asses to get to 15 an hour.

you literally just got done telling other people to get some bootstraps if they were not happy with their wages, and now this?

pathetic, kid.

Really, it reduced EVERYONES spending power.


random caps lock will not make your lies true. nothing will.

we can go down the list of BLS goods and check their prices over time, and compare them to wages over time. wages come out ahead every time, on every single good.

really, i would advise you to shut your trap to avoid removing all doubt.
It takes away spending power from those who busted their asses to get to 15 an hour. Really, it reduced EVERYONES spending power.
So... If the average American gets more money and the 1 percent earn less... We have less spending power? What? That makes no sense... "Bust their ass for 15 an hour" 15 dollars an hour isn't much... Those who "busted their ass for 15 an hour" will still make the same amount or might get a small increase in wage to distinguish their skills from others... So spending power will go up... Just the 1 percent wont make 50 billion dollars, they will make 49 billion dollars... (or whatever crazy amount)LOL
Your forgetting about the guys that make above minimum wage. The ones that worked there ass off to get that. Now all the work they put in to move up means nothing. Inflation will come (not as much as fox and the republican clowns make it sound but it will come) and the guys who already made 15 will be worse off.
you literally just got done telling other people to get some bootstraps if they were not happy with their wages, and now this?

pathetic, kid.


random caps lock will not make your lies true. nothing will.

we can go down the list of BLS goods and check their prices over time, and compare them to wages over time. wages come out ahead every time, on every single good.

really, i would advise you to shut your trap to avoid removing all doubt.

So in order to help the unskilled laborers we will shit on the skilled ones.... Right makes sense. These are the people who DID use yhe bootstraps
Your forgetting about the guys that make above minimum wage. The ones that worked there ass off to get that. Now all the work they put in to move up means nothing. Inflation will come (not as much as fox and the republican clowns make it sound but it will come) and the guys who already made 15 will be worse off.
Seattle, Washington disproves you... They have already raised the minimum wage and are benefiting.... More businesses are opening up. And once again those making 15 dollars an hour already would be likely to see an wage increase as well(ive already said this) based off their own skill set. 15 dollars an hour will help everyone afford to buy more, thus spending more on taxes, and feeding the big monster we call "economy."
If you are a realist then lets be real. No one needs the amount of money big CEO's and alike make. It's pretty easy if McDonalds(and other) big corps don't want to make their multi-million(or more) dollar salary... No one needs that much cash... They can afford the 15 dollars an hour pay increase 100 times over and still be making profit...

I agree with much of what you say here.

I hate that CEOs get huge bonuses, and all that.

But I'm not sure what to do about it.
No, minimum wage SHOULD be higher, but not 15 an hour. (Maybe in high cost of living places)

The point im trying to make is, lets say you worked for a company for a few years, got a promotion and now make 15 an hour.... All of a sudden all the guys you competed with to get that promotion now make as much as you.... Will you get a raise?

And yeah.... Bootstraps... Thats part of america. Since the Colonial times if you didnt work or contribute to society you were probably going hungry. People came across the ocean with a dream, they worked themselves to death sometimes to make that dream real. If its worth having, its worth working for.
Let's look at a different scenario.Suppose you worked there a few months, took night classes to learn your trade even better, and were able to show your boss a few new tricks. Your boss decides you're worth $20/hr and decides to give you a raise on your 1 year anniversary. 2 weeks later, minimum wage goes up, Now your boss has to come up with an extra $7/hr for each of the 4 idiots on your crew. Well, you can kiss your raise goodby. Matter of fact, he is still going to have to let somebody go, maybe 2 or more of you just to stay even.
you're an idiotic racist child.

that would put you squarely in the republican/libertarian camp.

Not racist. Plus i support gay marriage, higher taxes for the rich. I support extended snap programs for those who need it, and an end to the war on drugs. I also support a slightly higher minimum wage, and maybe 15 in high cost of living areas.

I support gun rights and a government that leaves citizens alone.
if you think $15 an hour is "skilled" labor, then you are clearly a naive little kid who is in for a lot of surprises in life.

fucking craigslist contractor.

Actually i no longer use craigslist. I have a few contracts with some people who own apartments, and i do most of my advertising through signs around town and word of mouth. I no longer need to seek work, i get enough calls.

On the other hand.... Something wrong with craigslist? A man or woman working for a living is respectable no matter how the find the gigs.

I live in a low cost of living area of PA. Average If you make 75k a year here your a very wealthy man. I already broke it down to you once how a family of 3 cam EASILY live comfortable on 30k a year.

Seattle, Washington disproves you... They have already raised the minimum wage and are benefiting.... More businesses are opening up. And once again those making 15 dollars an hour already would be likely to see an wage increase as well(ive already said this) based off their own skill set. 15 dollars an hour will help everyone afford to buy more, thus spending more on taxes, and feeding the big monster we call "economy."

Seattle has such a high cost of living i feel that 15 an hour may ne warrented. I dont know, dont live there. I just know that in my area it would create more problems than solutions.

Im sure NYC, LA, and other major cities could use similar laws like seattle, but again thats not here.

These are local problems, not federal.

Greed kills sadly.

Sure does, but you can't legislate away greed. The corporations that are responsible for this "greed" that we all hate (monsanto, walmart, darden, McDonald's and so on) have shareholders and they have a duty to turn as much pf a profit as possible.

When wages go up, they WILL cut hours, and hire less. Sure, they might not lay a ton of people off... But they will find ways to lessen the workloads.