Mini Aeroponic Garden

LOL... if only you knew...

Better that you don't...

But do rest easy in the fact that I do not interfere with the undeserving...

and not only that, but there is so much more than curses...

all of the beautiful magik of life... the stuff that binds the Universe together... and us within it...

That's what I'm with... some cosmic nothing... spreading good vibrations...

and smashing a few windows along the

You reminded me of a good friend once...

we were walking through the jungle in South America... we'd been out for a few days by then... when we came across a lime tree full of fruit...

My buddy grabbed one and we kept walking... him with the lime in hand...

When we crossed a stream, he washed the lime and started to eat it... peel first...!!!

My lips puckered and I asked him WTF????

His answer was that after eating the peel, the fruit was sweet and delicious...

I didn't try it... my life has enough hardship... but I can see where he is coming from...


Want some lemonade? :lol:
whats up gypsy how u been? Its been a while since i last talked 2 u. I just had a baby girl born 2 weeks ago. Check my violator kush flowerin in the link in my signature. She is gettin huge and the buds look like som1 poured sugar all over the whole plant.. Whats ur latest project u got goin?
Wow Gypsy. absolutely AMAZING AND inspiring. i started clones a week ago. ones not doing so well but doin better now, about 3 inches with 2 -3 sets of leaves. ones is 6-7 inches with 8 - 10 sets of leaves. last one is 5-6 inches with 8-10 sets. i think i am going to start flowering tomorrow as the roots are looking lovely. i am going to get some type of light at home depot. think i will end up transfering the 3 inch one since the others r so tall compared to it. i have a thread/journal with photos if anyones interested.
do you think this is a good idea G?
LOL... if only you knew...

Better that you don't...

But do rest easy in the fact that I do not interfere with the undeserving...

and not only that, but there is so much more than curses...

all of the beautiful magik of life... the stuff that binds the Universe together... and us within it...

That's what I'm with... some cosmic nothing... spreading good vibrations...

and smashing a few windows along the

You reminded me of a good friend once...

we were walking through the jungle in South America... we'd been out for a few days by then... when we came across a lime tree full of fruit...

My buddy grabbed one and we kept walking... him with the lime in hand...

When we crossed a stream, he washed the lime and started to eat it... peel first...!!!

My lips puckered and I asked him WTF????

His answer was that after eating the peel, the fruit was sweet and delicious...

I didn't try it... my life has enough hardship... but I can see where he is coming from...


Want some lemonade? :lol:

enjoyd ur post read the first page from a link in ur signature from thundercats grooooow. then i skipped to end to c if it was up 2 date and not dead, stil alive. but if i were you i wouldnt mess with black magic, God will get you back for the harm and reprocussions of ur curses. y curse some one wen u can solve it face to face, no offense sounds kinda pussyish, not callin u a pussy, jus sayn to do that is cowardly. its not ur place to punish someone it is God's. Well other than that I enjoyd and ima go bak and read pages 2-58! Dont be :twisted: have peace:peace:in knowing God will take care of the assholes. and smoke lotsa :leaf: and arent most gypsies eastern eurpean ie romania hungarian turk? plaese dont take offfense!
"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord!" Its ok to want to seek vengeance and punishment on someone who has wronged you, just do it the right, not evil way. And if you dont wanna deal with it and waist your time and energy on them, let the Lord take care of them, I was interested in magic and all that and wanted to try it and i was gunna dip into light and dark magic, but decided not to at least for now. I enjoy watching Charmed sometimes , u ever heard of or watched that show, I'm still pretty young. Man Alyssa Milano is fine lol!!!!! I'm only15
But you are fully capable of making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences, I was not in any way trying to tell u wat to do or push God on you. I have had a pretty hard life also, my mom the day after I turned 14 from stage 4 cancer, the docs gave her 3 monts and she mad it 3 and a half and died the day after my b-day. And then the lawyers were crooked and took and screwed alot of stuff up. too long of a story, sorry for jackin ur thread. But i hope i will c her again one day, wen i die and go to Heaven or wen the rapture happens.
Cool Mon...
Jah Bless...

You baby girls soon come...

Ras Tafari...!!!!

:leaf:"I love to smoke Marijuana...
It give me a deep Meditation...
It keep me notty dreads locks jumpin'...
Marijuaaaaana... I love it with my heart and soul...
It give me a deep Meditation...
It keep me notty dreads locks swinging...
So I won't stop smooooking it...
I love to smoke Marijuana...
I love it with my heart and soul..." - Linval Thompson:leaf:

Wish I could play the song for you guys... I love it with my heart and soul...

I apologize after readin this comment :wall: you seem pretty cool and spiritual guy, u ras tafarian? As you said Jah bless. One L:peace:ve!:leaf:
Not that you didnt on the first few pages with the Be well and peace signs, i guess i just skipped to page 59 read that comment bout curses and jumped to conclusions, wich i shouldnt have done, once again i apologize, my bad!:-(
whats up gypsy how u been? Its been a while since i last talked 2 u. I just had a baby girl born 2 weeks ago. Check my violator kush flowerin in the link in my signature. She is gettin huge and the buds look like som1 poured sugar all over the whole plant.. Whats ur latest project u got goin?

Hey DOG!!!! Wassup????

Congrats!!! You must be proud!!!! Best Wishes of Health and happiness!!!

I'll come by and check you out....

Well, I have been doing a little ebb/flow... still do my miniatures though...

Thanks for stopping by....:bigjoint:

Wow Gypsy. absolutely AMAZING AND inspiring. i started clones a week ago. ones not doing so well but doin better now, about 3 inches with 2 -3 sets of leaves. ones is 6-7 inches with 8 - 10 sets of leaves. last one is 5-6 inches with 8-10 sets. i think i am going to start flowering tomorrow as the roots are looking lovely. i am going to get some type of light at home depot. think i will end up transfering the 3 inch one since the others r so tall compared to it. i have a thread/journal with photos if anyones interested.
do you think this is a good idea G?


But I think that is a bad idea...

Don't waste your money on those lights....

Get yourself at least a 250 watt HPS... any less and you really are hurting for efficiency.... (that means that your cheap grow could throw out some of the most expensive bud on the planet, want cheap buds... be efficient)

But that is just my opinion... I bought them and I quickly realized it was not enough....

Just not enough punch to penetrate the leaf...

Go with what you know.. but I say preferably a 400, at least a 250.... and there are ways to keep it coo too....:-P



OK.. now this guy... oh boy...!

enjoyd ur post read the first page from a link in ur signature from thundercats grooooow. then i skipped to end to c if it was up 2 date and not dead, stil alive. but if i were you i wouldnt mess with black magic, God will get you back for the harm and reprocussions of ur curses. y curse some one wen u can solve it face to face, no offense sounds kinda pussyish, not callin u a pussy, jus sayn to do that is cowardly. its not ur place to punish someone it is God's. Well other than that I enjoyd and ima go bak and read pages 2-58! Dont be :twisted: have peace:peace:in knowing God will take care of the assholes. and smoke lotsa :leaf: and arent most gypsies eastern eurpean ie romania hungarian turk? plaese dont take offfense!

"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord!" Its ok to want to seek vengeance and punishment on someone who has wronged you, just do it the right, not evil way. And if you dont wanna deal with it and waist your time and energy on them, let the Lord take care of them, I was interested in magic and all that and wanted to try it and i was gunna dip into light and dark magic, but decided not to at least for now. I enjoy watching Charmed sometimes , u ever heard of or watched that show, I'm still pretty young. Man Alyssa Milano is fine lol!!!!! I'm only15

But you are fully capable of making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences, I was not in any way trying to tell u wat to do or push God on you.

I apologize after readin this comment :wall: you seem pretty cool and spiritual guy, u ras tafarian? As you said Jah bless. One L:peace:ve!:leaf:
Not that you didnt on the first few pages with the Be well and peace signs, i guess i just skipped to page 59 read that comment bout curses and jumped to conclusions, wich i shouldnt have done, once again i apologize, my bad!:-(

Thanks for stopping by...interesting choice of comments...:blsmoke:

After you have spent a few years living a subsistence life style, say.. 500 miles from the nearest road... or city convenience...

After you have watched your God and your Devil talking to your Death about you... after you have killed to live... and survived...

Then maybe we could have this conversation..

Till then... enjoy the TV shows...:mrgreen:

Hey DOG!!!! Wassup????

Congrats!!! You must be proud!!!! Best Wishes of Health and happiness!!!

I'll come by and check you out....

Well, I have been doing a little ebb/flow... still do my miniatures though...

Thanks for stopping by....:bigjoint:


But I think that is a bad idea...

Don't waste your money on those lights....

Get yourself at least a 250 watt HPS... any less and you really are hurting for efficiency.... (that means that your cheap grow could throw out some of the most expensive bud on the planet, want cheap buds... be efficient)

But that is just my opinion... I bought them and I quickly realized it was not enough....

Just not enough punch to penetrate the leaf...

Go with what you know.. but I say preferably a 400, at least a 250.... and there are ways to keep it coo too....:-P



OK.. now this guy... oh boy...!

Thanks for stopping by...interesting choice of comments...:blsmoke:

After you have spent a few years living a subsistence life style, say.. 500 miles from the nearest road... or city convenience...

After you have watched your God and your Devil talking to your Death about you... after you have killed to live... and survived...

Then maybe we could have this conversation..

Till then... enjoy the TV shows...:mrgreen:


thats why i said i apologize cuz i realized i had skipped the other pages then jumped to a conclusion, i was just gonna delete those comments off ur thread be4 u read them, but 2 late, so once again i apologize for jumping to an incorrect conclusion. :mrgreen: And please if you can or will diregard those comments, i dont meany any of it. Except for God Bless and the gud stuff lol. Believe it or not im not sum religious freak even tho it may have appeared, came out, or sounded that way.
thats why i said ...

I know Bro... No Worries...

Please... c'mon in grab a chair, a bong and play us a song on the

We are all friends here.. and most of us are here to learn... while a few of us just enjoy giving people a hard

Welcome.. and let me know if you got any pot questions...

I really don't know shit.. but I like to sound like I

Cheers mate...:eyesmoke:
I know Bro... No Worries...

Please... c'mon in grab a chair, a bong and play us a song on the

We are all friends here.. and most of us are here to learn... while a few of us just enjoy giving people a hard

Welcome.. and let me know if you got any pot questions...

I really don't know shit.. but I like to sound like I

Cheers mate...:eyesmoke:
Im going to grab a chair and a bongbongsmilie, great grow:leaf::clap:. Ok I will, appreciate the help. Cheers 2 u2!:eyesmoke: lol, Thanx
Gypsy. thanks man! that other dude is tripping. didnt even bother readn the comments. jah bless homie!

on another note, i didnt see your post til today. i went to HD and got 2 70 watt HPS, only to come home and find out they dont go into reg light fixtures. whoops! i did some research and saw u gotta get a ballast and somethin else. lot of money and alot of energy use. i returned them and got 2 x 150 watt (usin 70watt) for the sides. i moved my set up to a closet, got an electronic air guage thing, and some Bloom Juice, after seein u got this and your results. the air temp in there is now steady at 80 degrees. i know what u mean about investing for good bud, but this is my first grow and my homie has a hook on med clones for 10 bucks whenever i want so fuck it right?!

the tallest one is hindu kush. ever since ive got the new lights and its warmer in the closet, this one has grown another inch or so in 4 hours! its about 6-7 inches now. the next healthy one, looking mighty healthy, is white widow. its about 4-5 inches. and the last which wasnt doin to good is Bubblegum. this one is now doing alot better, but i have started flowering today and i dont know if it will be able to hold on.

it's a fun experiment and i hope i can get somethin good!
dem, where you refering to me? well who else would you be refering to? Nobody. Well maybe u shuld have read the one be 4 the last one. And if u didnt read them how would you know im trippn?
looking good, get well soon brother :bigjoint:

Thanks SOG...

I appreciate it...

I don't keep a journal anymore.... too lazy I guess...

I just issue those ridiculous 50 picture update every once in a while... lol...

But thanks for stopping by ...

wow. thanks for all the info gypsy! I read it all, and not surprised from the start that this is one of the best threads on here. Great job.

I currently have 2 weeks invested in AG 200. I'm gonna send it back (36 day trial). I specifically Wanted to talk additional lights. I have two 24w=100w 6500k daylight floros hitting AG from both sides in clamp lamps. I also picked up a new daylight desk lamp from wal-mart. It has a flourex 27w=150w linear bulb. Flexes to funny positions for a lamp?
PIC 2- 14 DAYS (looks like lil hairs there?)
PIC 3- 16-18 DAYS
pic 4- White widow. (are those male signals?

This is what happened when i turned it all on. The air temp in the room jumped 10 degrees. humid at 60%(DIDNT CHANGE MUCH). The leaves on my biggest guy started curling inward and looked burnt and dry in like two days. not open and receiving light, like others. I think it is a heat or airflow prob. I put a draft guard under door, so no more air flow under door (probably not good, but I want all light out. I also have a desk fan on low(could turn it up or back it up on oscillate.

What should i do to get water temp down in tank and lamp heat down. before root rot hits?:wall:


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