Mind, Body and Spirit

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Some great freaking posts...

Very nice look at the journey senor pot head....! It put a great smile on my face as I sit here taking a shit at sfo international.

Your post will be my friend as I fly to miami this mornoing.



New Member
oh i see it skunk and because i see the bad i'm able to accept the good... why can't you see through the haze that is humanity and see that there is truly a next level... life sucks and then you die right skunk...lol
There you go again frth'. If you'd read my posts with any intent on actually reading the words you would know that I think life far from sucks.

Life is great, and then you die.


Well-Known Member
nah its just a saying skunk... i wasn't implying you think life sucks.... life sucks and then you die is just a saying in america i don't know if you've heard it over there or not... i've read all of your posts on the subject and i understand you think life is great and worth living for yourself and your family you just don't think time should be wasted on religion... feel free to correct me if i'm wrong...


New Member
that's about it. That's the trouble with the written word. Unless you explain your exact emotions, it's hard for the reader to pick up tone.


Well-Known Member
a world full of action and reaction...
we live in a world of reactions. no true actions. if we're agreeing to disagree, ill drop it, but how do u guys figure we have any choice over anything we do?

The world is predominatley a place of re-action.. only a few that awaken.. a very very few... (ones who can watch their every breath)... will ACT...take action...
what would be an example of an exception? how can u prove personal control?


Well-Known Member
Only heart to heart can speak the bliss of mystic knowers;
No messenger can tell it and no missive bear it. [Háfiz]

I am silent from weakness on many a matter,
For my words could not reckon them and my speech would fall short. [Arabian poem.]


Well-Known Member
"Free thyself from that which thy passion desireth; then advance unto thy Lord."
"Purify thyself from all else save Him, that thou mayest surrender thy life in His love."
"Draw back from the threshold of the True One if thou still possessest earthly attributes."
"Thank thy Lord on His earth that He may bless thee in His heaven; albeit in the world of oneness, this heaven is the same as His earth."
"Take off from thyself the wrappings of limitations, that thou mayest come to know what thou hast not known of the states of Sanctity."
Peace be upon those who walk in the Right Path!


Well-Known Member
I meant right as in:

right adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb, verb
–adjective 1.in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct. 2.in conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or principle; correct: the right solution; the right answer. 3.correct in judgment, opinion, or action. 4.fitting or appropriate; suitable: to say the right thing at the right time.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i figured. what about:

5.most convenient, desirable, or favorable: Omaha is the right location for a meatpacking firm.?

anyway, wheres the fun in peace?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i figured. what about:

5.most convenient, desirable, or favorable: Omaha is the right location for a meatpacking firm.?

anyway, wheres the fun in peace?
Actually I did post that one then edited, I was gonna post all the defs but then I figuered taht wouldn't make sense....

1.in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct. 2.in conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or principle; correct: the right solution; the right answer. 3.correct in judgment, opinion, or action. 4.fitting or appropriate; suitable: to say the right thing at the right time. 5.most convenient, desirable, or favorable: Omaha is the right location for a meatpacking firm. 6.of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the east when the subject is facing north (opposed to left). 7.in a satisfactory state; in good order: to put things right. 8.sound, sane, or normal: to be in one's right mind; She wasn't right in her head when she made the will. 9.in good health or spirits: I don't feel quite right today. 10.principal, front, or upper: the right side of cloth. 11.(often initial capital letter
) of or pertaining to political conservatives or their beliefs. 12.socially approved, desirable, or influential: to go to the right schools and know the right people. 13.formed by or with reference to a perpendicular: a right angle. 14.straight: a right line. 15.Geometry. having an axis perpendicular to the base: a right cone. 16.Mathematics. pertaining to an element of a set that has a given property when placed on the right of an element or set of elements of the given set: a right identity. 17.genuine; authentic: the right owner. –noun 18.a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please. 19.Sometimes, rights. that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.: women's rights; Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans. 20.adherence or obedience to moral and legal principles and authority. 21.that which is morally, legally, or ethically proper: to know right from wrong. 22.a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics. 23.Sometimes, rights. the interest or ownership a person, group, or business has in property: He has a 50-percent right in a silver mine. The author controls the screen rights for the book. 24.the property itself or its value. 25.Finance. a.the privilege, usually preemptive, that accrues to the owners of the stock of a corporation to subscribe to additional shares of stock or securities convertible into stock at an advantageous price. b.Often, rights. the privilege of subscribing to a specified amount of a stock or bond issue, or the document certifying this privilege. 26.that which is in accord with fact, reason, propriety, the correct way of thinking, etc. 27.the state or quality or an instance of being correct. 28.the side that is normally opposite to that where the heart is; the direction toward that side: to turn to the right. 29.a right-hand turn: Make a right at the top of the hill. 30.the portion toward the right, as of troops in battle formation: Our right crumbled. 31.(in a pair) the member that is shaped for, used by, or situated on the right side: Is this shoe a left or a right? 32.the right hand: Jab with your left and punch with your right. 33.the Right, a.the complex of individuals or organized groups opposing change in a liberal direction and usually advocating maintenance of the established social, political, or economic order, sometimes by authoritarian means. b.the position held by these people: The Depression led to a movement away from the Right. Compare left1 (defs. 6a, b). c.right wing. 34.(usually initial capital letter
) the part of a legislative assembly, esp. in continental Europe, that is situated on the right side of the presiding officer and that is customarily assigned to members of the legislature who hold more conservative or reactionary views than the rest of the members. 35.the members of such an assembly who sit on the Right. 36.Boxing. a blow delivered by the right hand: a right to the jaw. 37.Baseball. right field. –adverb 38.in a straight or direct line; straight; directly: right to the bottom; to come right home. 39.quite or completely; all the way: My hat was knocked right off. 40.immediately; promptly: right after dinner. 41.exactly; precisely: right here. 42.correctly or accurately: to guess right. 43.uprightly or righteously: to obey one's conscience and live right. 44.properly or fittingly: to behave right. 45.advantageously, favorably, or well: to turn out right. 46.toward the right hand; on or to the right: to keep right; to turn right. 47.Informal. very; extremely: a right fine day. 48.very (used in certain titles): the right reverend. –verb (used with object) 49.to put in or restore to an upright position: to right a fallen lamp. 50.to put in proper order, condition, or relationship: to right a crookedly hung picture. 51.to bring into conformity with fact; correct: to right one's point of view. 52.to do justice to; avenge: to be righted in court. 53.to redress, as a wrong. –verb (used without object) 54.to resume an upright or the proper position: After the storm the saplings righted. —Idioms 55.by rights, in fairness; justly: You should by rights have been asked your opinion on the matter. 56.in one's own right, by reason of one's own ability, ownership, etc.; in or of oneself, as independent of others: He is a rich man in his own right. 57.in the right, having the support of reason or law; correct: It pays to be stubborn when one is in the right. 58.right and left, on every side; in all directions: throwing his clothes right and left; members resigning right and left. 59.right away or off, without hesitation; immediately: She made a good impression right off. 60.right on, Slang. exactly right; precisely. 61.too right, Australian Slang. a.(used as an expression of emphatic agreement.) b.okay: “Can we meet tonight?” “Too right.” 62.to rights, into proper condition or order: to set a room to rights.


Well-Known Member
what is peace if not the opposite of war....I guess it could be a state of tranquillity or serenity. not fun but I spent a lot of money on weed to achieve this...

#5 might make sense in some sentences but not with I was trying to say.....I was refering to my original post, the path travelled through the valleys or the cities...The right path, not as in left or right or the most convenient right. The right path is one that the traveller take according to the first four of the defs.


Well-Known Member
I figuered that...I'm left-handed so I would think the opposite would be true...:P
I think the #4 def is actually alittle off too...not sure.Alright I'm gonna be smokin some more, I'll be back later.