again, that's not the point. let me say it again: this thread is about RON PAUL. i rarely start ron paul threads, so when i do, i like to make them actually about RON PAUL.
this thread is not about: other members of congress. unless they are preaching rhetoric like ron paul, i could give two shits less what they spend on first class seats. and if they do have a similar hypocrisy problem as ron paul, then that is another thread.
miss key votes so he could travel coach? what?
if the only way to make it to key vote that came as a surprise (rather than something he should have planned for), that is one thing. but that is not the case here.
what we are dealing with here is an old millionaire who preaches about excessive government spending, then has the government foot the $25,000+ bill for a fancier seat on the plane. hypocrisy, plain and simple.
you keep trying to make this about: is he spending more than others? well, if everyone else was spending excessively, would that make it Ok for ron paul to do the same, especially considering his rhetoric?
and you might not want to talk about insurance. maybe if the old, hypocrite millionaire had sprung for health insurance, kent snyder might still be alive.
he'll spend $25,000 worth of government cheese for more leg room, but won't spend the money to make sure his own staffers can go to the doctor without going bankrupt.