Midweek Song Promotions

Hi Guys n Girls

Our promotion running for the whole of April is as follows................

Buy Any pack of 5 or more seeds from ANY seedbank and we will add one extra seed from the same seedbank (While stock last of course)
Its 4:20 every day this month at Midweek Song

Just to inform all of our customers that the powers that be have again taken it upon themselves to stop our card processing system so we are back to just accepting Bitcoin, Bank Wire or Cash by Post. Sorry to everyone concerned but we will try to source another bank willing to deal with the cannabis industry. Until then we will be leaving our 4:20 promo running indefinitely

Hi Guys 'n Gals

We have some brochures available for the following seedbanks that might be interesting reading to some of you

Ace Seeds
Kannabia Seeds
Dispensario Seeds
Dr Underground
Fast Buds
Royal Queen
Humboldt Seed Company
Heavyweight Seeds
Sensi Seeds
Monster Genetics

Just D.M me with your address and I will send them to you free of charge while stocks last. First come first served. I will send 1 of each unless you ask for a specific one on the above list

Midweek Song
Just so you know, you website clears peoples carts by itself. Yesterday I spend hours putting together a order and come back today and my Shopping cart is empty.

Today I am spending hours to put my order back together, go outside to have a cig and a break from scrolling through out of stock items. By the time I come inside to finish my order my cart is empty again? At least 5 hours spent overall lol

not cool