Midweek Song Promotions

Just gave him what's for
he's just a seeds man schill
Only time I order from anyone else is when you are out of stock (rare), or when I'm looking for topDawg or greenpoint stuff never had a problem
Hi Guys

We seem to have upset a non customer by not being able to take CCs at the moment. Please go to this youtube page titled midweeksong to leave any comment Good or Bad

As we keep saying it is not in our interest to not accept payment from CCs so please bare with us through this testing times in the industry

Sorry you guys are catching flack. That's BS. It has happened to several companies now. Great service? Lots of customers? No more CC for you! Sucks...

Maybe you guys can do what Attitude did with Choice... open up a 2nd shop in Ireland or something.. just for CC order to US.

I'm not here to bad mouth you and have nothing but praise for you. but to be honest, I havent placed an order since the CC think went down. I have with Choice.. It's just a convenience thing. Might be worth a look.. open another shop that can take the CC orders. People will catch on to the fact it is your 2nd shop very quickly.. especially since we have seen other Co do this when in the same situation.

Much love for Midweek Song!

I was working on some mock orders for 420 day. Doing lots of orders today. I was hoping the 420day discount code would be activated today but no dice.
No 420 discount this year? No promo beyond the usual freebies?
Sorry you guys are catching flack. That's BS. It has happened to several companies now. Great service? Lots of customers? No more CC for you! Sucks...

Maybe you guys can do what Attitude did with Choice... open up a 2nd shop in Ireland or something.. just for CC order to US.

I'm not here to bad mouth you and have nothing but praise for you. but to be honest, I havent placed an order since the CC think went down. I have with Choice.. It's just a convenience thing. Might be worth a look.. open another shop that can take the CC orders. People will catch on to the fact it is your 2nd shop very quickly.. especially since we have seen other Co do this when in the same situation.

Much love for Midweek Song!


Thanks HH

Card option now back as from the 23rd

Was just about to place any order, them I noticed the coupon code was reduced. Interested in ordering when you guys throw down a 20% coupon like you have in the past. Until them ill be waiting. Thanks, looking forward to a new coupon code!
Was just about to place any order, them I noticed the coupon code was reduced. Interested in ordering when you guys throw down a 20% coupon like you have in the past. Until them ill be waiting. Thanks, looking forward to a new coupon code!
Maybe they adjusted their prices downward during the CC crises of '17 and no longer have the margin to offer 20% off until the prices get back to normal retail?