Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


Active Member
Hey mid hows it going, do you know what strain that one female is. It is lookin like it is coming along very nicely, looks like its lst job is workin away! I remember when my burmese was that big, and then it just exploded. Everything after those first little whiles seemed way slower. But it was totally worth it, cant even see through it if I tried. Now its in 12/12 and its 2ft wide x 2ft long x 2.5ft tall. Well worth the time to train though! Hope all is well buddy, talk to you later.


New Member
The lady is some random bag-seed.

-She might turn out pretty dank though, my current girlfriend had been gathering seeds from her favorite bags for about a year or two...This was one of the faster growing seedlings that I planted out of that group of seeds.

Soon enough I will take a few clones off of her, and then.....off to flowering! :D.....Can't wait!


Active Member
Sweet man, sounds like things are going awesome. Also with some luck most of the time bag seeds can be some of the dankest, but they can also be duds. I really hopin you got lucky and got some good fire with that little tree!


New Member

-I love the unexpected aspect of it.....the "gamble"

It's exciting! Lol.

We shall soon see what treasures this lady holds....


Well-Known Member
Yea bag seed definitely is like rolling the dice. The 15 i planted were from the same plant and man they are different in terms of size and growth. some of the small ones I really should just give up on and focus on the 5 huge ones but I don't have the heart to toss them lol.


New Member
LOL, fuck it man....in the end they are ALL going to yield SOMETHING....:D

And....Something I learned last grow: Running out of home-grown weed is a THOUSAND times worse than running out of bought weed. LOL.

Cause your sitting there like: I am on top of the world! I have shit tons of weeeeeed!
Then one day, you look into your mason and see an eighth and start to say: "Why the fuck don't I have plants near harvest?" I am going to be fucked soon.

Going to go "perpetual" as fast as possible!



Well-Known Member
Yea I definitely agree with your perpetual. I am gonna have to figure out best way for me to do it to, will be better once I figure out who my females are and who my males are.


New Member
TODAY is day 33....I want her to fill out....BUT, I am putting her into flowering on the 40th day regardless of where it is...OTHERWISE, I would wait until everything is PERFECT, and That shit would take forever, and I need weed, ROFL.


Well-Known Member
lol patience aint your virtue either :) mine either! I want to flower mine now but I wanna get my big 5 like 5 inches bigger.


New Member
lol patience aint your virtue either :) mine either! I want to flower mine now but I wanna get my big 5 like 5 inches bigger.
It sure isn't!
Although it has improved since finishing my fist grow...

Man...I would check on that thing like every ten minutes! ROFL.

I check on my plants like 3-6 times a day now....

But yeah, I am hoping that this little female is a quick flowerer, for sure! LOL


New Member
Well....I started to get bored....and....well....

(Keeping things busy)

-I cut two clones/made a humidity dome all ghetto-like.
-A seedling I planted in a rockwool cube broke soil yesterday.
-re-arranged everything to fit well, and stay ventilated.


1. The current set-up. (My closet from above)
2. Mrs.Monroe.

I won't post pictures of the seedling/clones until things get interesting....


New Member
The CD player is broken, so radio is my only choice....I KNOW, shitty huh?

-I watched the myth busters about plants growing better with music.
-They do in fact grow better with music.
-They best type being metal music, so I just tune it to Kilo (rock is close enough) and walk out....(I DONT like it, but the plants sure do!!!)