Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


Well-Known Member
Mid I just sent you email direct link to survey. Just fill it out and one for your wife 2weeks all kinds ferts mag-cal. Full line


New Member
LOL, yeah....it would have been pretty shitty if I ended up with a single male! lol

-But yeah, after her first night of extra lighting AND her first drink of nutes (1/4 strength) she is looking fabulous!

She plumped over night!
......She is now at 124 actual watts.

Here is a picture of my sexy lady...(mrs. Monroe) (Day29) can't wait to cut some clones of off her later on, and get my perpetual going......She is super happy! Check her out! :)



Active Member
Looks good, bro!! :bigjoint:+Rep when I can.

Also did a nice update on my journal today and the flower room is getting preeetty frosty lol you should check it out if ya get a chance.


New Member
Hell yeah man...I saw a piece of it on doggiesnuts...I will check out the full update on YOUR page here in a sec.

Good seeing you stop by the tread. :)


Well-Known Member
doing very good. my wife and I got a puppy last night. we have been wanting a dog very bad and we saw this puppy on CL for free so we got it. 6 week old pit/lab mix. SO damn cute and will guard my plants lol


New Member
Sounds great man! I love animals!

I have two cats right now, I am planning on getting a dog when I move into an actual house.....We are going to pick a cute/non-threatening dog though....Probably a welsh corki LOL!
My lady loves em'


Moderatrix of Journals
----Update time--- O.k. -I have some bad news, and some "news"-news.

Bad news: The bad news is that me being new with seeds AND ME BEING SUPER EAGER to get these plants off and running, has cost me a plant. At the beginning I put my seedlings into 12/12 to determine the sex of the plants........Me being new at growing with anything but clones, (always female) I THOUGHT I saw my two plants' sex.....I WAS WRONG, apparently what I saw must have been a growth and not the start of a pistol, because...wamp wamp.......MRS.KENNEDY is a male! ROFL!
View attachment 2011681 I was too eager and put them back on 18/6 before they were fully developed. What I thought was a pistol was merely new leaf growth. NOW, they have both showed OBVIOUS signs of sex TODAY.

Mrs.kennedy = MALE
Mrs.Monroe = Female

This just goes to show you kids.....never rush anything when it comes to growing. (I transplanted mrs. Kennedy into a 3 gal pot BEFORE I was 100% sure....this is now a waste of soil....) OK, on to the NEWS-NEWS. Mrs.Monroe has received her first watering that included nutes. (As there was no need earlier because I am using F.F. Ocean Forest soil).....she seemed pretty happy about it too! :)

View attachment 2011682

that's too bad about MR. kennedy. ;)
fwiw, i don't see any reason you couldn't bag up the 3 gals of dirt (minus rootball) and reuse it next time.


New Member
Hey....good call....I think I WILL re-use it......especially considering how little of time it spent IN that soil...

Thanks Mellow.....


haha i have a 1 1/2 year old pit/lab mix. his name is kush lol he is phsyco hyper. such a lover tho. and my girl has a 4 year old corgi lol he is badass. he really thinks he is a guard dog.