Micro Grow - Ghetto Box


Well-Known Member
Looks great bro, ive read to chop at a point when the hairs turn from white to amber... also thats if you cant see the trichs... the best thing to do is get a 30x mag glass and check the trich color.... if its kinda clear kinda cloudy you need to wait if its cloudy and some amber chop away... depends of the type of high you want! Looks great though keep it up bra check back in on mine after harvest


Well-Known Member
i heard to from somehere when i remember ill post it that its good near the end or the end leave he lights off for like either 24 hours or 48 hours this makes it more potient releases more thc in the buds cuase it makes the plant think winter is comin
like i said when i find where i got that from ill post it i think it was in the growfaqs


Well-Known Member
still goin strong, i dont think its time to chop yet, those hairs will get more bud on em, id say a couple more weeks, maybe 4. just depends on the trichs. radioshack has a 30-60-100X mag for 12$, works good, just need a better light for it lol. how did u manage to keep ur plant that small? how long did u veg?