Micro Grow - Ghetto Box


Well-Known Member
Lookin good brotha....you might wanna tie those bitches down to control height which will keep them short and bushy. kite string works great w/thumb tacks poked in the sides of the cups. Not sure about 12/12 from seed...seems like the unnatural light cycle would stress the plants & promote the likeliehood of males (could be wrong tho..). Anywho, looks like you're on the right track. Don't forget your nutrients dude!


Well-Known Member
looks good holmes! you might want to be careful with the tape on the base of your CFL. the base is the ballast and can get hot. i doubt its a fire hazard but it could shorten the life of your bulb because its running hotter than it should.


Well-Known Member
shit didnt know about the light thing... And the last time i did 12/12 from seed the plants showed sex before 3 weeks... males showed at like 2-2/12 and these are taking longer to show so I think they may be female... but everything depends on the strain.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

as for the height thing I have another foot and a half, they are just raised on books. I did LST last couple times... Trying it without in this round


Well-Known Member
Or less. You've gotten by rather well thus far but you're going to need to add some light when you switch to 12/12. You probably need about another 200W to grow 3 plants. Real watts, not equivalent.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown under this before. Idk Ima see how it turns out. For the size of the plants, my previous ones were fine. And like i said previously the plants have been in 12/12 from seed. :-P


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants and well set up ghetto box.
Cfl's, carboard box, white paper reflecting surfaces, all put together just right and obviously the plants are happy.

Why do we still see people say things like "I'm saving money to start my first grow"?

It's sort of a shame you don't have a few more lights in just a bit larger space though so you could fit more plants.
That will run out fast after harvest...


Well-Known Member
yea I know... But for the time being it is something to do. and 2 of the plants were male... so... an even small harvest... oh well... more attention on this plant... :-P


Well-Known Member
yeah nice job so far but imagine if you add 1-2 more of the same lights and a cheep pc fan(go to salvation army or goodwill buy a old ass pc for $10 most old cpus had two fans!)
you could probably do a good LST on 1-2 plants
good luck it appears like youve got a green thumb but def look to increase lumens in there


Well-Known Member
i already have 1 computer fan, and a desk fan, the desk fan is on the top of the box by the light it sucks air out, the pc fan is in back. :)

and i chopped 2 of the plants so i will buy another light, get the most out of my mini plant. :D another 42 watter. so it will be equivalent to 300w


New Member
Nice man that ho looks really healthy for just one cfl! You should peep my journal, cuz we have a very similar setup. We can give each other pointers and shit ya know