That's all fine with me, not looking for, or to be, a caregiver, just want to grow my own LEGAL smoke. Another question, and this is where I hit the roadblock,,,I have always had a fear and hatred of doctors. I've lived with almost constant headaches for over 25 years and refuse to pay a doctor's inflated prices, with or without insurance. I also have arthritis and back pains and muscle spasms, but none of this has ever been "officially" documented by a regular physician. The law is written so as to say you need medical records for at least the last three years showing that you have sought treatment for the ailments you wish to help with medical marijuana
No, it does no say anything about needing a three year medical history, all the Law says is in the 'course of a bonafide Doctor/Patient Relationship'. That language is there because we have case law. A bonafide Doctor Patient relationship exists as soon as the patient and Doctor say it does.
Probably what you are referring to is an individual Doctor or Clinic requirement that you have medical history from your last three Doctors visits. This is enough to establish history which a Doctor can review to show that you do have an existing condition. This would be called exercising due caution, not a legal requirement of the Law.
Do any of the clinics have a way of circumventing this part of the law or do I need to make an appointment with a regular MD and see them several times to prove that I have sought help for my "aches and pains"?This is the part of the law that puts me in a bad position. I literally have not seen a doctor in nearly 25 years, I prefer to just deal with the pain and take obscene amounts of aspirin
Since it is not LAW there is not anything to circumvent.
As far as my previous question about being a felon, I think I could/would qualify to grow my own, from what I understood of the reply posts, please correct if I'm wrong. Just love to smoke and as I'm getting older I really only do maybe 1 or 2 a day, but would still like to be as legit as possible about it. I love that Michigan has finally seen the light, but fear that I may have to smoke illegally till I die, or quit(not likely) whichever comes first. Why couldn't they/we have passed this great law before I got into legal trouble? Bastards,,,,,,,
They can not deny your being a patient, you are not allowed to be a caregiver if you have a previous felon drug conviction.
There seems to be a lot of confusion by people that have not actually read and analyzed this Law, so much that I am tired of hearing them.
Doctor have hundreds of thousands of dollars tied up in education and equipment, they are going to want more than just a quick visit with you, they are going to want to see some history. We have Doctors in Jackson that have written recommendations for patients they see on a regular basis. Many of their patients are on Medicare or Medicade, and these Doctor do not charge their regular patients any additional fees for the recommendations.
The best placece to get information about what is needed from you would be to call one of the clinics and find out what you need.
Here is what has happened. The 'government' has been lying about Marijuana since 1937, all they do is come up with another lie, or try to tell us it is not a good time right now to talk about Marijuana the economy is to important, we are fighting a war, etc. We had testimony from Irv Rosenfeld in front of our representative a few years back, nothing was done. The democrats signed a statement saying they would support Medical Marijuana if it ever came up for a vote. The citizens of our State have said, enough is enough we don't care what you think or say, it is time to get the patients off the battlefield, no reason for them to suffer and be in pain while we fight the rest of this battle.
We passed a carefully written, tightly worded bill that, if followed to the letter will protect patients and caregivers from arrest and Prosecution. Law enforcement and prosecutors have chosen to ignore the law or try to rewrite the law and they can't. This Law is a constitutional Amendment and if you read section 7 e you will find that any law that conflicts with this law does not apply to the Medical use of Marijuana. Like Matt Abel pointed out today in the Shaiwassee Circuit Court It is legal to grow marijuana in Michigan now.......... for some people. We call them patients and caregivers. Imagine, I can legally grow 12 plants for myself and up to 60 for 5 other people in Michigan right now according to the Law. It requires a vote by 75% of the representatives to change this carefully crafted Law. There are even provisions to add diseases and conditions that will be covered by this law. Please read it first, analyze it second and the thank us for working to pass it .....before you call us

bastards for doing so. VV