Michigan MMJ

Yep think we need to slow down a tad and get it right. Been shake'in me head past few months but try'in to stick with it. I just keep the bow pointed into the wind and keep sailin.
VV sent the club info to the mag and let me know if ya need some help. Been busy as hell with the club but will do what I can as always. Would be open to do a spot on the radio too if you guys want to talk to a club here in the sw side and was think on have'in ya come to a meet here to talk about the class thing. Shoot me a pm and we'll see if we can get that going. Our clubs at the point of the growing classes we talked about so lets put that to the group and see what they think.

As far as Ron and the plan and the mmma and the rest of the stuff thats been trying to get going.......

Look.... this stuff takes time and one hell of alot of work. My hats off to all thats atleast tried SOMETHING.............
Might have been wrong(some), but ATLEAST, something was tried be it wrong or not.
The networking has already begun.......

It wont be stopped...............

Bear with us as we grow.............................
Yep think we need to slow down a tad and get it right. Been shake'in me head past few months but try'in to stick with it. I just keep the bow pointed into the wind and keep sailin.
VV sent the club info to the mag and let me know if ya need some help. Been busy as hell with the club but will do what I can as always. Would be open to do a spot on the radio too if you guys want to talk to a club here in the sw side and was think on have'in ya come to a meet here to talk about the class thing. Shoot me a pm and we'll see if we can get that going. Our clubs at the point of the growing classes we talked about so lets put that to the group and see what they think.

As far as Ron and the plan and the mmma and the rest of the stuff thats been trying to get going.......

Look.... this stuff takes time and one hell of alot of work. My hats off to all thats atleast tried SOMETHING.............
Might have been wrong(some), but ATLEAST, something was tried be it wrong or not.
The networking has already begun.......

It wont be stopped...............

Bear with us as we grow.............................

Make it a date, Monday the 23, map to the studio is on the www.migrowers.org website, in Links, Straight Up, then map. VV:eyesmoke:
23 maybe to soon but what about the 30th ?? I'll get with mama about this monday and let ya know if I can swing it. I'll let ya know today.I'm also sending the class info to the board to see what they think. Been runnin the tires off the truck driving around helping them get going so these classes could save mamas truck tires hehehehehehe.What time on monday ??
23 maybe to soon but what about the 30th ?? I'll get with mama about this monday and let ya know if I can swing it. I'll let ya know today.I'm also sending the class info to the board to see what they think. Been runnin the tires off the truck driving around helping them get going so these classes could save mamas truck tires hehehehehehe.What time on monday ??

The show goes on at 5:00, we usually get there around 4:30, We can do phone interviews as well, maybe a phone interview this Monday, and a visit on the 30th, set-up for the next show?? :eyesmoke: VV
Yep that will work. I'm good for the 30th and will bring another board member with me. He's just ride'in along so we may get him to talk too. You met his wife at the leaders meeting in lansing. I'm still trying to find yer number again and will call when I do. It's in this pile somewheres :wall::bigjoint:
hehehehehehe yep and think she was after those toes of yours hehehehehehehehehe. Yeah they where at the march and ya met them both.Lorrie and jeff and she was pushing him in the wheelchair.Great, great people.................

Jeff said his toe was bigger so ya have no worries hehehehehehehe :bigjoint:

Well maybe ya do heheheheheheh :-P
Wow man, I am still not sure, did you do the radio show? If you did you know I was MIA, had a meeting with the 'new board' of 3MA. We introduced them to our NPO, Michigan Medical Marijuana Education and Defense Organization, website, Articles of Incorporation, by-Laws, Privacy Policy, Mission and Resolution, took them on a tour of the map, introduced them to 3 of the Officers of the group, just generally dazzled them with brilliance, one of them tried to baffle us with bull****, your guess would be as good as mine as to who that would be, tits on a boar comes to mind.
Meetings may start over this weekend, I am not willing to wait for another MMMA board meeting, they had better get on board with us.
Tom and John have done such a good job of putting this together that they can not ignore us, we can even put all of the audio of the meetings on line if folks want to take the time to hear what is happening.
If they take the time to read it, they will see that my position as President is life long and I can pass that on to anyone, they would be lifelong if I did that. It is a protection that we put in, no one can take over this Organization without my approval. My role is just advisory, I don't even get to vote unless its to break a tie, something I am not likely to do, if its that close we can wait for more information.
I think this is going to be an exciting year, I am Thankful for all the last year has brought, still want it to move faster.
And did I mention I have a Digital Recorder so you can document your grow for the classes, they like pictures, a picture is like a thousand words, hands on experience is worth a thousand pictures.
Happy Thanks-Giving everyone. VV

PS. Actually we are Picture Whores, we love pictures.
Thought we're doing that on the 30th ???? Anyways I'll be shooting ya a call
YEa I lived just south of michigan.Indiana was considering going up there.untill I read cops will still enforce old ways kept me out.Now I live in oregon read it was real safe hear.It is cops been to my house twice been pulled over once.no problems.
Thanks for the info VV. I visited the 4M magazine site & I can't wait to get the inaugural issue. It shouldn't be hard to sell 22,000 issues. I think it's just what the Michigan Marihuana community wants and needs.

Are you going to have a column?

I've been meaning to catch your broadcast, but I've been terribly busy lately. Hopefully next week.

Well yes, I am doing an Editorial Column, my view of where we are and what we need to do to move forward.

I need a lot of help right now. We are working on a Education and Defense Organization, the idea is simple, pool our meager resources, use them to go on offense. We are about ready to launch that, with or without the 3MA.

We already did put up a Growers Website, and have started our series of 12 simple hands on growing classes, we need about 50 people to run that program, the pay sucks, you do get the satisfaction of helping some folks get their medicine for the least possible cost, maybe even recover some of their costs if our master growers do their job correctly. Its a great job for someone that knows how to grow but doesn't have a lot of space to do it in.

We have made some progress this year, still along way to go. VV
I currently live in Mi and I have yet to apply for a card because i keep reading that it does nothing. Cops are still righting tickets and arresting people for having a card and pot. The police budgets are so low right now that if they stop busting people for having pot then they would be losing a crap ton of money. I think they are not following the laws that the state laid down. Bull shit to the fullest IMO. . . I plan on being a care giver if the police will start to follow the laws. Has anyone gone to the place in southfield?
Yes.. and a great bunch of people, they also travel the state to help the ones who cant.
Kruzty's wife is in the Hospital, she had a stroke last Thursday and has not come out of that yet. Kruzty has been there pretty much all of the time since then, his laptop is not letting him get online. Please remember Bunie in your prayers. VV
Just Became legal today thanks to the fine folks at thcf!! Im interested in attending some compassion club meeting, sorry in advance if a link was posted earlier in the thread. I live in kent county and was wondering if anyone had any info.

ive got a buddy in a southern state wanting to move up here...

he was asking me how long he had to stay and what he had to do to get his card...

anyone know the requirements on this?

Can he use my address or does he have to buy his own place, and does he need a michigan drivers licence?

i was checking around on the mmma site a bit, and saw a section about needing a license OR a passport.

so, hes got a passport, what else would he need? an address, a doctors note, and ...?
