Michigan MMJ

This is still the United States of America, anyone can move to another State. In order to establish residence most States will look to the drivers license or a State Issued ID card.
He would need to establish the Doctor Patient relationship and get the recommendation. Then fill out the paper work and send it in, and wait. VV
Hey VV are you member of MMMA ?

Yes I am right now. However, I do not support their agenda, I made that clear to them over a year ago, have waited through three or four 'reorganizations', they have gotten worse over time. They think they are business people, I think they are morons.

They have made stupid statements, like 'the money is not in growing marihuana', that show they do not understand 'our business', they are biting the hands that would feed them.

The original idea for forming the MMMA was to protect patients and care givers from arrest and prosecution, instead they have spent their time trying to get dispensary. They don't understand why we (the care givers) don't send them barrels of money, they are the business people, we should just all support their making us the providers for their business.

It really is too bad, they have already wasted a year, now we have to go on the offensive. We have formed our defense, growing, care giver and patient organizations. Without their help.

I am doing a weekly radio show, a monthly magazine column for the Michigan Medical Marihuana Magazine, the founder and President of the defense organization, the founder of the migrowers.org. Last week 3MA had a meeting for all of the leaders of Medical Marihuana for our state, my name is not on that list???

Well........ hmmmm....... ok, I uhhh,, don't really see much that the MMMA has done that helps patients and care givers, and apparently the business they have isn't doing to well either, if we can believe what they say, they are still not getting paid for running the MMMA.

Maybe there is something to be said for the folks that grow the medicine for the patients, maybe there is a co-op or two already in place. Maybe stopping patients and care givers from arrest and prosecution would be some thing everyone could support. :bigjoint: VV
Gday VV, I share many of your views on MMMA.
And some I dont, I do know most of the Board, and Greg Francisco (founder)
Greg has his heart in right place, IMO its a greater portion of the board that have conflicting opinions. I do know that they are paying there ED, and that was made public I thought.
Your right I also feel MMMA have a long way to go before it is what it should be.
Can anyone tell me if your primary MD or Do has to practice in MI. or can they be from another state? Thanks and keep up the good work all. I am getting more involved and right now am seeing it as growing pains! Soon our voice will change and things will get smoother.

I was wondering if there was a place I could put my name so if people are looking for a caregiver I could be one.

I was suppose to be one for a friend but he picked an older guy that he thinks is smarter but I don't know for sure.
Hi, I was just wondering how the whole legal process grows. I now how the application and everything works but as of right now its like the law doesnt even exist. I have spoke to some local authorities that say they have been instructed by senior officers to arrest ANYONE in posession of marijuana cardholder or not. how long does it take for the authorities to come to terms with the law. The state is suppose to have provisions for getting the apps and everything setup by april 4.
read the law one more...

I was wondering if there was a place I could put my name so if people are looking for a caregiver I could be one.

I was suppose to be one for a friend but he picked an older guy that he thinks is smarter but I don't know for sure.

Go to a compassion club meeting and see if they allow or have a spot for caregivers to advertise. We have a board at the door where they can post a card.That way the patient can choise between several if they want.
Hello- my father has diverticulitis, he is a resident of Michigan. I am not. He has recently asked me for help finding a doctor. He was formerly a local police officer- and is very hesitant to get a card from a local doctor as he is worried about stigma and a violation of patient privacy rights.

Are there any doctor's in the lower penisula- ranging from Traverse City area to Saginaw that work with patients in need? I'm sure he could go to any outside doctor- but again, he is worried about the process and he still doubts the legalities despite my reassurance.

Thank you for your help in advance.
OB Cron Kenobi Hello- my father has diverticulitis, he is a resident of Michigan. I am not. He has recently asked me for help finding a doctor. He was formerly a local police officer- and is very hesitant to get a card from a local doctor as he is worried about stigma and a violation of patient privacy rights.

It is your fathers Doctor that would have to be worried about protecting his right to privacy, not your father.

Are there any doctor's in the lower penisula- ranging from Traverse City area to Saginaw that work with patients in need?

There are Doctors that do certifications that regularly go to Traverse City, Marty and his wife Gale have helped over 80 patients get registered, they live in Greenbush, many options. The 3MA board is a good source for that information.

I'm sure he could go to any outside doctor- but again, he is worried about the process and he still doubts the legalities despite my reassurance.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Most of the clinics and Doctors are going to want his medical records, he is going to have to get them from his regular Doctor. We know people all over the state that can and will help him. VV
I have heard stories about caregivers being busted and getting their plants confiscated and killed ,only to have them returned dead and worthless as medicine.Apparently a woman in genesse county is suing the county for 5 million dollars,for the above civil rights violation and I say you go girl!!!!!!!! maybe if the cops get enough people to take legal action they will leave us alone. I am a patient and a caregiver and dont sweat the small shit , I also have a good attorney.When you get your appointment and pay the fees you also get a free 1 hour consultation with an attorney, if you h ave any problems there are plenty of lawyers who will take your case , so you have nothing to fear but fear it self