Michigan MMJ

this is in now way ment to steal riu's spot light, because this is the most informative website i have stumbled across yet.

BUT.. check out http://www.michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/

alot of our questions are ansewered on that forum buy people that have/are being used as "test cases" and some pretty good overall results.

half of the cops dont even know its legal yet and the other half know as much as we do. Cops are being cautions "let the judges handle it" more or less.

Be pactient, its a new law with alot of gray area's. If your gonna be a caregiver stay legal, if you do not intend on being legal go about your buisness amongst yourself.

Side note, if the community over there is any indicator of the common knowledge of growing. Michigan is FUCKED =\.....for now

Victor and I are both members of the MMMA and are trying to help as many michiganders as we can on the new law. I run one of the many new compassion club starting around the state, so hit the link in my sig to find out more.

Dont know on the side note but we grow the best smoke in the world and have for years,hehehehehehe.

where ya been ???

Having lived in Big Rapids, Ive loosely followed this thread. Good to see Michigan getting it together.
I see Oaksterdamn idiots are trying to spread their crap in your direction. They've introduced a self serving legalization bill here in Cal...Screw them.
Oaksterdam is being supported by the MMMA. This is mistake they made that has hurt our cause, I told them that before they did it. The type of training that is needed is simple, hands on, 12 weeks, following the life cycle of the plants.
We will be starting those classes for our Jackson Group this week or next. We have a building to hold the classes in, we should have the key to it today. Its big enough for a class for 15 people, we have to limit the class size anyway, 15 clones will pretty well take care of one or two mother plants for a few weeks.
There are a lot of members from the MMMA forum that are members here as well, several posts that refer to rollitup as a good source for information, that is why we have started two forums of our own www.micaregivers.org and www.migrowers.org We have them up and running, not completed yet, stilll getting all of the spammers. MrBlueJeans will take care of that shortly.
The growers forum will contain a lot of information from rollitup. VV
Can someone help me out? I am looking for A normal everyday doctor that will give me A rec. for the mm card! I can't seem tofind 1, everywere I call say's they do not particapate in that program.... Any help would be great.

Im not sure where ur located but I can hook you up with a great doc, he's a strait up family doc but he's compassionate in the use of Marijuana, he suggested to me before I got the nerve to ask him about it.

leave me a private message.
hi guys . i am interested in being a caregiver for my wife but i am not for sure if her condition is one that is acceptable. she has very bad migraines . she does have a detailed med file with reg doc and neurologists reports and cant none of them stop it or help make it bearable except with a pill that cost $92 and it does not do what good pot does for her , we make a butter for her to eat in and on all kinds of things if she smokes it the coughing hurts her head . we cant afford to pay $200 to go to southfeild just to find out if she qualifies and we have no insurance for her job left her unemployed and mine dont offer it so we would like to keep doctor vistits as minimal as we can because they all cost money. any help would be great. thanx
hey vv or krusty, what is the best way to become a caregiver? and if possible I would like some details on your class. I personally dont really think I need a class but would like to see some other views.
The best way to get your wife qualified is with a Doctor that she has already seen. What you are describing should qualify, MD or DO needs to say so. We have Doctors in some area's that have given the recommendation as a part of normal practice, with no additional charge. We also have some that will work out a payment plan. To be a Registered Caregiver you and your patient fill out the appropriate form, let them know if you or the patient will be growing the plants, not that it matters in this case. There is no fee to the caregiver.
The classes that we will be starting are simple classes, I am a simple man. There are a lot of folks that could run these classes and that is the way we intend it to be. The folks that have been growing for a while need to step forward. 12 classes, from the basics an grow room design to almost weed. By the time they go in flowering you are just watching the grass grow.
I would be glad to e-mail you the Power Point that we have put together, not all finalized, we want input from others. VV
Finally...To be honest I always worry about giving back to the community, and last night made me feel "good" about myself for the first time in a while.

Purely by chance a friend of mine introduced me to 2 great guys who live not too close but then close enuf, that happen to be caregivers in accordance with the MMM Laws and Regs.

I just so happen to in possesion of many fine clones that I really didnt need due to wanting to make my next grow strictly Medical, So I gave 13 clones of some wonderful bud that I am currently growing, And another that I am not, but if you hear of Legacy give it a try you will like it. You can see the pics in my album.

So my good Karma for the week was a donation of 13 clones to the State of Michigan. Now that I think of it it wasnt nearly enough. I'll have more clones soon.:peace:
oaks,yeah,,,, oaks...

I thought that was a mistake too on the mmma part.But , hell guess we're all new at this leagal thing and we'll all make a few bumbles along the way as I know i've made a few. I, like Vic, just keep on trying to pay it forward.I've been finding that getting babies has been the new patients hardest thing to over come. Getting better, but still really no easy way but for them to get out there and meet someone that can help them.I've helped eveyone I can and thats still not payed for the help folks like Vic have given me. We just keep paying it forward. Vic's classes and vid's where no small feet to say the least and has been a hell of a effort.
It wasn't that hard Kruzty, I just copied someones Blue's thread.lol We hosted the Clinic For Compassionate Care yesterday at the Leoni Township Hall, Jackson County. 17 patients received their recommendations. They will be in Benton Harbor Saturday, hope you folks have a couple of people that are left to help them while you are at the leaders meeting. Phone number for scheduling appointments with Dr. Bob is (888) 846-0420.
Deh, thanx for helping. Pass it forward. Wait til you see the baby pictures. VV8)
Im in Northern Michigan (not the U.P.) there are a few of us here working together so i'll try and see if we can get more organized with a existing group up this way. (Missaukee,Wexford Counties)
I'm wondering what the odds are of the state denying a person a card if they have been busted before. I would really LOVE to be able to grow and/or smoke legally but am worried that after paying the 300 dollars for the application and paperwork, plus doctor visits, if they can/would deny a card to someone who already has a felony conviction for possession with intent. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I'm wondering what the odds are of the state denying a person a card if they have been busted before. I would really LOVE to be able to grow and/or smoke legally but am worried that after paying the 300 dollars for the application and paperwork, plus doctor visits, if they can/would deny a card to someone who already has a felony conviction for possession with intent. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Page 8 of 23 of what I read online states..." Primary Caregivers-(Section 4(e)) "Primary Caregiver" means a person who is a least 21 years old and who has agreed to assist with a patients medical use of marujuana and who has never been convicted of a felony involving illegal drugs."
Deh is right, if you have a felony drug conviction you can not be a caregiver. You can be a patient and under our law you would be allowed to grow your own, 12 plants. VV
Deh & Ledhed,
Victor knows what he is talking about, they won't deny you the right to be a patient. No problem almost no one is denied. Now getting the Rec. is another story....lol
could anyone PM me with some info as to how I could get approved for it? I'm in Wayne country, and that southfield place is probably 20-25 minutes from me.