Michigan Legislature's fall agenda

I would say look to the clause in the mmma that says that all laws that conflict with the mmma are void

Yeah right! That really helped out when they shuffled the law last time didn't it?
I mean, I'm sorry to sound so sarcastic but, that never stopped them before! Why this time?

I sat around fires, heard the words in my shop and with other growing friends 6 years ago. "What do you mean Scutte's gunna be a bad choice for AG? It's gunna be fine! The law is in place and they can't change it - we won!" No one listened when I said, "But he's the one that lead the anti MM move against us! He'll have something up his sleeve! Mark my words...."

Now look at us. He has left the MMMA in tatters! Look carefully whats left! The only way to transfer MM is by caregiver to patient ONLY! Give it away - felony, sell it - felony, trade it - felony! Over the counter sales (disp sales) are ILLEGAL PERIOD - STATE LAW (and that folks - trumps local laws.) He even said he and the state would not pursue shops approved by the local DA's - HE LIED, and there is proof across the state on that! It is ILLEGAL to sell TO a disp.! ALL transporting MUST be done in a LOCKED box IN your trunk (padlock box is NOT legal).......If you get hit with a "compliance check" and your growing more then a cpl of plants. The FIRST thing they say is, What do you do with your overage's? You MUST have them as those will put you over personal weight allowance, when you harvest." What do you say to that? All MM must be stored in a "secure" way and location. If you have it in a box, behind books on the top of a 12 foot tall bookcase....and you have any other people living in the home - you get charged! "They have access".....

The law was corrupted so much by Schutte that the whole system is a catch-22 right now! This is the last step to his taking it ALL away from us having any control!

BTW, it is estimated that by the time the "Medical marijuana" hits the disp shelf......Due to the new growing - moving and processing laws.........The per gram price will be around $30! Grower - armored car transport to the processor (NO trimming by the grower - every crumb MUST be accounted for) - armored car transport to the lab for creating edibles or concentrates (skip this if going directly to the shop) and then the shop it's self! Lots a mark up going on there and the Armored car guy is laughing all the way to the bank! Each step HAS to be documented and you get the end document that you HAVE to carry with the MM at all times!

You can read what YOU think the law means - I've been told by lawyers for and against it.....Growers and patients are FUCKED!

KY anyone?
I HATE to be doom and gloom!

BUT you all have to understand it for what it's going to do! This IS a fucking nightmare!


NOW CALL AND EMAIL! Don't give me this to late or it won't work crap! We sure as hell will suffer if we don't at least TRY and make a difference!

Time for you all to stop voting for "parties" and start voting on issues!
Well back to underground I guess. It really sucks that it would come to that. I can see it already people's families continuing to be devastated by the state's negligence. If they wouldn't want home growing, why not put it in the law? Instead they want people to play Russian roulette with their freedom. Is there there some fine print that I didn't read that might state the legalities of home growing in the new HB's?

NO, no fine print - Back when this was being open to hearings. I spoke with lawyers on either side of the fence. They both said that home growing was being made illegal in a left handed fashion. You can grow it - but you won't be able to possess it! So by default - it's gunna bite you in the ass if you do! Money the state makes from this is going to be sent back to law enforcement state wide to allow for new hires to specifically target illegal growing and possession! This is part of the plan and has been reported as such many times. Sadly, not to the public in any way that most would have heard or seen it anywhere....
The reason this is even a subject is because all you dispensary owners never understood that them mmma only ever allowed tranfers between patients and their connected caregiver.....dispensary owners made this the prob it is today
Does this replace the current caregiver/patient model or in addition to it? I can't seem to find that answer. Are people still able to grow for their patients but just not sell their overages to dispensaries?

btw, hello there TheMan :)
You are all deluded!
I fought this in hearings at the Senate level months ago! My shop got raided all my operations shut down and agreements from local DA's ignored! Schutte came after me because I testified against these bills. I TOLD THE TRUTH and it got me busted!

There will be NO, let me repeat this again. There will be NO legal growing outside of the big (can you say prairie farms?) 500 to 1500 plant growers.
ALL MM patients WILL have to go to APPROVED MM disp.! Your not getting the writing on the wall! IF the police come to your house or catch you in possession - any time any where, with MM that does NOT have a way to be tracked back to the LEGAL source! YOUR BUSTED! That legal source MUST BE A STATE LICENSED GROWING operation! HOME GROWING will have NO way to be licensed or traceable back to your exact grow! IN EFFECT - ALL PERSONAL GROWING WILL BE ILLEGAL! You won't have that "seed to sale" required PROOF of ORIGIN! You WILL be busted as having unregistered and therefor illegal weed!

They may have changed some words BUT, the meaning as it was INTENDED back when it was written. IS still the same!

MI is about to go NO PERSONAL GROWING - even if they don't "officially" change the law to say so!

I don't give a SHIT what the writer of that non-informative piece of newsless trash said.....ALL dispensaries are ILLEGAL under STATE LAW! I should know! I WAS BUSTED FOR MINE and HAD THE "OFFICIAL OK" to operate under what Schutte him self said as to local enforcement choosing to or not! I was told directly, that the word to raid me came directly from Bill Schutte himself!
It was passed to a multi county drug enforcement team and not "local" authorities whom I had the blessing from!

They word it so you THINK it's ok. THEN SCREW YOU WITH THE DETAILS!

REMEMBER THE DETAILS ARE NO NON RECORDED POSSESSION! (They ain't "recording" your home med grow - so your a no-no! This will open the door for you to loose your kids and home! They have made the new possession laws FELONY'S !!!! HUGE fines and mandatory jail times (for second offence and above)!

Today was the House vote - It got cancelled as some Rep died on his motorcycle.....Sad for him - good for us,,,,,,CALL/EMAIL YOUR HOUSE REP and say VOTE NO!

This bill is slated to pass by what I'm told by insiders - SO START CALLING?EMAILING THE GOV. AND TELL HIM TO NOT SIGN IT!

Are you 100% you're reading it right? It could really be a sad day for MI. This is going to fuck over so many people especially if they have 72 plants. Even if I paid $5k I really don't want 500 to 1,500 plants along with the hassle of tracking everything. It says "People with medical marijuana cards and caregivers would be immune from prosecution if they are in compliance with the act." This still isn't giving immunity from the federal government. Might be time for us Michiganders to move. I think Cali is better anyway. All I got to say is FUCK YOU MI POLITICIANS! Back to everyone buying $30 grams or having a small private grow in the basement or garage. I really hope they somehow allow patients and caregivers to co-exist with the big dispensaries. Otherwise this shit really scares me. Enough to have to take a few xanax and smoke a fat joint otherwise I won't sleep at night. This kind of talk seriously freaks me out and makes me parabloid as fuck. It could come to we all worked so hard for what?

HB 4209: The bill creates a license and regulates medical marijuana growers, processors, provisioning centers and dispensaries, transporters and testing facilities. The bills allows communities to enact ordinances to authorize a dispensary in their town and charge an annual licensing fee of up to $5,000. People with medical marijuana cards and caregivers would be immune from prosecution if they are in compliance with the act. A tax rate of 3% would be imposed on the gross retail income of each provisioning center, which some experts say would bring in an estimated $40 million to $50 million in revenues to the state. The bill would create three classes of licenses for medical marijuana growers: Class A, up to 500 plants; Class B between 500 and 1,000 plants and Class 3, between 1,000 and 1,500 plants. The state Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department has estimated that it will cost the state $21 million annually to implement and enforce the new medical marijuana laws.
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Are you 100% you're reading it right? It could really be a sad day for MI. This is going to fuck over so many people especially if they have 72 plants. Even if I paid $5k I really don't want 500 to 1,500 plants along with the hassle of tracking everything. It says "People with medical marijuana cards and caregivers would be immune from prosecution if they are in compliance with the act." This still isn't giving immunity from the federal government. Might be time for us Michiganders to move. I think Cali is better anyway. All I got to say is FUCK YOU MI POLITICIANS! Back to everyone buying $30 grams or having a small private grow in the basement or garage.

HB 4209: The bill creates a license and regulates medical marijuana growers, processors, provisioning centers and dispensaries, transporters and testing facilities. The bills allows communities to enact ordinances to authorize a dispensary in their town and charge an annual licensing fee of up to $5,000. People with medical marijuana cards and caregivers would be immune from prosecution if they are in compliance with the act. A tax rate of 3% would be imposed on the gross retail income of each provisioning center, which some experts say would bring in an estimated $40 million to $50 million in revenues to the state. The bill would create three classes of licenses for medical marijuana growers: Class A, up to 500 plants; Class B between 500 and 1,000 plants and Class 3, between 1,000 and 1,500 plants. The state Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department has estimated that it will cost the state $21 million annually to implement and enforce the new medical marijuana laws.

EVERYBODY go and peep this!


READ DOWN to my last posting on that page too!