Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
My CM and MM are taking off with the nice weather we have been having as of late. The BW and BB are doin ok just kinda chugging along. Stay safe out there LEO is watching...

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Hey guys still alive been bussy a hell
Glad to see so much growing going on in Michigan sorry bout your buddys dank that sucks but I think alot more are going to go down until the laws get more defined or people start sueing the state sad to say but true
hic plants look good I want to see what you think of the JB my fav by far


Well-Known Member
Took a ride out to the plants today. There doing really good. Most of them have almost doubled in size since they have been out.
Two of them were dug up by what I think is raccoons, but they will make it.
I circled each plant with some insecticidel powder for crawling insects, and sprayed them real good with some seven. The grasshoppers are chewing on some of the leaves but nothing serious.
I also had to dig my well hole about two feet deeper.
Seeing how much faster the outdoor plants are growing is making me think I should empty my grow room and put them all out.


Well-Known Member
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BW pheno 2.2 - Is What I believe to be the Black Widow. I have the skirt, I have the floral hashy smell and taste, I have a 10 week flowerer, I have a very strong heady and long lasting up beat head high. I have the breeder to herijuana and a mother in 2.2.

I on a sad note have seen the truth... everything I pollinated with the BW male is junk. My not be junk to others but I will not start a seed of anything except the BBxBW. The reason for this is that the BW genetics are too unstable. I will not be using a BW male for breeding until I have locked the genetics. I will begin breeding the herijuana to the 2.2 BW. I will be using herijuana because of 2 reasons, 1 it is powerfull smoke and 2 it is an IBL. Thus is pefect material for stabalizing 2.2. I will have a BW male to breed in about 2 years. Sucks but this is how it must be done to acheive greatness.


Well-Known Member
My shotglass? I totally forgot about my shotglass! My shotglass is dead, backed er in the sun for 3 weeks I did. I have observed the shotglass grow a little. I will replace the dead with CT clone. or I have lost and owe?

My jillybean is growing very fast GD... that is a f-2 or a f-1?

Nice to see you went outdoor dank. You may learn to love it.

As for the rest of the outdoor homies I think this is the year of the Wind... top em. You do not wanna lose the plant 3 weeks early, it hurts.


Well-Known Member
My plants are still small.. I put out some 8 inch seedlings about 2 weeks ago. All of dank bagseed.. put out 18 of them. Last night I put out 8 clones, that are about a foot tall.. I got 5 WW, 1 Jack Herrer, 1 NYCD, and 1 Qwerkle (this is gonna be my favorite) the qwerkle is a little booger. The seedlings are just done getting over the shocked phase, they were root bound veryyy bad. Im hoping my clones don't get shocked too bad by the transplant... Anybody know of anything I can do in the next few days to prevent from shock?

For the holes, I dug about 2x2 holes and filled with an amendment of organic hummus and manure (bag says a 80/20 mixture) mixed in with a couple bags of top soil, and a couple handfulls of perlite.
Also, I dont really have a close-by water source... I think this is going to be a problem.. Im hoping for rain atleast once a week... pleeeeaaaaseeeee Michigan....
Anybody want to guess yields?

Here's mine.. I got about 20 females.. eh im going to sayyyy 7 pounds?
Im going to try and put out more clones.. im splitting this 3 ways and thats just not enough for me!


Well-Known Member
How are your roots looking when transplant troy I know you said they were rootbound but were they a healthy rootbound? If your roots are in rough shape the plant seems like it is in shock when all it is...is bad roots.
I use olivias at every transplant. Even if I did not use olivias shock would not be a issue at the time of transplanting. Shock occurs with frost, cold nights, super hot consecutive days, lack of water, PH issues, soil texture issues so on and so forth. Shock does not occur because of transplanting. You want a smooth transition and you will have no shock.

The only reason I use Olivias is because I want better then what will do. Transplant shock can last 2 days or forever depends on many variables


Well-Known Member
The roots were all the way to the bottom of the cup.. like circling the bottom of the cup. for sure root bound if ive ever seen it... some have gotten over the shock and some are still as small as they were when they went out 2 weeks ago...


Well-Known Member
When you saw the roots were they thin and brown or thicker and white? If you had damaged roots, well only time an tell you anything. They should repair themselves. - Until the roots repair there will be no growth. Also if they were rootbound for a bit they tend to stop growing a bit. If that were the case within a week week and a half they would have been back into full throttle and vegging like queens


Well-Known Member
Hey hic. I'm sure you have a ton of experience at trimming for harvest.
Is there any way you could give me a ball park estimate of how long it would take to trim a plant and have it ready to dry?
There pure indicas that are topped for two main colas. At the rate there growing, I'm guessing they will be around 6 foot tall.
I'm a pretty efficient person and I've watched enough you tube videos that I feel I have a pretty good grasp on how its done.
I know its a loaded question with lots of variables but I would really appreciate any estimates you could give.
For stealth reasons I have to get this stuff figured out well in advance so I can make preparations. I'm not in a situation where I can just bring them home any time of day and take my time about it. I have a full time job and the wife dosnt know about it.


Well-Known Member
i dry my large indcas for almost a week on the line and curing takes 2-3 weeks.
I think I have that aspect of it under control.
What I'm trying to figure out is roughly how long it would take to trim all the leaves off the buds. Just so its good to dry and cure. They don't have to be perfectly manicured.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice Looking Plant you got there hammer! Good job on that grow. Wish we lived closer cause I would like to come over when that plant is dry. Way to rep MI hammer!.

thanks hic.. makes me feel proud of my girls.. she has been hangin and her weight after 4 days was 4 oz of nice bud.. shes in jars now. bout 1 oz of nice trim.. gonna make bho from that.. does anyone know the price of bho? i have a person wanting some.. dont know how much to charge.. thanks for any info guys.. u got time hic let me know, always looking for a reason to go for a ride and burn 1 or 2.. i wanna go to bike nite at the A&W on the hill but dont remember the nite.. tues. maybe, do u know?


Well-Known Member
How are your roots looking when transplant troy I know you said they were rootbound but were they a healthy rootbound? If your roots are in rough shape the plant seems like it is in shock when all it is...is bad roots.
I use olivias at every transplant. Even if I did not use olivias shock would not be a issue at the time of transplanting. Shock occurs with frost, cold nights, super hot consecutive days, lack of water, PH issues, soil texture issues so on and so forth. Shock does not occur because of transplanting. You want a smooth transition and you will have no shock.

The only reason I use Olivias is because I want better then what will do. Transplant shock can last 2 days or forever depends on many variables

hic, i was told a day of shock is a week of recovery.. is this true?


Well-Known Member
Yes hic.. they did completely stop growing in the pots. I just transplanted the rest of my clones and fed all of my plants.. I'll be out there in 2 weeks for pictures!


Well-Known Member
hic, i was told a day of shock is a week of recovery.. is this true? - hammer

I believe that the more the plant has been stressed the longer it takes to recovery... much like us. The worst the car crash the longer the recovery.

james it all depends on the manicure... the buds I keep for myself tend to take a little longer. Quality/Quanity james are very real laws of life. I can trim a whole plant in 5 minutes or it can take 3 hours - it is your choice and one of the many beautifull joys of growing the smoke. - the joy of your choice