Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
cool beans shwagbag I guess when it comes to soil Sub's got er down huh. I have read threw that thread here and there and damn is that some super soil.lol


Well-Known Member
cool beans shwagbag I guess when it comes to soil Sub's got er down huh. I have read threw that thread here and there and damn is that some super soil.lol
Hahaaa, so they've only been in it for a few days but so far they love it. I put a few more in it today.... Some of the ones I was intentionally making root bound to slow their growth. I'm guessing they will explode which should be fun to watch.


Well-Known Member
Threw 2 of the TGA AOs' outside yesterday. Kept the one with the most upbeat scent and the one with the more skunky nutty scent in the greenhouse. By the way I kept 2 of the 6 AO males for observation and potential cross? I mean we already know were going to have like 500 AO f-2 seeds to go threw at some time don't we?


Well-Known Member
hey all. sorry been mia. mom,s in hospital.. fell and broke her shoulder shes 88.

my outdoor green crack is doing excellent and growing up with the ground cover so u cant spot it at this ime. was worried aouut the frost but it never touched me.... hope no one got hit. the g/c i harvested the other day weighed in at 2.5 zs of bud and just short a z of trim. which made wonderful bho for the weekend.

i harvested a bomberry this morn that is gonna be hefty. if i get the chance to post a pic today i will if kewl with u guys....

hic...... i showed a few people ur 45 deg trick and they loved it. props to u and thanks for making me look iintelligent. +-rep ya if i can catch ya'll later.....


Well-Known Member
You like that shit hammer? Here here is another -

Buy olivias cloning gel. When transplanting cut off your lower branches. After you cut branches smear that olivias cloning gel up the stalk of the plant. Smear the gel all the way to the place where the soil and stem meet. "plant plant deeper then usual". You wanna talk about a mother fucking explosion in veg. - Water with olivias cloning solution " half the reccommended for outdoor".

You will have the weight and the growth of a pot growing superstar. Feed accordingly


Well-Known Member
One more thing to note hammer is that the 45 degree method is most effective when planting a 1.5 2 foot plant. You will not get the same effect as if you were to practice that technigue with a seedling or a much younger and less mature plant - fyi


Well-Known Member
here is the pics of the bomberry harvest. they are a bit flufft, but the trics are all over it. gonna be tasty..... i hope....

hic... thanks again i will be on the look for olivia... fo sho......

also the plants i put out r about 2 ft @ transplant. i will get some fresh pics of them when i can......



Well-Known Member
Holy fuck did I make a good choice in not planting in the spot I was originally going to.
I'm on my job site today having lunch and the neighbor(ex state detective) comes over and starts shooting the shit about hunting and fishing. He asked where I live and I told him. He says" oh yea I know that road real well. A couple years ago we busted a big marijuana grow back there".
He described the place where they found them and I shit you not, it is exactly where I was going to plant but something told me not to. I even have a bunch of holes dug up out there right now that I abandoned.
He said that they spotted them from the air and went in on foot. He also said that it is a well known area that they always kept a close eye on.
Maybe they wouldn't have spotted mine, but I feel like I dodged a huge bullet.
I wish I would have asked him if they caught the guys.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice Looking Plant you got there hammer! Good job on that grow. Wish we lived closer cause I would like to come over when that plant is dry. Way to rep MI hammer!

james - ahh yes it is but the unknown that gets us in the end.


Well-Known Member
One more thing to note hammer is that the 45 degree method is most effective when planting a 1.5 2 foot plant. You will not get the same effect as if you were to practice that technigue with a seedling or a much younger and less mature plant - fyi
I like to let some of my plants stretch a bit and then use the 45 transplanting method into LST as seen in the Hobbes thread. Works great!


Well-Known Member
I got mine chilling in the spot. I'm only getting direct east sunlight west is blocked a bit by a tree is this ok??


Well-Known Member
Yes puff as long as they get around half of day direct sunlight your buds will be full and growth will be good all the way around.


Glassblowing Moderator
You guys see the front page of r.I.u¿ its got my city of lapeer headlining cause of the dispensary I use to go to all the time.. couldn't believe it when I seen it today. Those guys were so cool it sucks they got locked up. I went to a lot of cook outs they had and they were real generouse. Still growing the white widow I got from them..


Well-Known Member
You guys see the front page of r.I.u¿ its got my city of lapeer headlining cause of the dispensary I use to go to all the time.. couldn't believe it when I seen it today. Those guys were so cool it sucks they got locked up. I went to a lot of cook outs they had and they were real generouse. Still growing the white widow I got from them..

Gotta link Dank?