Mary I Wanna
Active Member
So remember a couple weeks ago I was bitching about the pictures Green House Seed Company publishes of their strains in their seed catalog.. Well I have to eat my words now, I just stumbled across this link in another post, Looks like GHSC makes video's of their strains growing from 2 weeks old thru harvest and curing.. Here's the link for the Kalashnakova im growing, if you go to their channel on this site they have a whole collection of diff strains they've grown out.. They give THC and CBN % the whole way through flowering, and also give you all their grow specs.. Im verry impressed with this company now, even more so then before... They have awsome genetics and the customer support and knowledge to help anyone who can follow instructions have a great harvest... My hats off to you GHSC... Im super excited about this strain and the super critical now after watching these videos......

These cows are the same age, the one sniffing up the other one is hormone free... If the shit we are pumping our cows full of does this to them, what the fuck is it doing to us when we eat them..?
Im lucky to have a buffalo farm nearby also, I dont like it as well as beef, but it's not bad at all, and is much healthier for you... We dont keep our eating cattle in the same pasture as the commercial cattle.. They are bred from the same stock, and they are both grain fed.. But the ones we eat are hormone free, and the only time they get antibiotics is if they need them.. They eat the same food and drink the same water, but the hormone free cows avg about 200lbs smaller then their commercial counter parts... I'll see if my dad will send me the side by side pic he took and I'll post it up...I have switched from regular beef to buffalo grown in TC at the Olesons farm a few years ago and I think I am healthier for it. may pay a bit more but it really is better for you, leaner, tastier and runs right thru you if eaten with a nice organic salad.

These cows are the same age, the one sniffing up the other one is hormone free... If the shit we are pumping our cows full of does this to them, what the fuck is it doing to us when we eat them..?