This is a new soil mix Im using this year, My hopes are I wont have to use any chemical ferts at all.. So far my plants seem to be loving it, I thought the reason they were growing so fast was due to their genetics.. After seeing some of my buddy's plants (the same strains growing in similar conditons as mine, not growing nearly as fast or as well as mine) I now believe my soil mix is playing a big role also.. I mixed another batch today, and I took some pics so I can show you step by step how to make it....
Step #1
Gather Materials and Ingredients

40lb bag of organic top soil, I used Farmers Pride because it was the cheapest one..

5lbs of dried cow shit.. It doesn't have to be cow shit, shit from any animal that dosen't eat meat will work.. The decomposing plant matter in their shit releases lots of nitrogen into your soil...

I know thats hard to see but it's my compost pile.. It's mostly grass clippings and leaves from the lawn mower, but I also throw all my egg shells and potato and bananna peel in there.. It sits outside in the sun all the time and I mix it up once every couple weeks.. This will release pottasium and calcium as well as some nitrogen into the soil.. It takes a couple months to cook so if you dont have a pile started already, go buy some organic compost from a garden center. You will need about 7-10lbs..

Thats a 3gal flower pot full of fireplace ash.. It helps keep the soil PH in check.. The compost and cow shit run a little higher Ph then your plants like.. This runs a little low so it balances out... Im not sure if it adds anything nuet wise..

Yes bb's make sure they are zinc coated and made of steel... My thoughts on using these are they will help keep the soil from compacting, and also as they start to oxidize. They will slowly release trace amounts of zinc and iron into the soil, Kinda like time release nuets..

Cedar shingles, we are gonna make some saw dust in a few minutes.. My thoughts on using cedar are, it wont rott and insects hate the smell of it.. By mixing cedar saw dust into are soil we are gonna keep the pest away.. It will also soak up water helping to keep our soil moist for longer...

Root Hormone, we are gonna mix some of this into are soil to promote root growth... Big roots mean big plants...

A joint of dank.. I like to smoke some of last years harvest before starting a project for this years grow.. It helps to remind me what all the hard work is for...
Mix It Up Baby...
Step #1
Take all ingredients and seperate them in half.. If we mix it in smaller batches we get a more consistent mix..
Step #2

Spread the top soil out on to a concrete floor, or a tarp in your back yard and chop it up with a shovel.. After you have the soil chopped up into a fine consistancy form it into a circle about 4 feet in radius and 2-3 inches deep..
Step #3

Pull back all the dirt from the center of the pile, making a hole for our next ingredient to go in...
Step #4

Place the dried manure in the hole you made and pull the dirt around the edges over the top of it.. Chop it with your shovel and turn the pile over on it's self a few time..
Step #5
Repeat from steps #2-#4 with the compost, and then repeat it agian with the ash..
Step #6

All of are organic material should now be mixed into the top soil.. Spread your pile back out into the 4' circle.. Now take the root hormone and spread it lightly over the surface of the entire circle.. Mix the pile well turning it over onto itself a few times to make sure.. Now spread it back into the circle and do the same thing with the BB's.. I used about 1/4 of a 6000 count box... After you've mixed the BB's in well spread you pile back into the cirlce one more time..
Step #7

Ok now take the cedar and make saw dust.. I use a palm sander and I place the board right into the dirt pile, then give her hell.. You could use a saw and make it that way but I like the fine particles I get this way..

Cover the whole circle with a layer of cedar dust about 1/4 inch thick, then mix it like we have been with everything else..
Step #8
Scope your dirt up off the floor into 3 gal buckets.. Each half fills 2 buckets with a little left over.. So you get almost 5 buckets or 15 gal per batch... After your buckets are filled soak them good with water and place them where they will get as much sun as possible.. When your soil drys out it's ready to plant in...
The Proof...

This seedling is 4 days old.. It sprouted on friday in this same soil mix.. I dug it up today to take a look at the roots.. As you can see there's more roots then plant.. I'll take some new pics of my bigger plants tomorrow while im cutting clones and post them, so you can see how well they grow in this soil... Like I mentioned at the start of this post Im hoping to not use any chemicals at all on this years grow.. I may need to give them a couple shots of pott durring flowering but im gonna play it by ear.. Good Luck and happy growing guys.. May the buds be with you...