Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
so idk if anyone can answer this but how many lumens would 22 sprouts need so that i can keep them short ''i do understand that alot of this can deal with genetics'' they prolly only be under the lights for 2 weeks. any help will be appreciated
Sounds like a job for a 4' 4 bulb t5 or (2) 2' 4 bulb t5's

T5 works great for sprouts and clones.


Well-Known Member
good to see ya delstele. but sorry to hear about the keyboard. that MM turn out to be some potent shit or what?.

outdoorjoe - every year temps and conditions vary. But if you put together a simple small hacked up greenhouse they can survive. One year I put them out after I germmed them inside around end of march begining of april and they made it. I will make this years monday.

Pretty soon joe you will be able to follow along. Do you have all that need to be germinated and all that are to be planted started? We start monday.


Well-Known Member
outdoejoe - pics we will have. Also joe for youe lumen question a few cfl bulbs will suffice.

Grab some plastic.. The plastic that they sell pillows and blankets in " has a zipper" is what I used back in the day. Also if you can find anything rubber and black grab it. - That back of moms throw down carpet is usually black and rubber. LOL.

you do want something black and rubber = insulation from the cold ground, also absorbs heat!. I will be using a small piece of rubber roofing on the bottom."but inside the temporary seedling greenhouse".


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my plants had one hell of a growth spurt the last few days and it looks like its about time to top them. I'm going to do uncle bens technique for four main colas.
He says to wait until they get to 5 or 6 nodes and cut above the second set of true leaves. I'm having a hard time figuring out what the definition of a true leaf is. I know the first little round ones that break out of the shell don't count but are the next ones up considered true leaves?

I hope the growth spurt is not simply just the act of reaching for light.


Well-Known Member
hammer - This is what is going to happen. 4x8 polycardonate on the sides, 12x2 polycarbonate roof sheets, treated wood. gonna be built without a peak the north side will be 14 feet high and the south side will be 12 foot.
Currently looking into if I need a permit around here and plan on digging hole this week for the posts. I will go buy materials this week as well. Pemit in hand or not


Well-Known Member
Kinda shitty outside to show newbies how to make a hic style get er done mini greenhouse. However we do not want the next generation of growers to become wimps.. hopefully we get some monkey see monkey do shit going on here! and fuk up the cycle


Well-Known Member
I hope the growth spurt is not simply just the act of reaching for light.
No. I keep the fluorescent tube lights about 1 inch over them at all times. There bushing out really good.
I got 5 more northern lights blue from attitude on friday. I germmed them in paper towel friday night. I expected them to take at least until monday to be ready to plant but I snuck out last night to check on them(wife dosnt know about me growing) and they already had 1" roots. I did a rush job of planting them in soil and there already out of the soil and leaves spread this morning.
So far the NLB is kicking the power kush, and fruity chronic juices ass.


Well-Known Member
I run a cycle of 5 8"-1' every 3wks. Usually end up about 2 1/2- 3ft. If outdoors I would like to have 5-6ft.
Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
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A bigger issue then making a mini greenhouse, is fitting the plants in there?. Not for a caveman.
nice looking bunch of girls ya got there hic. looking forward to watchin outdoor grow. when planting on a 45 how tall will the colas grow im sure the genetics will do there own thing but am i looking for 5 ft more or less? just tryin to figure out were to go with them. thanks hic