MI state police given 1.2 million by the Feds to close all dispensaries

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state!

This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period.

Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420 get raided on Friday (Allegan area). Alphabet boys were there and "observing".....

There is some conjecture that this has to do with the upcoming awarding of disp licences.

The lic it's self will cost 10K to simply apply for and 35K if granted (over and above the 10K). The application fee is non-refundable.....

How many of these disp. operating and now closed or at least raided, have applied for the lic. Can you say "They lost that 10 K and will be denied!)?

Even if it's simply an employee that gets the sales charge..... LARA will simply say "You were raided for illegal operation of a MJ dispensary. Your denied under the no illegal drug felony line".

Anyway.....Trump and Sessions are closing it down kiddies!

I told you so!!!

I have great doubt that the state actually follow through with "legal" disp for anything!

They're going to start cracking down on legal states..Sessions said so!
Feds are threatening to withhold Fed funds for MJ and MMJ states....
"Oh, Trump won't go after MJ, he supports Medical"

Another "I told you so!"
Ive been saying it for years, all these dispensaries are not legal. Our law specifically says that a caregiver may only serve 5 patiants that are connected to that caregiver. So if your a dispensary owner and have not been raided yet its time to get out.
That's absolute bullshit. $1.2 mil is just a drop in the bucket compared to what those places would of payed in state taxes every year.

Fuck Donald Trump.

The 1.2 million went directly to the State police to cover some of the costs of actually doing the raids!

The amount of Federal dollars to the state for all other projects and grants ,,,,,,FAR, FAR out weight the amount to be taken in by taxing the MEDICAL (we are not yet a legal state) disp. proposed by the state.....and the system of legal grows, processors and secure transportation too.

I wouldn't fuck Trump with your dick. :P

Maybe bend him over a ladder for an elephant.....
Ive been saying it for years, all these dispensaries are not legal. Our law specifically says that a caregiver may only serve 5 patiants that are connected to that caregiver. So if your a dispensary owner and have not been raided yet its time to get out.

Been there, got that message 2 years ago....:hug:

Oh, and don't worry, we'll be phased out soon enough too!
This mirrors what is happening up north. Canada is very busy closing all of the illicit dispensaries. Those operators will not be considered for licit permits. The med side is protected by their constitution, but there is still a lot of room to regulate it to death.

If you have a med card and have med's, they will have to be in a container with your script info on it, even if you yourself grew it. Very similar to prescription drugs in the us. Get caught with a couple of oxy's in your pocket and you get hit with a felony, even if you have a valid prescription at home.

This is all about money and regulation. It's cheaper and easier for them to regulate a few mega corps then 1000's of mom and pops. And the tax money is all the same. It just costs less to monitor.

But the feds don't even want legal med dispensaries. They will keep closing it down. And they haven't even gotten to rec yet.

I expect first amendment travesties along the way (this is the same gov't demanding voter records and ip addresses from websites critical of trump). They could chose to target and jail internet personalities; most of those weed-tubers are easy targets and youtube and instgram could be forced to remove all cannabis content because the children! I also expect them to shut down the name brand seed houses. Again, it's psyops at this level. Silence social media, take down the icons, seize property and assetts and the masses will cower in fear.

Do that along with seizing farms from california to maine and they will very quickly stop the legal rec/med train. It will go underground but anonymity is pretty much lost now and they can pick off the underground growers with ease.

They have the means to attack us on so many levels it will make the 80's look like camelot. And now they have an advocate with a blank check to do just that.

Opiod crisis! More money for enforcement! Because immigrants! Because Children!

Because the law-enforcement-industrial complex!
This mirrors what is happening up north. Canada is very busy closing all of the illicit dispensaries. Those operators will not be considered for licit permits. The med side is protected by their constitution, but there is still a lot of room to regulate it to death.

If you have a med card and have med's, they will have to be in a container with your script info on it, even if you yourself grew it. Very similar to prescription drugs in the us. Get caught with a couple of oxy's in your pocket and you get hit with a felony, even if you have a valid prescription at home.

This is all about money and regulation. It's cheaper and easier for them to regulate a few mega corps then 1000's of mom and pops. And the tax money is all the same. It just costs less to monitor.

But the feds don't even want legal med dispensaries. They will keep closing it down. And they haven't even gotten to rec yet.

I expect first amendment travesties along the way (this is the same gov't demanding voter records and ip addresses from websites critical of trump). They could chose to target and jail internet personalities; most of those weed-tubers are easy targets and youtube and instgram could be forced to remove all cannabis content because the children! I also expect them to shut down the name brand seed houses. Again, it's psyops at this level. Silence social media, take down the icons, seize property and assetts and the masses will cower in fear.

Do that along with seizing farms from california to maine and they will very quickly stop the legal rec/med train. It will go underground but anonymity is pretty much lost now and they can pick off the underground growers with ease.

They have the means to attack us on so many levels it will make the 80's look like camelot. And now they have an advocate with a blank check to do just that.

Opiod crisis! More money for enforcement! Because immigrants! Because Children!

Because the law-enforcement-industrial complex!
Yet you did not think a teacher dependent upon the money from the "law-enforcement-industrial complex" would not find it in his best interest to keep the money flowing to him from this pipeline by reporting back how well people were propagandized in the class? That possibly they just wanted a date? That's funny.
Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.
Fair enough. If he is a leo I would agree with you. If he is a washed out elementary school teacher working out his finances after a divorce, I'd be much less suspicious.

I'm still leaning towards he wants a date after class. Fits a pattern. ;)
Yet you did not think a teacher dependent upon the money from the "law-enforcement-industrial complex" would not find it in his best interest to keep the money flowing to him from this pipeline by reporting back how well people were propagandized in the class? That possibly they just wanted a date? That's funny.

It's possible, just not likely that the teachers have to fill out targeting reports. I'm not familiar with how these classes work. Are you saying that the teacher has to fill out a detailed eval of each student at the law enforcement level? That goes beyond the court order to attend a class, and I'd have to believe you would have to sign a waiver similar to miranda.

Not saying it's impossible. Just playing the odds given how trainers are typically hired and trained, which I have seen, even in regulated industries.
It's possible, just not likely that the teachers have to fill out targeting reports. I'm not familiar with how these classes work. Are you saying that the teacher has to fill out a detailed eval of each student at the law enforcement level? That goes beyond the court order to attend a class, and I'd have to believe you would have to sign a waiver similar to miranda.

Not saying it's impossible. Just playing the odds given how trainers are typically hired and trained, which I have seen, even in regulated industries.
All data has value, irrespective of apparent immediate value. The trainer doesn't even have to be aware of their role. Ex. I got a DUI 17 yrs ago; had to attend 12 weeks of classes(one evening/week) included were 4 one on one meetings with the "counselor". 1st one-on-one included a very detailed form on what alcohol I drank regularly, what I drank the time of arrest,, a scale of alcohols I drink (favorite to least), when I started drinking during my life, when I did that day, etc. Took about 30 min to fill it out, then we went over it and he was writing stuff down. I asked the dude if this was his thesis data and he didn't know what I was referring to. Point being that they have you and they want to know everything
Why isn't this in the news?
It would be a clear contradiction of Trump's statements during the campaign.
His base is shrinking fast!
If it's true that he's shutting down all dispensaries state-by-state, he will easily lose another 25-30% of his base.
In other words, Trump will have *zero* chance of being reelected.

Maybe he just said "Fuck it. If I'm gonna lose anyway, might as well go out with a bang". :roll:
It's possible, just not likely that the teachers have to fill out targeting reports. I'm not familiar with how these classes work. Are you saying that the teacher has to fill out a detailed eval of each student at the law enforcement level? That goes beyond the court order to attend a class, and I'd have to believe you would have to sign a waiver similar to miranda.

Not saying it's impossible. Just playing the odds given how trainers are typically hired and trained, which I have seen, even in regulated industries.
Precisely as singlemalt said, all data has value and it's end use might not be what anyone would imagine. For example if you are sent to a court ordered drug class for rehabilitation of your criminal conduct don't you think the court would be interested in the outcome of aforementioned rehabilitation? If nothing else for statistical recidivism rates.
Why isn't this in the news?
It would be a clear contradiction of Trump's statements during the campaign.
His base is shrinking fast!
If it's true that he's shutting down all dispensaries state-by-state, he will easily lose another 25-30% of his base.
In other words, Trump will have *zero* chance of being reelected.

Maybe he just said "Fuck it. If I'm gonna lose anyway, might as well go out with a bang". :roll:

I could be reaching here, but I don't think his base gives a dark turd over what happens to dispensaries in california or michigan. His base is into resentment politics. As long as he attacks minorities and immigrants, they are happy. As long as he attacks womans rights, they are happy. As long as he attacks urban issues, they are happy.

They will be perfectly happy buying their meds from the black market. And they wouldn't see anything hypocritical there.
Closing present dispensaries was already going to happen last November when the new laws here were introduced.

They gave us a bogus concentrate allowance and made all medical commercial and will be transported by out politicians friends in the armored car business.

The seed to sale software will monitor it all.

They say that the caregiver/ patient program will be separate and unaffected.

And a licensed caregiver can not work in the commercial side while keeping patients.

And where is the source for the 1.2 million dollar police funding?

@Dr. Who makes statements with no link posted then says trump and sessions did it ( they didn't). They weren't in office yet.

And then says "he told us so".

All this info has been available for the last 8 months or so. They have been re structuring all year and clearly warned all illegal dispensary owners.

I originally read about it in the Michigan section last year here in RIU.
Precisely as singlemalt said, all data has value and it's end use might not be what anyone would imagine. For example if you are sent to a court ordered drug class for rehabilitation of your criminal conduct don't you think the court would be interested in the outcome of aforementioned rehabilitation? If nothing else for statistical recidivism rates.

I can see that. But I still see a disconnect in implementation. The people collecting the data don't necessarily know what is going to happen to it. they are just filling out forms. They may not have an ulterior motive. Or they might. Don't know. It's probably best not to give them data, in a way that doesn't seem like you aren't giving them data that is. ;)
The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state!

This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period.

Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420 get raided on Friday (Allegan area). Alphabet boys were there and "observing".....

There is some conjecture that this has to do with the upcoming awarding of disp licences.

The lic it's self will cost 10K to simply apply for and 35K if granted (over and above the 10K). The application fee is non-refundable.....

How many of these disp. operating and now closed or at least raided, have applied for the lic. Can you say "They lost that 10 K and will be denied!)?

Even if it's simply an employee that gets the sales charge..... LARA will simply say "You were raided for illegal operation of a MJ dispensary. Your denied under the no illegal drug felony line".

Anyway.....Trump and Sessions are closing it down kiddies!

I told you so!!!

I have great doubt that the state actually follow through with "legal" disp for anything!

They're going to start cracking down on legal states..Sessions said so!
Feds are threatening to withhold Fed funds for MJ and MMJ states....
"Oh, Trump won't go after MJ, he supports Medical"

Another "I told you so!"
Could we get a link please? When I google this, the only thing that comes up is your thread.
No. Dispensaries must be in strict compliance with that States laws. Here's a recent case where a Judge ruled against the Feds.


So these guys lost their farm, their product, their cars, and their cash, plus spent 5 years in legal hell. Now they don't know what will happen to them, as opposed to being certain they will do jail time in federal prison.

Yeah, I guess they showed the feds all right. Yup.
selling drugs has always been a risky dangerous business. anyone entering the biz should know that. They must realistically consider the cash haul against the possible risks. I wouldnt want anyone feeling sorry for me at the slot machine either.
they should wait till the state offers up permits and work it, or otherwise take the very well known risks I guess.