Mewk's Tiny PC Grow / 69w CFL / 12-12FS / Soil

6500k is for Vegging
2700k is for flowering

Goal is 100w per plant normally. A PC you can get away with less than 100w to many Watts can cause heat issues as well.
Soz been meaning to reply to this but hate replying from my phone n it's tiny keyboard an frustrating predictive. Have been using 3 2700 bulbs for entire grow as first grow was flower from seed. Never even thought bout it until u mentioned it. Will do a better reply tomorrow from the pc with some new pics too.
Okay a proper post from the PC.

In this grow I'd decided to go 12/12 from seed, for a couple reasons really, mainly lasiness though and an attempt at cropping sooner. Either way it meant I'd only really need the 2700k lights. She did okay, and I was pretty pleased with the outcome. Tho the latest grow has been refined a fair bit, I've started her at one end of the pot and trained her along the length, whereas in this grow I put her in the middle and attempted to send her in both directions.

But, I'd completely ignored the fact that Grow #2 has been vegged for her entire 50days of veg under these same 2700k lights. I'm impressed at how well she's done. That'll certainly be a tweak I make for the 3rd grow, in order to hopefully have her veg out to the size I want in a slightly shorter time.

I hope that answers your Qs feuersturm. Come visit me in the current grow, and have a look for yourself, this feels like it's coming along much better. And I've got an ideal harvest date of Crimbo Day! :)

Use the link in the sig below.
Mewk you are an inspiration man.I started my PC Grow, and will follow in your "foot steps".10x for this awsome grow journal.