Mewk's Tiny PC Grow #2 / 69w CFL / Soil

@Kirk, @Smatz & @Art - Thanks for the words lads, fingers x'd this end too.

@Chib - Yeah man, I had high hopes, but I'm not sure I'm gonna crack the 2oz mark. I'm keeping positive though. I'm reckoning on something like 20+ days before crop, and she does seem to be making some daily progress, at long last. Just checked her now and she looks like she might be on the verge of starting to fatten up. Who knows, time will tell.

@NWO - Yes mate, kinda. The plan was to have a low-key NYE with a couple mates getting pissed an listening to music... Only the gf got drunk too early and started planning visits to other friends who were staying in... So at 11pm a bunch of us were stomping through the rain on the way to somewhere else. It all turned out good tho, we ended up somewhere that had spare weed, so the NYE gods were looking down on me with smiles.

@Feuersturm - You're lookin' forward to the crop?!? Haha.. not as much as I am!

@NerdGrower - Happy to have you aboard mate! Tis a cracking little community on here. Welcome, welcome and hope you enjoy the ride.

I'll try and get a ton of pics up in the next couple days... I hate it when threads get all talkie with no photos.

Don't worry mewk...just be patient and she'll plump up for ya. A lot of weight is gained at the end, wait for those pistils get sucked back into the swollen bracts. :hump:
Thanks for the welcome! I've already learned SO much from your grow, i love how you tend to stay away from heavy nutes and it's encouraging seeing how natural grows can also yield a healthy bunch of that sticky icky. (: I don't like bud on steroids :p green way is the best way! :weed:

- Nerd
Looks like I've returned just in time for harvest.
Been incredibly busy with work, though I've still lurked when I've had the spare time.

Things look to be going swell for you Mewk, HNY and all that jazz.

Now I, just like all of us I'm sure, am waiting for yield numbers and a smoke report.

Cheers good sir.
Mewk, my friend, first of all, happy new year!!

My holiday season is over so I'm checking your grow and BAM!!!! This thing is going better than I thought!!!!
Well done mate, hope you tear the 2oz mark apart!!!!
May 2014 bring you 2014 spliffs!! Or, even more!! :leaf:

Mewk, your grow has given me new perspective on the phrase "limited-space". I had to catch up from page 1 but I am now eager to see you do well and pull out 2 ounces or more from a PC grow! May mother nature be at her utmost kindness and pass on some positive vibrations to your plant - in the form of giant frosty dense potent nugs! Peace and good luck fellow grower
Wow, i personally have never grown before but am soon to start my pc grow once the seeds arrive. Trawled through page 1 to here in excitement hoping i was going to hit the final harvest but it wasn't to be :p

Very inspiring as this is your second grow and is going very well by the looks of her.
@Dragon - Yeh man, I hope you're right, still waitin for her to pack on the pounds... She's gettin there tho.
@Nerd - I'm pretty much 100% nute free now... All she's getting is a dose of fish-tank water, once every three weeks or so. I think with the next grow, I might grab me some cheap organic nutes tho, just to see if I can get a bit more outa her.
@TBS - Almost harvest time man! Almost... Just that little bit longer... It is KILLING me. New Year goodness back atcha. Let 2014 be a blinder!
@TheDude - New Year love to ya too, ol' man. No idea what the likelyhood of cracking 2oz is, but she's certainly looking better off than Grow #1.

Mewk, your grow has given me new perspective on the phrase "limited-space". I had to catch up from page 1 but I am now eager to see you do well and pull out 2 ounces or more from a PC grow! May mother nature be at her utmost kindness and pass on some positive vibrations to your plant - in the form of giant frosty dense potent nugs! Peace and good luck fellow grower
@Organic - Beautifully said mate. I ensure you the love has been passed on, and she seems very happy about it.

@SmokeHerb - We're almost there man! It's gettin closer every day... My guestimate is to harvest sometime around 20-25 of Jan... But who knows, maybe earlier, maybe later. Welcome aboard anyhows, and give us a heads up once your grow is underway!


So, in an attempt to make up for my continually slack posting. I thought I'd spend some time, whip out the proper camera, and take a good handful of shots for all you junkies out there.

She's starting to look primo frosty in the photos now.






Take it easy, all.
Amazing! She looks to be really loving the fish-tank water - deep, rich colors and the trichomes are glistening! Good luck with everything, cheers to a generous harvest
Hell, if you don't get your 2oz this grow it'll happen on the third for sure with the improvements you've shown already. Way to go Mewk.
Fishtank water rocks!!
I don't know if it could possibly be more full.. Ever, I mean this thing is fuller than a pee test the day after you've toked!!;-)

Damn you're a good caretaker!!
@Organic - Yeh the fish-tank water does seem to be doing something nice to her. Should be adding some more to her today, if we get around to cleaning the tank.
@Spanky - I think I'm being a little optimistic with the 2oz, but it's something nice to aim for, and I already have a few tweaks for the next grow lined up.
@TheDude - Thanks mate. Tho it could *definitely* be a little fuller. There's space down the 'top' end of the plant, and there's a patch in the middle that I shoulda got on much earlier and given the lower buds some light. But she's lookin alright, eh. Tho she does look a million times tastier in the photos than she does in reality.
@Nerd - You ask, and you shall receive!

Things are lookin good. Starting to get a fair bit of yellowing in some of the fanleaves. I'm taking this as just part of the natural process rather than any nutrient issues. She is STINKING to high heaven too, major smell leakage through my DIY Carbon Filter - Tho I didn't change the carbon since the last grow, so maybe that's slightly at fault.

Also, if any of you organic nuts out there can advise me... How long can I keep the Fish-tank water for... I've been assuming that it might go dodgy within days, so I've just used it for the day I change the fish tank, and then chucked whatever's left over. I guess I take out about 5 litres from the tank, and end up using about 1.5 litres on the plant. The rest goes down the drain as I wasn't too sure if it would be safe to keep it somewhere and use it for the next watering. Any advice would be massively appreciated. I'd like to get as much of the organic nutes to her as possible in these closing weeks.

Anyways, here's some pics.


Great job, again mate!!
Yeah, there's a bit at the top end but it's all about experience and when to start your 12/12 I think, next time you'll know for sure!!
Yellowing fan leaves at this stage is def normal, happens 80% of grows!
Don't know 'bout fish tank water, but you should try having honey dilluted in your water for your 2 last weeks waterings! Heard that it sweeteness up the taste a bit, plus it's pure energy for your lady! You know, watering every now and then.. I've done it a couple o' times but unfortunately wasn't near her for these last few weeks to keep it up!!

daamn those are looking great =D i don't know anything about nutes either... but keep it up tho =D looking forward to the figures on this one :p

PS: weren't these sheduled for harvest at new year? they seem to grow a lot slower then you thought :p
Yup yup, scheduled for NY, on the basis of the seedbanks info. Seedbank says 50-55 days, which I can only assume means 50-55 days of flower. But obviously that runs amuck depending on the lights you're using. I also gauged it somewhat on my original grow, but then that was tricky, as because it was a 12/12 from seed, it meant I couldn't really tell which point flowering had begun.

Also, on top of all that, someone else mentioned that a longer veg may well cause a longer flower... and this girl had a 50 day veg, so that could be it.

Even now, I'm not certain of cropping 20-25 Jan... I'm just guessing at that an' playing it by ear. I don't think Imna try and scope the trichs, as that just caused me hassle last time. Instead I'm just gonna pull her when she looks 'ripe'. :P
Yup yup, scheduled for NY, on the basis of the seedbanks info. Seedbank says 50-55 days, which I can only assume means 50-55 days of flower. But obviously that runs amuck depending on the lights you're using. I also gauged it somewhat on my original grow, but then that was tricky, as because it was a 12/12 from seed, it meant I couldn't really tell which point flowering had begun.

Also, on top of all that, someone else mentioned that a longer veg may well cause a longer flower... and this girl had a 50 day veg, so that could be it.

Even now, I'm not certain of cropping 20-25 Jan... I'm just guessing at that an' playing it by ear. I don't think Imna try and scope the trichs, as that just caused me hassle last time. Instead I'm just gonna pull her when she looks 'ripe'. :P

allright man =D looks like you're gonna get a bucketload of weed of of this one :p so you got that going for ya xd happy growing man, keep it up