met my first real life (other) rollitupper last night


Well-Known Member
yeah becarefull
a dogg that will ezly give you a bone
will take a bone from you and give it too someone else

let say she's at another party and she 's running her mouth off to me - now im smart ill just let her talk talk talk all night long feeding her drink after drink - then lets say you show up at that same party, do you think she would tell me that you grow "hey that guy over there grows you should ask him how to germ some seeds " and now i'm just watching you the whole night to see what type of guy you are - you may even catch me looking,, but by then it to late ............
info is power now you say to your self
hay i just grow 2-3 oz. and that it if someone take that who care - trust me when i come for your shit you betta hope thats all i take - it cary how people on here are more concerned about the law that may be on here a not the jacker because when they come they might not wait for you to leave the house they may do you while your at the house( ill make you carry your own shit to me car , and not just plant im talking TV's microwave radio etc
and i dont want anyone become tuff guys after this post
talking like if you try to rob me ill kill you , listing all your guns and shit, saying what gang your in and how you can fight
trust me that wont stop a xxxxa like me, im hard headed, i can see you kill some one and ill still take from you
iv seen the hardest thug you can think of pulling that drywall, off his wall, going to his safe, giving up everything we taking guns out his house and everything putting it in his own car and driving off ( thax suppa thug, some bytch told us how sweat of a lick you were ) all i saying is it can happen to anyone, and when it does there no telling how its going to go down the only way to protect youself, yourgrow ,your house, your famliy is to shut you fuckin mouth just becarefull my dude - to you, it just 2oz, but to me thats 1000$ form you and her so that 2 thousand and who ever else info she tell me about - all i would have to tell her is yeah im on RIU too, then i could follow your grow jurn. and plot my attack wait tell you post " i just checked the trch looks like i gat 5 more day tell harvest' then it's over

hay buy the way that big screen in your front room a look gr8 in my den

wat are you talking about bro. i hope your not being serious.


Well-Known Member
roflmfao lol hahahahahahaha :razz::razz::razz:
Forgot about this thead.

I met another one of you RIU'ers on Sat. Brings the total up to 4.

I'm in cali. Had one from Minnesota come out. One from Texas was visiting family in CA, so we smoked eachothers herb. One is a cali boy like me, hadn't harvested yet, so I didn't smoke his. And the last one moved out here from Texas, he came over and brought his wife and little baby.... we had a great time.

Props to RIU. :mrgreen: