message to first time growers

This is a very sad and unfortunate thing for a first time visitor/grower coming to RIU to see. From the OP to the very end. Someone just delete this. Sad etiquette on this thread.
Not terribly interested in anything but the information. If need be I can simply dig around and see if I can find it. But, I sure would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. Ironically my first grow I hit it out of the park. Since then I have struggled to maintain the full green throughout the grow. Perhaps a detailed log would have helped? HA!
Your right m4s73r. I'm a noob looking to do his first grow, needing help with everything from start to finish and after 20+ pages of bullshit I feel like I just read a kindergarten kangaroo court transcript. Thanks but no thanks. I will take the advice of just buying a book and finding a more mature forum.
I think that the misconception is that you can learn everything about growing in one little post. Hvac there is NUMEROUS stickied threads that are very good and informative reading material. It also get updated fairly frequently. This forum is my number one source. lots of good people here, just not on this thread apparently. lol
I think that the misconception is that you can learn everything about growing in one little post. Hvac there is NUMEROUS stickied threads that are very good and informative reading material. It also get updated fairly frequently. This forum is my number one source. lots of good people here, just not on this thread apparently. lol
Well said. And if Hvac doesn't like it here and doesn't want to contribute his growing experiences then fuck him. He hurt my feelings with what he said on post 228. Fucker made me sad...
Well said. And if Hvac doesn't like it here and doesn't want to contribute his growing experiences then fuck him. He hurt my feelings with what he said on post 228. Fucker made me sad...

Lol, well if I had just read 23 pages of this bullshit the first time i was here, yeah i wouldnt be happy either. I didnt make it past page 4 before i jumped to 22 and 23. Also that dog in your avatar looks high as shit. Cheers.
Well said. And if Hvac doesn't like it here and doesn't want to contribute his growing experiences then fuck him. He hurt my feelings with what he said on post 228. Fucker made me sad...
Didn't mean to make you sad. I'm new, I'm doing what I was advised to do by starting in newb central, I'm out for the same cause as most, and it's a silly ass E- gangster argument almost what I assume are adults. Yes I have read a lot of good advise from what seems to be a lot of legit growers but those threads were not of my situation as redwhatthehellever name had said. Then the whole "fuck him" comment dude? I'm not into all that bashing and if everyone keeps doing all the whining and pissing over people's statements what's the baby going to do? I'm here to learn, take advice and put it to practical use. The only thing I have is a nirvana order with some autos and some fem ww I have an attic to grow in and that's it. I am a newb so if you would please help me with a set up and what all I should do in your honest opinion AND why. Again I'm not out to offend I'm out to learn. PS. I will NEED to keep a log Personally so I can use it to compare diff grows , strains, and the what not. This site has so much respect out here in ky and some great outdoor growers directed me to it so forgive me if my newb impression was of that full thread. Lead me by example.Sorry for any offense taken by anyone.
Also I'm new to this whole forum and threading blogging or whatever it's called. I'm still trying to figure out what sticky is , how to " journal" on this thing and do all this technological stuff in hopes that people will walk me through it. Would love to be trained by some of the best growers on RIU. And M80ak47rus you seem really level headed and sorry for the misspelled screen name can you give me some direction as well?
Umm, chuck, I am aware that there is a search function. And I am sure that you are insinuating that I use it. Thank you so very much for your incredibly helpful reply but I was asking a specific person for a specific thing.
if you would have clicked the link, it is to ALL of UB's threads. You asked for a nudge in the right direction and I delivered, Now you don't want it? WTF?
LEDs if you're on a budget? Not good advice. This is the very reason LEDs get bad reviews - people on a budget spend $200 on LEDs 'grow lights' from China that don't work worth a damn and then bitch about it. If you can't afford about $250 per square foot of LED coverage, stick to sodiums and don't waste your time/money. With LEDs you get what you pay for. They will pay for themselves in a long run but you better have a couple of grand to fork out even for a relatively small indoor grow.
It comes up as "no matches". Sorry about the sarcasm I thought you were just being a smart ass. I do appreciate your intent to help.