message to first time growers


Wow i gotta give it to you .u got yourself out of a sticky situation! U sir are a pro when it comes to backtracking. your whole plan kinda failed tho all you did was show how fast everyone on here will correct you. So i guess if u want solid advice the answers are in the smart ass comments after the initial helpful attemp.if everyone after the help agreed it should be legitimate. O and fuck you u didn't limit your bad advice u told me i was gunna get weed off a male then u said ill get seeds. if i would have really needed help and took your advice i would have no weed no seeds wasted time and a room full of pollin you dickhead!
if you didnt have 1000+ post and obvious growing experience i would have ignored your questions like the other guys i ignored in that thread....and that is my plant 12 main colas,the yellow isnt burn its a nute deficiency that was corrected a couple weeks ago


Well-Known Member
Red calm down sir take another pic w the problem fixed. Thanks and what did you do to correct it. I am ttying to learn please a new oic and explain


Well-Known Member
fucken you called me a retarded idiot growing in my mums basement and have no firneds and I have like 4000 posts aaaaaawwwwwwwwww


Well-Known Member
Lgc maybe you should go back from when u first signed up and count again I think the number under ur name is bullshit I think u have a secret thread some were and said a enter b enter thats how you got so many many cause ur 20 and in your moms basement quit lying to us will u b my friend just playing your so uncool i would be embarrassed sorry had to do it


Well-Known Member
His cat is puuuurrrrrtttyyy I have charged my cell like 3 times today and its dead again yall sons of bitches :)


Well-Known Member
if you didnt have 1000+ post and obvious growing experience i would have ignored your questions like the other guys i ignored in that thread....and that is my plant 12 main colas,the yellow isnt burn its a nute deficiency that was corrected a couple weeks ago

Your "grow license" should fix any plant issues that's why they issue them.....I really read this whole thread so post those pics you promised please of your flower room......


Well-Known Member
I have a computer but I keep my computer clean as I have alot of pics of my child n vacations on it etc. I dont want a virus and loose everything nor get it confiscated worst case scenario. I do the dirty work on a phone as I could throw it and not care. But taking pics on my phone is scetchy enough with the way a phone keeps everything and can tell a gps location of were pics are taken


Well-Known Member
Two stoke no its reddvega or some shit like that IIwas refering to mr sunshine prob 5 post ip now I shoukd have quoted but didnt think about it


Well-Known Member
Yea well when the op runs off at the mouth thats what happens lol oh well you live and learn lol it was fun while it lasted there another thread like this one as well lol

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ron Burgandy here in a raincoat reporting from the RIU pissing's rather damp around here and OH SHIT DUCK, there goes another stream!
Damn it's getting deep around here folks. I guess someone needs to flush.

My first time here and I got a Log book but it's empty and I got no advice on how to cover this match...WOW there goes another shot across the forum, and it looks like a bottle of nutrients with a tomato on the label...that was close. I wonder if more C02 would calm this down and make the pissers bigger? But that's a question for uncle Ben who's busy ducking an organic urine stream.....could be the tomato nutrients are the cure for that problem? I wounder if someone here has that answer?

Owwie that one just bounced of my thigh....whoa there big fella don't piss this way I'm up to my knees in this shit...wait a minute that's organic nutrition right?
Well folks you should see this but I don't know how to post pics here and...Any way Folks it's time to sign off as the lights have dimmed here in the 600watt area and I like the purple hue from these led's over there....kinda reminds me of the 60's.....OH I just took a stream to the face...time to go!
