message to first time growers

if you read a book you would know how stupid you look to experienced growers right now...yea read a book is the best advice,not flushing wtf are you growing in your moms basement?
1000w or more depends on the calculations you make to determine lumens and square seem to stupid to logic with so you more than likely a teenage pot head growing to escape the harsh realities of life(nobody likes you...yea i can tell from online)...i grow for quality since its used as medicine,and most new growers are growing for meds as well so im trying to help them...
the most important info you need as a first time grower is get a log book...i swear it sounds silly but it will save you so much time.
secondly do not take the info you get off this forum or any other forum/youtube to serious,not to say its bad info...
So let me get this straight. You first say that you have the most important info, followed by don't take the info you get off this forum.

That is one big contradiction.

How can you in one breath tell someone this is the most important info than go on to tell them that they should ignore the info? I stopped reading after those first 2 lines as well as I'm sure most did.
not flushing wtf are you growing in your moms basement?

If you have the time i would be very interested to hear the science that equates not flushing to living in your mothers basement.

Your ability to debate in a rational manner is non-existent. Be careful, you're letting your level of maturity show. You don't want that!

Just to be clear, the OP thinks that you can't grow unless you have a log book. So it let's you know just how experienced he is and how useful his grow advice is going to be.
ok dont read it and dont apply it...i really dont care,i got 20 likes so 20 people read it and appreciated the information...guys who dont know how to clone wanna argue about the telling me you didnt read my entire post commenting on the opening statement saying i contradicted myself...the most important info you need as a new grower is a log book...a book you write and fill with the information you gather about growing,and may need in the future...all other info you get is preference and the way some people setups its worded for the slow crowd who went out of their way to miss my point
I could tell noobs they have to anally rape their plants for bigger buds and get 20 likes. Doesn't mean the information isn't horseshit though ;)

You stated the most important thing for a new grow is a log book. This is a lie. The most important thing would be say a seed, or a clone, or water. A log book is WAY down the list.

You then went on to state that a new grower NEEDS a log book.

Do you understand the definition of "need"? Fucking muppet.
If you have the time i would be very interested to hear the science that equates not flushing to living in your mothers basement.

Your ability to debate in a rational manner is non-existent. Be careful, you're letting your level of maturity show. You don't want that!

Just to be clear, the OP thinks that you can't grow unless you have a log book. So it let's you know just how experienced he is and how useful his grow advice is going to be.

Not to mention he tells you not to follow any advice you read on this forum.

There are a lot of growers on the forum with more knowledge than myself and I have learned everything needed to grow great cannabis from reading this site and help from fellow members. I've not needed help growing in years thanks to this site.

Also, I don't need a log book as I have a photographic memory.
moms basement was making a reference to the space one was growing in
and you can grow without a log book...u can grow how ever you like,but like i said for a first time grower i suggest a log book...
know the day you planted to see how long things took to learn your system...
write down what works best for what strain once you get growing better i doubt you'd need a log book...if critical had a log book he could have wrote down how to clone and all info about it in that log book and wouldnt have posted that mess of a clone on this forum because he would have done it right