message to first time growers

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
i didnt say i grow better than everyone in this thread...i said the guys riding my ass with those pitiful grow pictures finally stfu...the guy who grew a yellow pine tree and the one who tried to clone a leaf...that wasnt directed to anyone else

Aren't u the expert that thinks seeds come from a male plant? Are u the pro that believes males grow a little bit of bud? Is that you?


Well-Known Member
There are holes all over everything you say in this thread. That's the issue people are having. You seem to be well meaning, which is why I'm trying not to be rude.

I will give you my best advice, read everything, if it doesn't pertain to you well maybe some day it will. Maybe you can add some of that persons techniques to your set up. The fact you discount everything on here as bad advice shows you have obviously been looking in the wrong places.

Your log book isn't going to save you from overdosing your plants with nutrients, but some user on here may be able to. Read and take peoples advice, if you can't determine whether people are fit to give advice on your own look at their post history, or shop their ideas with other growers to see what they think. That's what forums are for, not to come to and write a post saying "Don't read anything here as it won't be the same for you".

I can tell you I have improved my growing 100% in the past 6 months because I read educated users here, was there some trial and error? Sure but being educated as to the proper practices and how to apply the knowledge I've come across has mitigated the risk.

I would have never learned about organics or how easy growing that way can be if I never read this forum, or took users results as a guide to my own success. My plants right now look 100x better then they did last year at this time and that's because of people here spreading information regarding amending soils and proper use of tea's. These steps have been working for me and a bunch of other people on here, they WILL work for you too, if you do it right and follow the information.

I used a log book for about a week before I gave up on that idea. You will find very quickly you remember the things you do wrong and the things you do right will become habit. The only reason for a log book IMO is if you are feeding different plants different brands of nutrients and you want to keep real close tabs on them. For your average grower a log book shouldn't be a concern at all, for those of us who aren't legal it's evidence and a damn good way to get yourself in way more shit.

Enjoy your time on RIU :) Learn from the mistakes of this thread and you'll have a much better experience in the future :)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
i no its long but a first time grower searching for knowledge needs alot of help and it covers alot..people just give good advice in a bad way on this site...
its like me saying a 3 week veg is more than enough...average forum noob sees that and only does a 3 week veg from seed and wonders why it came out with 7gm vs the 7oz that came off me not telling them 3 weeks veg is plenty if you are using clones on a 22/4 light cycle,after 2 weeks inside of the bubbler with root solution a-b..going into organic soil,using 0 water in a climate controlled well ventilated area,using a medi-one kit and or customized mixes of nutes for foliar feeding with no clipping...its good advice but good advice explained wrong can lead to terrible results and alot of wasted$

I didn't know there where 26 hours in a day! Now i feel stupid the otherday some girl asked me if i blaze it and i said 24/7 fuck she must think im an idiot!


Well-Known Member
I feel bad, I made a big long post thinking this guy was serious and misguided. After seeing his other thread he's here to troll an I wasted my time on an idiot. This is why I stay out of newbie central. But his troll skills got me with the title and the ridiculous content.


Well-Known Member
hahah that's what I thought, then I thought it must be just 22 straight then 4 off like your times are all over the shop and some technique I hadn't heard about yet :)

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I am just new here and wondering if the best seed to buy and how does it work thanks
anything will work but be sure to stay away from those "cream carmel auto's" ....they should win an award for the most hideous strain ever.

not only will the yield will be extremely small but the pathetic buds you do harvest won't be worth while to feed to a cat... DO NOT buy these seeds


Well-Known Member
This is getting out of hand.

I'm leaving RIU... nobody needs any advice now apparently anyways.

I mean obviously anything I've learned here has been deemed useless, and nobody should be listening to any of my advice based on my experience anyhow.

-spek :P


Well-Known Member
I would make a killing teaching people to grow. So many people need their hand held.
Yep, it's amazing how many people will come on here asking basic questions that prove they haven't done the 1st bit of research. A good example is- how many threads there are with people asking which way to plant the seeds.
I mean, if you dont even k.ow how to plant the damn thing, what did they think they were gonna do when it starts growing?


Well-Known Member
This is getting out of hand.

I'm leaving RIU... nobody needs any advice now apparently anyways.

I mean obviously anything I've learned here has been deemed useless, and nobody should be listening to any of my advice based on my experience anyhow.

-spek :P
Agree, if a lot of these people were half as smart as they think they are,..,.. They'd still be dumb as a friggin rock.


Well-Known Member
I mean obviously anything I've learned here has been deemed useless, and nobody should be listening to any of my advice based on my experience anyhow.
Yeah it's depressing. I just came to the realization I should even quit listening to myself. And I'm usually the only one listening.