Merry Christmas 2013!


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

I would to announce the birth of or first child. Jacob William XXXXX. born 12/23/13 at 6:11pm at McLaren hosp off of Grosebeck hwy, weighing in at 8.8lbs and 21" long. he is a big boy. ive never in my life EVER wanted a kid nor have I ever like children, BUT he is adorable and he got me with one cry and one look after he was born. I even cried. Now if I can figure out how to change a diaper with out hip peeing all over the place (including all over himself and his face like last time (poor guy peed on his own face) :(

just wanted to share this wonderful news with you guys. he doesn't even fit in newborn clothes or diapers. stage 1 diapers and 3mo clothes. lol future sports player in the making
Celebrating my 55th christmas.......dont really remember the early ones.........but the kids and grand child just left the farm heading to their homes after watching How the grinch stole christmas and having a wonderful day together............hey does anyone know what who hash is........I knew there was something about that Dr. Seuss dude that I liked
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my RIU family.!
Merry Christmas everyone!!

I would to announce the birth of or first child. Jacob William XXXXX. born 12/23/13 at 6:11pm at McLaren hosp off of Grosebeck hwy, weighing in at 8.8lbs and 21" long. he is a big boy. ive never in my life EVER wanted a kid nor have I ever like children, BUT he is adorable and he got me with one cry and one look after he was born. I even cried. Now if I can figure out how to change a diaper with out hip peeing all over the place (including all over himself and his face like last time (poor guy peed on his own face) :(

just wanted to share this wonderful news with you guys. he doesn't even fit in newborn clothes or diapers. stage 1 diapers and 3mo clothes. lol future sports player in the making

While not a kids person myself, congratulations in becoming a father. I hope your child is happy and healthy! Take care of the lady, she is going to need it too.
thanks everyone. I (we) are scared to death, as neither one of us never having a kid before. hoping to be home for Christmas dinner.....which I plan on cooking myself. anyways, merry Christmas RUI, friends and family. time to try and find some food. mom and I are starving, and nothings open.
Iremember my first when we brought him home,put him on the bed and stared at him not sure what to do lol
Congrats demon! That's the best christmas gift right there. Enjoy him while he's little and can't tear the house up in 2 minutes flat. lol He'll probably be a mamas boy for the first couple years, but once he's old enough to know what's going on you'll have yourself a lil sidekick that will make you smile and laugh each and every day.