Well-Known Member
seeds and the cougar
View attachment 1939013
View attachment 1939013
Glad to see not all our youth are lost.
lmao I don't think I could ever do it to my buds... but when he said 'just shake it a little bit' I about lost my drink lolso i got bored and saw this video. i really wanna smoke a doobie with ths guy. u see how bangin his garden is outside? he is like the plant jesus or something. lol. he also had what i thought was a pic of himself on his tshirt. lmao.
[video=youtube;S7jE7qzfgQs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jE7qzfgQs&feature=results_main&playnext= 1&list=PLBD586A7A0FC8B8DB[/video]