Mercury X valley ogs 1000hps veg & flower in coco

for sure. just hit a cripple up. lol. hell yeah im gonna smash some pineapple express, the barneys blue cheese i got a sasha and a few others im thinking. maybe one of the g13 blueberry gums. all will have 2 month veg and they will all be done under the 1000s. muahahahahaha gonna stick to these strains for a few runs. just keep growing them out and cloning them. heard the PE is hard to clone but we shall see with my ballin skills. lol. :) i just gotta grow them out to find out which ones would be best to fill up the 6 sq ft vertical screen i have. :)
for sure. just hit a cripple up. lol. hell yeah im gonna smash some pineapple express, the barneys blue cheese i got a sasha and a few others im thinking. maybe one of the g13 blueberry gums. all will have 2 month veg and they will all be done under the 1000s. muahahahahaha gonna stick to these strains for a few runs. just keep growing them out and cloning them. heard the PE is hard to clone but we shall see with my ballin skills. lol. :) i just gotta grow them out to find out which ones would be best to fill up the 6 sq ft vertical screen i have. :)
Damn you suck at math, lol.

18 sq ft you got there buddy ;)
Hell yeah bro! Love the purple pistils or pink?

We wont ever know if wheels gets one like that cause he never posts any pics of his plants. For all I know, he doesnt have any plants. Get some effin pics up wheels!!!!


Ahhh-Haaaa He called you out Wheels. :spew:
I wish i could just come over.

Looks like Im just gonna quit for a while..

Cant afford to buy herb, hell cant even afford to keep a roof over my house.
what nigga? yo roof is missing? well when those autos are done u can swipe a female and one of the others that will be done. trimming is all u tho. besides u be rollin by tomorrow for a fat smoke sess. so i dont see quitting in ur near future. lol.
Nah the roof aint gone yet.

Just stressin cause the wifey's unemployment was canceled 5 months early. Dont know what we are gonna do...
yeah they kinda fucked a lot of people with that one. obama is trying to get reelected so he cut unemployment. cuz the only way to lower unemployment numbers is by by cutting people off that are on it. cuz if there aint no work out there then how are people supposed to get off unemployment. people say u can find a job easy u just have to lower ur standards. yeah right. i couldnt get fuckin hired at walmart as a door greeter becuz im not bilingual. the jobs arent out there. so he makes people homeless to get reelected.
i want my seeds to come in so i can start my army. lol. it wont really be a big army but it will be an army none the less.