Mercury X valley ogs 1000hps veg & flower in coco


Well-Known Member
im rockin ph down, orca and dynagrows rooting solution and i dip the cuttings in xnutes cloning gel. :) pretty simple. the roots are crazy as fuck today. tomorrow they are going in cups.

Yaya love transplanting hehehehehe I gotta transplant more tomrrow too, when I get more soil and take some clones ;)


Well-Known Member
the clones are all ready except the sour. those clones r gonna take a few extra days. hopefully ill post some pics later. my pops forgot his camera so im gonna jack it for about 30 minutes to try to snap some pics. :)


Well-Known Member
You need to get moving and take some damn pics already!!!! Come over and help me trim
lmao i would but u live up stairs. lmao. i hate it. man stairs make me miss walking. lol. but life rolls on and i had a very lovely and awesome girl spend the night last night. :) so aint nothing bringing my mood down. im all smiles all day.


Well-Known Member
stole my dads camera to snap a few pics. :) now i have to buy a new camera. liking the macro pics. lmao.

DSCF3242.jpgcougar top macro.jpgcougar top macro Trichome.jpg

the skywalker burned the shit out of her tho. 15ml micro 20ml bloom and 15ml amino. gotta drop it back to the 15ml bloom after i flush her. cleaned up the foliage a bit on her bottom side.
DSCF3255.jpgDSCF3256.jpgskywalker top..jpgskywalker top macro.jpg

the plp monsterpiller. lol.
DSCF3258.jpgplp monster top..jpgplp monster top 2.jpgDSCF3263.jpg

the super afgani random. actually kinda impressive for being 12/12 from seed. think im gonna re-veg it after. would have cloned it but ran out of room in the cloner.


Well-Known Member
i know right. lmao. i had my face in vagina last night so she will have to wait till tonight. haha. she smells good already. bc says the plp is about a 7-8 week strain. is this true? lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont know but I honestly started to cry when I saw that Pistil Vagina. Bro I want that when its done, please!!!! We are learning as we grow the PLPs no one has finished them yet.


Well-Known Member
sweet. yeah brotha ill hook u up. its at week three now i think. honestly forgot when i put them in. gotta look back at the posts. the other branch is doing the same thing. two of the branches have 4 branches or whatever the hell they r per node.


Well-Known Member
yeah buddy. lol. she is amazing dude. just bud coming out of every orifice. lol. she is short too. probably only 2 feet tall but she is gonna be a bangin yield i think. plus i got three clones of her in the veg tent cuz i wanna keep this crazy ass pheno around with its explosive growth and shit. lmao. oh and i got more seeds thanks to bkb. :)