Mephedrone or methylone


Well-Known Member
Just got a sample of meph. I can't give it to my bonzais for a couple days due to my work schedule. I've experienced methylone a bunch. For those of you who have tried both which do you prefer? I like to get a little psyched up before trying something new ;-)

Also I heard a combined feeding of the two is pretty sweet. Anyone try that?
whats up creepy nice to see u around.ive still yet to try the meph.but the mdai and bkmdma at a 100mg to 250 ratio is pretty fucking good takes the 1-2 hr fun and extends it by a couple hours.with more of a rolling feel instead of a huge rush.better then a 350 mg meth. dose.


Well-Known Member
from my experiencses:

meph was real tranquil and soothing... but about methylone...

first few times it was real strung out feeling afterwords with a huge depression the next day. but the euphoria far over takes meph

after your body seems to get used to it methylone is no longer that tight achy feeling but more like meph and you actually can sleep on it! w.o that depression the next day. (keep a look out for my next thread im about to make) there are certain circumstances.

together.... worth every penny


i was wondering where you got your mephedrone from. I have been trying to find this but since it has been illegal in the uk i havent been able to find it?
i was wondering where you got your mephedrone from. I have been trying to find this but since it has been illegal in the uk i havent been able to find it?
from google! but seriously quit spamming the threads and put your work in boy! im sure if you look thru a few threads you can see nobody will ever tell you.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
For those of you who have tried both which do you prefer?
Apples to Oranges in my personal opinion. It really depends on what you are looking to get out of the experience. Methylone is great for conversation, Mephedrone is great for a party.


Well-Known Member
Apples to Oranges in my personal opinion. It really depends on what you are looking to get out of the experience. Methylone is great for conversation, Mephedrone is great for a party.

really? mephedrone had a weird effect on me. it was quite tranquil. i just laid in bed watched tv and enjoyed the body high and euphoria.

now a methylone/mephedrone mix... now thats a good for a party.


Well-Known Member
methylone definetly mephedrone is shit!imo either that ori just kicked the shit out of it.

i think methylone has a sweet spot dosage wise. too little and its just stimulation nothing exciting or overwhelming. too much and its stimulation hell. teeth grinding all night, body all tense, cant sleep... but once you get that sweet spot and redose at just the right time... its pretty sweet.
Mephedrone is a bit more risky, methylone feels great but the comedown with me is terrible, just a depressive feeling the mdma comedown doesn't even come near. Mephedrone gives you the tendency to re-dose a lot, that's where it could get risky (there has been some reports of extreme vasoconstriction)