Mental 1st grow


Well-Known Member
I had put the one i was going to in flower in flower 2 days ago and then when it was time for lights on i look in there and then i see the lights had fallen on the plant. The night before when the lights were on i didnt put enough hot glue on the lights and well they fell and was on and basically cooked the middle of the plant. I cut off the bad burnt part and im trying to see if the bottom half will grow up and see if it will live on. ill post pictures tomorrow.
Get some safety/zip ties, they work REAL good lol. If you're talking about the lights in your PC cab, get a drill, drill 2 holes into the top or wherever the lights are, and secure with safety/zip ties.

Hope your plant makes it out okay, it should (Depending on damage), just leave it alone and it should be alright.


Well-Known Member
oh it was a bad amount of damage the whole middle of the stem was real real light brown and was hanging by a thread and all the new branches that was growing from the node below where i made the cut was all time and burnt and hanging by needles. i mean omg it looked like it was a person and then like a tree house falls on the person.


Well-Known Member

All 5 are doing well they all are on 12/12 lighting. i got pictures of the plant that got burned but i don't have any right now of it of whats left oh if, but to lazy to do right now.



Well-Known Member
Looks sweet MC.
Pic 6 shows those 7 fingered leaves all the way up and that's a great sign they have enough light. The new 20w will be even better. The young guns all look healthy too.


Well-Known Member
But yea v12 lol i have no more plants that are older then 11 days now lol that 7 finger one was male and the one i took the cut from died due to the lighting in my pc case fell on it because of the weight from the other bulb and because i put a bigger power strip in there well a longer one. Here is what i got left. Imma upload the picture of what the plant that had the light fall on it when i get back in from wake n bake and the picture is showing what it looks like now after i cut the rest off.



Well-Known Member
Careful now MC. I get confused easy these days :)
New plants look like big eaters.
Pics 6 & 7 look like the round leaves are pretty yellow already. 3rd pic looks like it may have started feeding on the first true leaves. A mild dose of nutes might be a good call.


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry about that lol was high doing update. Thats good right that the round leaves are turning yellow? Yea imma give them so nutes when they wake up. How much water am i supposed to exactly give them when they are this small?


Well-Known Member
Your plant's should make it out fine, just let the way damaged one relax out all that stress.

As far as watering, very light watering for the seedlings, I usually use a spray bottle to spray the soil (Not the plant) when they're that age.


Well-Known Member
After 1-2 weeks of seedling, I transplant them to put them into veg, at that time I start watering more.


Well-Known Member
I might beable to do a update tommorrow using the desktop since I'm home alone wheb I'm off during the week.


Well-Known Member
Week 2 Day 4
18 day's old:

They all have gone some but 1 i believe i either over watered or under watered it but it doesn't look happy at all. All of it's branches and leaves are drooping bad. I am not quite done with the grow box but it is very close to being done i might upload some picture's later today or sometime this week or next update.



Well-Known Member
Some really promising plants there but number 2 looks like she's taken 1 for the team.
I think you are watering too much MC. The stems are really thin and that's what is used to get all the goodies from the roots up to the plant. It needs to be fatter.
There's nowhere near enough perlite in that soil. It should be 30% or even more. Try to put some sphagnum moss in there too. They will love you for it.


Well-Known Member
Week 2 Day 4
18 day's old:

They all have gone some but 1 i believe i either over watered or under watered it but it doesn't look happy at all. All of it's branches and leaves are drooping bad. I am not quite done with the grow box but it is very close to being done i might upload some picture's later today or sometime this week or next update.
The droopy plant looks like underwatering to me. Overwatering you look for tips of leaves curling down and the leaves being heavy looking. Underwatering you look for limp leaves, and well wilting.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Kind of agree with what you say Doobius but I think it's down to soil.
The roots are mostly oxygen breathers like you and me and they live in the area between the dirt. This gets flooded when you water and that's when the roots feed, but if it doesn't dry out fairly quickly then the plant drowns. That is why the soil needs to be free draining.
If a plant is drowning then it's due to overwatering.


Well-Known Member
How do i get the perlite up in the soil? Do you think i can find sphagnum moss in walmart and please please say you can lol because if not i hope you can at lowes.